Name: Marcel
Nickname: -
Age: 23
Bnet Username: PureDeath
Bnet Server: Northend (Europe)
Bnet Experience (in years): 7 years and more
Game moderator position (see below for choices): Moderating DotA games , and Ban section.
Brief introduction: My name is Marcel ,23 years old and live in Germany.
What are your current hours of playing time (approximate)? I am a student and go to the university. I have a lots of time so my playing time is 5-7 hours per day. Sometimes i have to learn...therefore sometimes more, sometimes less.
What is your current time zone? UTC +1 hour
Describe any relevant experience, both in moderating and in Warcraft III: I was an guildleader of one of the most honored WoW-Guilds(Cata) in Germany... so i know how i have appreciate players and their actions. 2.) iam a very active dota player and looking a lots of replays.and i have exp for dota 2 so i can help u with dota 2 if it will be released.
Why should we accept you? I think in the last time ,there a lots of feeders and hackers in the game of ENT and not enough gms ingame to handle this. The second thing is that iam ready to learn for being a good gm on dota games.
Why do you want to become a game moderator? i want to help to find hackers, feeders and leavers and all the other stuff because i know how angry i am if anyone leave/feed or hacks.
What will you bring to the ENT/Warcraft III community? Friendsliness,Experience,TIME for viewing replays or other thing, new members(friends) and 2 trained eyes for exposing hackers.
Thanks for reading this , sorry for some grammar fails....think about the fact iam a german!
Thank you for applying.
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