Halp - Yesterday at 4:27 PM
what mean insallation folder/
Unitil - Yesterday at 4:28 PM
C:\Program Files (x86)\Warcraft III
Halp - Yesterday at 4:28 PM
the wc folder
Unitil - Yesterday at 4:28 PM
Halp - Yesterday at 4:28 PM
okay hold on
i moved to wc3 folder
and i set my thing to useast
i have wc3 open
before i go to bnet
do i need to restart?
Unitil - Yesterday at 4:30 PM
Well if you put those files into your installation folder while it was still open you will need to restart your client
Halp - Yesterday at 4:30 PM
thing is
my game is kinda still glitched
so verytime i run wc3
i have to restart and install the update
Unitil - Yesterday at 4:31 PM
Have you attempted a reinstall with the most recent WC3 installer from the battle.net website?
installs the most recent patch straight off the bat
Halp - Yesterday at 4:32 PM
how do i do that
Unitil - Yesterday at 4:33 PM
Do you only have a physical copy of the game (CD with keys) or did you download your game off their site before?
Halp - Yesterday at 4:33 PM
i dont have the cd with me
i have a cd key tho
Unitil - Yesterday at 4:33 PM
That's fine, what i'm going to get you to do is to create an account on this site.
http://us.battle.net/en/After we'll get you to redeem your CD-keys so they are available online, and it will provide you with the latest installer.
Halp - Yesterday at 4:34 PM
i logged in
now what
Unitil - Yesterday at 4:34 PM
Go to manage my games and on the right there is a button for "Add a Game Key"
Type in your CD-key there
Halp - Yesterday at 4:34 PM
then what
Unitil - Yesterday at 4:35 PM
go to this page
https://us.battle.net/account/management/download/and scroll down to RoC and TFT
you only need to download one of them
since the client got consolidated into one application
Halp - Yesterday at 4:38 PM
It gave me a repair option
so im asuming my shit was fucked up
Unitil - Yesterday at 4:39 PM
Well it most likely gave you a repair option due to it already being installed, however, yo ucan definetly use it to see if it solves your problem.
Halp - Yesterday at 4:39 PM
i says its invaild
when i go to gproxy
Unitil - Yesterday at 4:40 PM
ah the repair most likely deleted your files for gproxy
just do what you did before
Halp - Yesterday at 4:40 PM
its stil there
Unitil - Yesterday at 4:41 PM
can you take a screen shot (ctrl+alt+prtscn : Active window only) and paste it here of your GProxy.cfg?
Halp - Yesterday at 4:41 PM
Unitil - Yesterday at 4:41 PM
um.... that gproxy should be a .cfg file not an adobe acrobat file
Halp - Yesterday at 4:42 PM
i know
i open with notepad
Unitil - Yesterday at 4:42 PM
ah ok
Halp - Yesterday at 4:42 PM
Unitil - Yesterday at 4:43 PM
hm... try out these files then... already configured the .cfg file for USEast. Just replace what you have.
60 bytes
221.50 KB
Halp - Yesterday at 4:45 PM
so it always open gproxy in adobe
idk why
Unitil - Yesterday at 4:45 PM
it's just the default application settings on your computer
Halp - Yesterday at 4:46 PM
how i change?
Unitil - Yesterday at 4:46 PM
you on windows 10 or 7?
Halp - Yesterday at 4:46 PM
still didnt work
when i downloaded urs
Unitil - Yesterday at 4:46 PM
I assume you've also already closed WC3 and reopened?
Halp - Yesterday at 4:47 PM
just did it
hold it
i made it to open with notebook only
still dont work
twice now
Unitil - Yesterday at 4:48 PM
when you select the servers normally (Just select USEast directly), do you still need to download the patch
Halp - Yesterday at 4:48 PM
thats done
no more redownloding patch
just need to get proxy going
Unitil - Yesterday at 4:50 PM
Hm.... i've actually never run into issues where this was a problem.
Halp - Yesterday at 4:50 PM
join the cluberino
Unitil - Yesterday at 4:51 PM
I'll stick to my club where it's currently functional....
here try this then
Halp - Yesterday at 4:51 PM
Unitil - Yesterday at 4:51 PM
hit windowsbutton-r
type in
ipconfig /flushdns
after try using GProxy
or rather connecting to battle.net with GProxy
Halp - Yesterday at 4:51 PM
says cant find
hold windows buttno and then clck r
or click windows
then click r
Unitil - Yesterday at 4:52 PM
press together
Halp - Yesterday at 4:52 PM
okay yea i did that
Unitil - Yesterday at 4:52 PM
should bring up the "run" function
Halp - Yesterday at 4:52 PM
yea it didnt work
Unitil - Yesterday at 4:52 PM
ok, hit windows button
then type cmd
Halp - Yesterday at 4:53 PM
i typed id ipconfig/flushdns
and it not work
or am i supposed to only type in 1
Unitil - Yesterday at 4:53 PM
there is a space inbetween
Halp - Yesterday at 4:53 PM
/ spave flushdns
Unitil - Yesterday at 4:53 PM
i'll put an _ where the space is
Halp - Yesterday at 4:53 PM
Unitil - Yesterday at 4:53 PM
Halp - Yesterday at 4:53 PM
it worked
how long it take?
Unitil - Yesterday at 4:54 PM
Halp - Yesterday at 4:54 PM
now what
Unitil - Yesterday at 4:54 PM
basically just clears out a cache of host IP address and makes it connect to the server as if it were the first time
Halp - Yesterday at 4:54 PM
okay i try to conn
still unable to connect
Unitil - Yesterday at 4:56 PM
Try switching the server in the .cfg file to see if that changes anything
Halp - Yesterday at 4:57 PM
not working
switched to euro usw and use
Unitil - Yesterday at 4:57 PM
Halp - Yesterday at 4:58 PM
it used to work
but after this patch
it hasnt worked
Unitil - Yesterday at 5:01 PM
Well, the only thing i can really recommend at this point is reinstall Warcraft 3 completely (make a backup of your User\Documents\Warcraft III folder though) with that installer you just got.
There's nothing on the Wiki regarding additional fixes for what you're experiencing, and I haven't really run into alot of issues with GProxy DLL(edited)
Halp - Yesterday at 5:02 PM
so uninstall and reinstall from website?
Unitil - Yesterday at 5:02 PM
Halp - Yesterday at 5:02 PM
Unitil - Yesterday at 5:07 PM
going to grab some food i'll be back in 20 min prob
Halp - Yesterday at 5:07 PM
20 mins is upo
Unitil - Yesterday at 5:33 PM
eh 6 minutes behind
how did that go wit hthe reinstall?
Halp - Yesterday at 6:07 PM
still oesnt work
Unitil - Yesterday at 6:07 PM
hm... thats annoying
try disabling all firewalls?
Halp - Yesterday at 6:07 PM
i actually just did that
and didnt check after
so it actuall doesnt show up when i click on magnify glass
Unitil - Yesterday at 6:53 PM
Did you check your install that the files are in the folder still?
Halp - Yesterday at 6:53 PM
they are
Unitil - Yesterday at 6:54 PM
Did you try restarting your WCIII client?
Halp - Yesterday at 6:54 PM
many times
Unitil - Yesterday at 6:55 PM
Try launching the game with the "Warcraft 3.exe" in your installation folder, not any sort of shortcut. In addition to that, you can try launching it as administrator (right click)
Halp - Yesterday at 6:56 PM
but that shouldnt make a diference as to why it isnt showing up no?
Unitil - Yesterday at 6:57 PM
I'm not absolutely certain why it's not showing up. Honestly it should have added it once you launched your game.
We can always try manually adding it through regedit
Let me know when those other methods failed
Halp - Yesterday at 6:58 PM
didnt work
i know
Unitil - Yesterday at 6:58 PM
ok, hit windowsbutton
and type regedit
Halp - Yesterday at 6:58 PM
Unitil - Yesterday at 6:58 PM
Warcraft III
click on the last one
Halp - Yesterday at 6:58 PM
blizzard isnt there
Unitil - Yesterday at 6:59 PM
Blizzard Entertainment
Halp - Yesterday at 6:59 PM
Unitil - Yesterday at 6:59 PM
You should see something called "Battle.net Gateways" when you click on Warcraft III
Halp - Yesterday at 6:59 PM
Unitil - Yesterday at 6:59 PM
Double click it and paste the following in
Lordaeron (U.S. West)
Azeroth (U.S. East)
Kalimdor (Asia)
Northrend (Europe)
ofc delete everything else
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:00 PM
delete = replace
Halp - Yesterday at 7:00 PM
can not contain empty strings
registry will remove all empty strings found
so its showing up as that
when i reopen it
it needed a space(edited)
under gproxy
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:01 PM
guess it didn't copy that regardless
Halp - Yesterday at 7:01 PM
now what
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:01 PM
relaunch WC3
see if it's listed now
Halp - Yesterday at 7:02 PM
it opened up with gproxy selected
same error message
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:02 PM
Halp - Yesterday at 7:02 PM
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:02 PM
So annoying lol
Halp - Yesterday at 7:02 PM
tell me about it
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:03 PM
Well.... we can always get GProxy Varlock to work... same thing, but instead you connect to games via your LAN menu, and the GProxy has its own UI
Halp - Yesterday at 7:03 PM
i hate lan
cus i gotta wait for it to refresh
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:04 PM
that's true, however, you honestly just need to copy the game name and type in the command to search for it.
Halp - Yesterday at 7:04 PM
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:04 PM
Not sure why your ocmputer is rejecting GProxy DLL so hard
Halp - Yesterday at 7:04 PM
it worked before
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:04 PM
yah that's the annoying thing
it should work since the setup is so simple
Well, you can try closing all apps beside WC3 and discord.
incase anything is interferring with GProxy
but doubt it
Halp - Yesterday at 7:06 PM
im editing my firewall stuff
how do i allow gproxy?
u cant load games through lan
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:08 PM
well you can, except you need GProxy Varlock setup properly. It's different than GProxy DLL
Halp - Yesterday at 7:08 PM
how long that take
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:08 PM
not long i've setup pretty easily before.
then again, hopefully your computer doesn't shit on GProxy Varlock like it did DLL
Halp - Yesterday at 7:09 PM
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:09 PM
http://wiki.entgaming.net/index.php?tit ... oxyVarlock
Download that for now
Halp - Yesterday at 7:09 PM
open with zip extractor?
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:10 PM
extract it anywhere
You'll launch gproxy straight off the bat and it'll ask you a few questions. Mainly to get your .cfg auto populated
Halp - Yesterday at 7:11 PM
it says too many uploads
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:11 PM
for the download?
241.78 KB
Halp - Yesterday at 7:11 PM
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:11 PM
that's the dl there
Halp - Yesterday at 7:11 PM
did it
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:12 PM
ok make a folder, and name it whatever you want. Extract the contents to that folder
Halp - Yesterday at 7:12 PM
how do i extract?
coming up in notebook
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:12 PM
do you have winrar?
Halp - Yesterday at 7:13 PM
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:13 PM
use that
right click and view contents
or stick it in the new folder and click extract here
Halp - Yesterday at 7:14 PM
did it
got 5 things
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:14 PM
ok now launch the gproxy.exe
Halp - Yesterday at 7:14 PM
command prompt showed up
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:14 PM
it will say "Install Path"
if you didn't change that on install just hit any button
Halp - Yesterday at 7:15 PM
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:15 PM
after enter your cd keys
if you go to battle.net and go to your games list, when you click on the game its an easy copy paste
Halp - Yesterday at 7:15 PM
roc or tft?
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:15 PM
it will be RoC first
then it'll ask for TFT
Halp - Yesterday at 7:15 PM
i select server
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:16 PM
yep, 2 is for US East
Halp - Yesterday at 7:17 PM
yea im done
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:17 PM
sounds good. once you've enterested all the information close gproxy.exe
Halp - Yesterday at 7:17 PM
says logon failed
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:17 PM
in the folder you hsould now have gproxy.cfg
yah just close it for now, only a few more steps
Halp - Yesterday at 7:17 PM
disconnected from bnet
i do
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:18 PM
Ok, open gproxy.cfg
Halp - Yesterday at 7:18 PM
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:18 PM
this will be the file that got created with your info.
war3version = 24
to 28
Halp - Yesterday at 7:18 PM
do i have to change that everytime i change accouts
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:18 PM
you can copy paste this after its all setup and make one for every account
basically just need to change login info
Halp - Yesterday at 7:18 PM
oh how do i do that?
lets finish this
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:19 PM
we'll get there, but for now we'll get it working properly
Halp - Yesterday at 7:19 PM
then do that
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:19 PM
so change your war3version to 28 instead of 24
after go to your Warcraft 3 installation folder
Halp - Yesterday at 7:19 PM
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:19 PM
Change your Warcraft 3.exe to War3.exe
Halp - Yesterday at 7:19 PM
where is that
i dont see that
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:20 PM
I guess yours is already called war3... interesting
Halp - Yesterday at 7:20 PM
is that why dll not work?
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:21 PM
nah DLL should have worked regardless
Halp - Yesterday at 7:21 PM
so should i put .exe after?
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:21 PM
nah its fine the way it is
try launching gproxy.exe now and see if it logs on
Halp - Yesterday at 7:21 PM
says welcome
press any key to continue
in cp
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:22 PM
yep click any button
Halp - Yesterday at 7:22 PM
login failed
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:22 PM
can you paste your window here
want to see error message
Halp - Yesterday at 7:22 PM
how i chck cd keys
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:23 PM
your cd keys should be fine, the cd keys though would be in you .cfg file
Halp - Yesterday at 7:24 PM
they are right
everything is correct
port 6125
war3path dc4
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:26 PM
Try throwing this into your installation folder
548.98 KB
Halp - Yesterday at 7:26 PM
its a google chrome thing
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:27 PM
Halp - Yesterday at 7:27 PM
now what
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:27 PM
try gproxy.exe after you've placed that into your installatio n folder
Halp - Yesterday at 7:28 PM
same thing
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:29 PM
delete your cdkey and password before taking a shot of your config file, and show me your gproxy.cfig file.
Halp - Yesterday at 7:29 PM
idgaf if u see it
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:29 PM
Halp - Yesterday at 7:29 PM
i know where to go to
if something happens
removed my pw
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:30 PM
your WC3 is installed in that directory for DC4?
Halp - Yesterday at 7:30 PM
idk what dc4 is
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:30 PM
ah, go to your instllation folder, click on the navigation bar at the top and copy the text there
Halp - Yesterday at 7:31 PM
C:\Program Files (x86)\Warcraft III\Gproxy
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:31 PM
ok now paste that (minus Gproxy) into the war3path, and delete the DC4
Halp - Yesterday at 7:32 PM
game version is too old?
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:32 PM
what version is your warcraft III right now?
Halp - Yesterday at 7:32 PM
how am i suposed to know
from ages ago
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:33 PM
bottom right when you launch warcraft III
should be current
Halp - Yesterday at 7:33 PM
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:33 PM
Try launching the War3.exe in the instllation folder, and see what version it says there. Currently from one of the screenshots you took some files were old.
Halp - Yesterday at 7:35 PM
ordinal could not be located
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:35 PM
Halp - Yesterday at 7:35 PM
ordinal 655
its same file version
i can hover over
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:36 PM
Try launching the Warcraft III launcher.... it's meant to fix anything broken or missing in an installationg.
I'm starting to dislike your installation though :stuck_out_tongue:
Halp - Yesterday at 7:36 PM
launched it
andi opened wc3
now what
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:36 PM
Halp - Yesterday at 7:36 PM
try .exe?
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:36 PM
you can
Halp - Yesterday at 7:37 PM
same message
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:37 PM
Do what you did before when you sent me the .cfg file setup just want to double check it. (delete you password before sending)
Halp - Yesterday at 7:37 PM
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:38 PM
well... that looks good
Halp - Yesterday at 7:38 PM
i guess i cant join lihl ^^
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:39 PM
I'm giving you two more files...
Halp - Yesterday at 7:39 PM
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:40 PM
https://we.tl/dyQiCCYR923should be game.dll and storm.dll
put those into your folder
and try gproxy.exe again
Halp - Yesterday at 7:41 PM
cant find it
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:41 PM
rip that site... lets try another
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7edj ... WRfWGFvc1k
Halp - Yesterday at 7:45 PM
in gproxy folder?
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:45 PM
warcraft III installation folder
i have no guarantee this will work
Halp - Yesterday at 7:45 PM
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:45 PM
honestly your computer is trolling at this point XD
Halp - Yesterday at 7:46 PM
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:46 PM
you can always try making a new computer account and try that way, however, no guarantee that will work either... see how this works? :stuck_out_tongue:
grats it works
now... i want you to try GProxy DLL again... just to see
See if we did anything that changed how that worked
Halp - Yesterday at 7:47 PM
i may have gotten rid of dll
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:47 PM
60 bytes
221.50 KB
already setup for USEast
Halp - Yesterday at 7:48 PM
not work
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:48 PM
gproxy.exe it is XD
Halp - Yesterday at 7:48 PM
so what do i do now?
how do i join games?
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:50 PM
ok the commands for it are here, however, the only ones you really need to know are the following
/commands - shows all available commands
/exit - will close GProxy++ Varlock
/game <gamename> - look for a specific game name "gamename"
/start - start Warcraft 3
http://wiki.entgaming.net/index.php?tit ... oxyVarlock
so if you're look for "[ENT] Legion TD Mega 1200+ #18"
you'd type
/game [ENT] Legion TD Mega 1200+ #18
after type
and go to your LAN menu
it should be refreshing while it looks for that game name specifically
don't think it takes too long to connect to said game either
Halp - Yesterday at 7:51 PM
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:52 PM
Try it out now just to make sure it's functioning
I can host a custom
just to play around with sec
Halp - Yesterday at 7:53 PM
im trying to join 19
but i not work
failed to start wc3
but i have it open
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:53 PM
probably why it wont open
Halp - Yesterday at 7:53 PM
keeps saying failde to sart
i just closed wc3
it dont work when its open/closed
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:54 PM
yah, guess thats slightly broken
didn't work for me either
Halp - Yesterday at 7:54 PM
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:54 PM
regardless type /game unitil28
Halp - Yesterday at 7:54 PM
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:54 PM
Should be in LAN menu as I just connected to it
Halp - Yesterday at 7:54 PM
its htherere
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:54 PM
ok click connect
Halp - Yesterday at 7:55 PM
i did
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:57 PM
if you look at your gproxy.exe cmd window
you should have a message "[GPROXY] game started, disconnect protection enabled
Halp - Yesterday at 7:58 PM
Unitil - Yesterday at 7:58 PM
ok try your internet cable
Halp - Yesterday at 8:05 PM
now we se if i can load ltd
Unitil - Yesterday at 8:06 PM
Halp - Yesterday at 8:06 PM
okay it works
awesome ty
Unitil - Yesterday at 8:06 PM
np :smiley: