Complaint about the LIHL-admins
Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 7:32 pm
The situation is as follows.
In legion there is a drawing function. There are two camps on how it should be used:
1. If someones discs everyone should draw
2. Drawing is not a good solution if someone disconnects.
I belong to the 2nd group. However, there is a (small) group who thinks it is right that everyone should draw if someone disconnects. The bad thing, however, is that this group has a great influence in the LIHL-scene, since 2 of them (iightfyre and BeepBoopBeep) are admins/moderators (i'm not sure) there.
They are in favour because they feel it is unfair for the remaining players of the team to have to play 3v4. But in fact this is not unfair, since all players will have to deal with it, and over a period of time everybody will have had about the same amount of disconnecters in their team.
Moreover, drawing is very susceptible for abusing, in other words, it is not strategy-proof (so what I mean with strategy-proofness is that you cannot illegitimately abuse it for your own gain). I think it is easy to see that it is very advantageous to pull the plug when you are losing, when they draw afterwards and you don't get a loss.
The admins solution to this is to make the disconnecter lose 15 elo. However, this is also not strategy proof. Suppose the friends A and B are 2 games in the same team and losing, if A fakes a disc in game 1, and B in game 2, they will both have saved eachother 1 loss and (about) 15 elo. I am not claiming this is happening, but it is perfectly feasible to do this in the current (and by the LIHL admin proposed) system. Also, you can steal the enemy's ELO by the strategy proposed by the LIHL-admins. For example, imagine A has a 20 ELO lead on B, and they are both in different teams. If A is losing and he pulls the plug he will only lose 15 ELO, but B will lose his chance on gaining 15 ELO, so he won't overtake A. This can also happen if you play vs people you don't like. If you do not want the enemy to gain ELO because you dislike them, you can pull the plug just before you lose to make sure they don't win ELO. This is even more problematic because, as you can imagine, it is very, very hard to prove intentional plugging.
As you can see, both the current and the proposed system are not strategy-proof.
My solution is to not draw anymore. As I said, not drawing is not unfair and it is strategy-proof, since intentionally plugging is in no circumstance beneficial for you. There is absolutely no reason to not accept this point of view, yet the admins do not want to.
I want to stress again that there is only a small group who thinks drawing is the best thing to do, but the bad thing is that they are in admin positions.
This all can be settled as just a poor judgment of the LIHL admin department, but there is something else going on.
This entire discussion on intentional plugging is because one of the admins themselves, namely BeepBoopBeep, is the main suspect of intentional plugging. As is stated often already in the topics devoted to this, it is almost impossible to prove this. Therefore, I hoped BeepBoopBeep and the other admins would embrace my solution so that this hint of cheating is removed. I think this is the only sensible and right thing to do for an admin and rank 1 player. However, both BeepBoopBeep and his best friend iightfyre refuse to take the 'no draw'-option in consideration. With this they deliberately and unnecessarily let this hint of fraud exist. In fact, this hint becomes even bigger: why would they hang on to an abomination of a rule that clearly benefits cheaters if they want cheaters to be ruled out of the game?
I will leave this last part at this question. I am not sure that they do intentionally plug. BUT - the only way we can be sure is not by proving it, because it is nearly impossible to prove it, but by removing the property of susceptibility to fraud. This is by removing the draw option.
My complaint and question to an unbiased admin is therefore two-fold:
1a. Can you confirm that the strategy proof tactic of not drawing is better than drawing?
1b. Can you confirm that the LIHL-admins are deliberately letting this hint of fraud exist on their part and what conclusions do you draw from this?
Perhaps you need to read the entire discussion to make your mind up on this: they are in the following threads:
In legion there is a drawing function. There are two camps on how it should be used:
1. If someones discs everyone should draw
2. Drawing is not a good solution if someone disconnects.
I belong to the 2nd group. However, there is a (small) group who thinks it is right that everyone should draw if someone disconnects. The bad thing, however, is that this group has a great influence in the LIHL-scene, since 2 of them (iightfyre and BeepBoopBeep) are admins/moderators (i'm not sure) there.
They are in favour because they feel it is unfair for the remaining players of the team to have to play 3v4. But in fact this is not unfair, since all players will have to deal with it, and over a period of time everybody will have had about the same amount of disconnecters in their team.
Moreover, drawing is very susceptible for abusing, in other words, it is not strategy-proof (so what I mean with strategy-proofness is that you cannot illegitimately abuse it for your own gain). I think it is easy to see that it is very advantageous to pull the plug when you are losing, when they draw afterwards and you don't get a loss.
The admins solution to this is to make the disconnecter lose 15 elo. However, this is also not strategy proof. Suppose the friends A and B are 2 games in the same team and losing, if A fakes a disc in game 1, and B in game 2, they will both have saved eachother 1 loss and (about) 15 elo. I am not claiming this is happening, but it is perfectly feasible to do this in the current (and by the LIHL admin proposed) system. Also, you can steal the enemy's ELO by the strategy proposed by the LIHL-admins. For example, imagine A has a 20 ELO lead on B, and they are both in different teams. If A is losing and he pulls the plug he will only lose 15 ELO, but B will lose his chance on gaining 15 ELO, so he won't overtake A. This can also happen if you play vs people you don't like. If you do not want the enemy to gain ELO because you dislike them, you can pull the plug just before you lose to make sure they don't win ELO. This is even more problematic because, as you can imagine, it is very, very hard to prove intentional plugging.
As you can see, both the current and the proposed system are not strategy-proof.
My solution is to not draw anymore. As I said, not drawing is not unfair and it is strategy-proof, since intentionally plugging is in no circumstance beneficial for you. There is absolutely no reason to not accept this point of view, yet the admins do not want to.
I want to stress again that there is only a small group who thinks drawing is the best thing to do, but the bad thing is that they are in admin positions.
This all can be settled as just a poor judgment of the LIHL admin department, but there is something else going on.
This entire discussion on intentional plugging is because one of the admins themselves, namely BeepBoopBeep, is the main suspect of intentional plugging. As is stated often already in the topics devoted to this, it is almost impossible to prove this. Therefore, I hoped BeepBoopBeep and the other admins would embrace my solution so that this hint of cheating is removed. I think this is the only sensible and right thing to do for an admin and rank 1 player. However, both BeepBoopBeep and his best friend iightfyre refuse to take the 'no draw'-option in consideration. With this they deliberately and unnecessarily let this hint of fraud exist. In fact, this hint becomes even bigger: why would they hang on to an abomination of a rule that clearly benefits cheaters if they want cheaters to be ruled out of the game?
I will leave this last part at this question. I am not sure that they do intentionally plug. BUT - the only way we can be sure is not by proving it, because it is nearly impossible to prove it, but by removing the property of susceptibility to fraud. This is by removing the draw option.
My complaint and question to an unbiased admin is therefore two-fold:
1a. Can you confirm that the strategy proof tactic of not drawing is better than drawing?
1b. Can you confirm that the LIHL-admins are deliberately letting this hint of fraud exist on their part and what conclusions do you draw from this?
Perhaps you need to read the entire discussion to make your mind up on this: they are in the following threads: