- Jiminy_Cricket
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Re: HazarDous@USEast.battle.net
Matdas Im sorry did i miss the part where he showed indication he would change the rules and power abuse? From what I saw he gained respect for the moderator position as he saw it very helpful that you guys are here to moderate. Give him a chance to prove hes not prejudice. Pretty ez to discipline if he becomes tyrannical, which I dont sense at all that he will.
- These users thanked the author Jiminy_Cricket for the post:
- HazarDous (Thu Aug 06, 2015 8:17 pm)
Off topic:
Av1oN: Announcing the official ban of jiminy_cricket
Av1oN: From all LoD bots
Av1oN: for 1 year
HazarDous: rofl
Sat: wtf
HazarDous: he would turn crazy
Sat: tats like banning batman from gotham
HazarDous: XD
Av1oN: so who's making the brq
Av1oN: Announcing the official ban of jiminy_cricket
Av1oN: From all LoD bots
Av1oN: for 1 year
HazarDous: rofl
Sat: wtf
HazarDous: he would turn crazy
Sat: tats like banning batman from gotham
HazarDous: XD
Av1oN: so who's making the brq
- Haunt
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Re: HazarDous@USEast.battle.net
Jiminy_Cricket wrote:Pretty ez to discipline if he becomes tyrannical
Which is when the damage has already been done. There is no reason to have someone promoted to a mod position when the evidence points out that he might turn out to be just after ingame powers to abuse to get more ELO.
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- ArOuNDThaWOrLD (Thu Aug 06, 2015 6:01 pm)
- matdas
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Re: HazarDous@USEast.battle.net
It's what I see. You clearly see differently than I. You see the surface of the sea. I look into the depths of the ocean.
It's what I see. You clearly see differently than I. You see the surface of the sea. I look into the depths of the ocean.
- These users thanked the author matdas for the post:
- ArOuNDThaWOrLD (Thu Aug 06, 2015 6:02 pm)
- Jiminy_Cricket
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Re: HazarDous@USEast.battle.net
You mean like the rest of the players abuse creating new accounts to get more elo? IMO everyone should have access to see aliases as long as they have a forum account.
In game powers to get more elo? Specifically what do you mean?
In game powers to get more elo? Specifically what do you mean?
Off topic:
Av1oN: Announcing the official ban of jiminy_cricket
Av1oN: From all LoD bots
Av1oN: for 1 year
HazarDous: rofl
Sat: wtf
HazarDous: he would turn crazy
Sat: tats like banning batman from gotham
HazarDous: XD
Av1oN: so who's making the brq
Av1oN: Announcing the official ban of jiminy_cricket
Av1oN: From all LoD bots
Av1oN: for 1 year
HazarDous: rofl
Sat: wtf
HazarDous: he would turn crazy
Sat: tats like banning batman from gotham
HazarDous: XD
Av1oN: so who's making the brq
- frankshotsauce
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Re: HazarDous@USEast.battle.net
No offense Jiminy, but I think you are missing the point on what mat is saying. Nobody is creating new accounts for ELO, they're creating new accounts to play against better people instead of being dodged on their mains. If you are known to be a great player, you won't find any good games on your main as people won't play versus you. It takes away your enjoyment of the game. I won't stray off-topic here anymore here, but just give you my personal opinion here.
I have no enemies in this spoiled community and I treat everyone as fairly as I would like to be treated. I have been playing NWU for a long time and have seen both the good and bad of the "community". It's a shame to see someone go after a moderator position so quickly after one opened up that has a tarnished reputation within said "community". All of the moderators for ENT can look at his recent activity and say," Wow he's nice and involved, sounds like a good choice!" Instead you should listen to this small community and the one moderator we all respect(mat) and say no to this application.
I have no enemies in this spoiled community and I treat everyone as fairly as I would like to be treated. I have been playing NWU for a long time and have seen both the good and bad of the "community". It's a shame to see someone go after a moderator position so quickly after one opened up that has a tarnished reputation within said "community". All of the moderators for ENT can look at his recent activity and say," Wow he's nice and involved, sounds like a good choice!" Instead you should listen to this small community and the one moderator we all respect(mat) and say no to this application.
- These users thanked the author frankshotsauce for the post:
- ArOuNDThaWOrLD (Thu Aug 06, 2015 6:48 pm)
Re: HazarDous@USEast.battle.net
Back on topic.
Here is what I want to see from Hazard if he becomes a mod.
1. Drop the vendetta on NWU. The in-game powers, and he must agree to this to maintain my +1, must not be used to kick smurfs or alts. They must be used in accordance to our obligations to ENT.
2. Work on ingame behaviors. True, some of us get angsty/flamey. We are human, but we also cannot allow ourselves to react in the same manner (98% of the time) that our users do. You must hold yourself to a higher standard. Attempt to de-escalate.
3. Acknowledge and agree to how in-game moderation rights should be handled as stated in 1.
Otherwise, thus far, based on knowledge and activity, he has my +1. However, if the three things above will not be met, I would have to retract my support.
Here is what I want to see from Hazard if he becomes a mod.
1. Drop the vendetta on NWU. The in-game powers, and he must agree to this to maintain my +1, must not be used to kick smurfs or alts. They must be used in accordance to our obligations to ENT.
2. Work on ingame behaviors. True, some of us get angsty/flamey. We are human, but we also cannot allow ourselves to react in the same manner (98% of the time) that our users do. You must hold yourself to a higher standard. Attempt to de-escalate.
3. Acknowledge and agree to how in-game moderation rights should be handled as stated in 1.
Otherwise, thus far, based on knowledge and activity, he has my +1. However, if the three things above will not be met, I would have to retract my support.
- HazarDous
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Re: HazarDous@USEast.battle.net
matdas wrote:Without reading any posts here this is what i see:
A huge run to get power to do what you want with it because you are tired of people making new accounts in a small community of nwu.
Haunt wrote:I gotta agree with Matdas.
Before your complaint of Masamune, there is no real contributions. You just seem to be after ingame powers to mess with some people how make alts.
I just can't see you as fair and mature mod based on your posts within the last month.
Imo you should wait some time to show you are in fact mature and nice guy who wants to improve ENT games for public and not for yourself.
Honestly, this is exactly the kind of stuff I dislike. When people jump to conclusions when they don't know anything about me.
Masamune has one goal in his life at the moment: make sure I don't become mod (because he hates me). You are all falling for it. The fact that he and Around come here and accuses me of willing the power to abuse it and defend myself is shameful considering every rules Masamune broke himself: !swap abuse/Intensive trashtalk/third party program. (I can back it all up, thats just not the topic here) If you want to know more about it or add anything, just re-open/look this complaint: https://entgaming.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=64222
@matdas To do what I want? Such as what? Abuse like masamune? I'm not like that I do not hold grudges. You're all talking so much about NWU in this application like it's the only thing that matters. I play LTD aswell, more than NWU atm if anything, I have developped amusement in MH BRQ's because I dislike MH'ers, if you really think I'm doing that to abuse power, you're wrong.
You're innacurate on one major point @Haunt , you said:
Haunt wrote:Before your complaint of Masamune
What complaint against Masamune? My point in this complaint was never to get masamune demoted/resigned. I simply demanded some sort of punishment to be taken against Rocky for throwing 2 games in a row. I've mentionned that a couple times, to you included, Haunt.

And even to masamune yesterday when I thought he removed his post on my application:

I also remember telling you that I wouldn't report masamune for third party program because: ''It would make things worst and I don't want that''. You can check CHAT logs if you don't remember.
All that time, the only thing I cared about was to have decent NWU games. Stacked teams are part of the game, intentional throw isn't and I reported it exactly like I should have. Now you think I'm doing all this for my own interest and to punish the ones I don't like... Seriously? Everything I've done so far, I did it by the book and respected the rules as much as I could've.
I can be unbiased, and I can let things go, I do NOT hold grudges.
https://entgaming.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=64296 BRQ against Rocky (the guy I ''dislike so much that I want mod to abuse him''). Completly unbiased regarding the reviewal of his suspicious plays, even decided not to make a final claim on that because I could be biased. If you rly want to know, I would have !denied this request if I could have, for lack of proofs.
I do NOT hold grudges
Aroundtheworld, Masamune's friend applied to be a mod no later then next week. Here were my words for him (remember, I hold grudges).

I do NOT hold grudges
I remember saying word for word: ''tbh all I wanted in the complaint was to get rocky banned, idc about masamune, if anything, I believe he looks like a professional moderator''. Search that up in the chat logs or ask larz, I was talking to him.
I do NOT hold grudges
Everything I've done so far, I did it by the book. Yet you guys seem to hold everything masamune says as the truth. To be honest, I really hope you guys won't fall for it, that has absolutely nothing to do with this application. I believe I have proved more than enough that I don't hold any hatred towards people.
I appreciate your constructive comment,
1. I totally agree with you, that's not how I am, I can assure you. And I wish I will be able to prove it to you.
2. When I have to deal with people I don't appreciate, I rather use the !ignore then flame back, despite rarely falling into this ''flamey'' behavior.
3. Yes
Re: HazarDous@USEast.battle.net
Jiminy_Cricket wrote:You mean like the rest of the players abuse creating new accounts to get more elo? IMO everyone should have access to see aliases as long as they have a forum account.
I disagree because then that ruins the concept of winning/losing against players who wish to troll/have fun in-game. Since NWU is a small community, people will dodge against these (in)/famous other players and games will never start because most of them are well known. That's why people alt + stack; to play against players who dodge. Players like us want to have fun but that fun is eliminated when people cry about ELO. Like Around said, ELO isn't really a big deal for NWU except for those who make it out to be - it's really something extra. HazarD's just afraid of people taking his ELO away hence why Masa copy/pasted this chat from this game:
(01:08 / Allied) HazarD: people are sniping to atk my elo ATM
(01:11 / Allied) Colgrim: hey ?
(01:11 / Allied) HazarD: since there were alts last game
(01:11 / Allied) NescioYaay: no one?
(01:11 / Allied) HazarD: I'm guessing it was them
http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 232246.w3g
@Jiminy_Cricket Here's what you don't understand. Power clearly corrupts even when you don't have the power to enact it. The simple thought of power can send you on a spree. Isn't it strange how Masa never had a complaint until now based on Masa's "so-called abuse" on HazarD but no one else? Don't you find it suspicious that he made his app a week after he made a complaint? Like I said, the drama of the NWU community extends far further from this and you don't know what our community is like. People who know HazarD (aka Clan Sage, TFG, uNw, PH) know what type of person he is. He's obviously doing this for power, not to make ENT a better community.
- Haunt
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Re: HazarDous@USEast.battle.net
@HazarDous You must admit that you getting insanely active and applying for mod one week after that drama with Masamune does make it look like you are only after mod powers to get even with him.
I'm not saying I can never see you as mod (which I've said about some other people), but I do worry that you are applying for wrong reasons. Which is why I think you should wait a little and keep your activity up. If you had applied in September (and been active in chat in ban related forums all along), I had most likely given you my support because we would have more time to evaluate your behavior and motivation.
I'm not saying I can never see you as mod (which I've said about some other people), but I do worry that you are applying for wrong reasons. Which is why I think you should wait a little and keep your activity up. If you had applied in September (and been active in chat in ban related forums all along), I had most likely given you my support because we would have more time to evaluate your behavior and motivation.
- Armored Tree
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Re: HazarDous@USEast.battle.net
Based off of how long I've known you and previous logs of what you and other nwu players have said Idk if you'd fit this position very well.
Nwu is a small community of people who are just elo hungry or folks who get mad/flame easily. Imo you just want it so you can see whose "sniping" you. That's like me saying, "who are these people with new accs playing against me cause they don't want to lose elo on their mains."
I'd say wait a bit and actually do what you say you do. Not very much could change from the time I played with you a few weeks ago and now (for your flaming and raging that is.")
Nwu is a small community of people who are just elo hungry or folks who get mad/flame easily. Imo you just want it so you can see whose "sniping" you. That's like me saying, "who are these people with new accs playing against me cause they don't want to lose elo on their mains."
I'd say wait a bit and actually do what you say you do. Not very much could change from the time I played with you a few weeks ago and now (for your flaming and raging that is.")

- HazarDous
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Re: HazarDous@USEast.battle.net
@Rocky Man, idc about elo, just quality of games. If I could alt myself, I would, but I am rangebanned.
@Profe Thanks for your comment, I think unlike Around/Masa, you're saying what you honesly think about me considering we know eachothers for a decent amount of time. My answer would be, if all I want to do is protect myself and check who alts, that's not a big problem really. I can assure you I will never abuse my powers against people I dislike. Regarding flaming, I barely flamed in games I played with you. And obviously, I will do what I say I do..
@Haunt If you want to allow me to do BRQ/Banappeals while not giving me game powers (admin on bots) for a probation time or whatever, I don't mind at all. Most of the BRQ's I do anyway are for DotA/LTD. This application is turning into a joke and NWU isn't the only thing that matters. I don't know how to prove you that (once again) I don't hold grudges. If you feel I should wait, then so be it.
@Profe Thanks for your comment, I think unlike Around/Masa, you're saying what you honesly think about me considering we know eachothers for a decent amount of time. My answer would be, if all I want to do is protect myself and check who alts, that's not a big problem really. I can assure you I will never abuse my powers against people I dislike. Regarding flaming, I barely flamed in games I played with you. And obviously, I will do what I say I do..
@Haunt If you want to allow me to do BRQ/Banappeals while not giving me game powers (admin on bots) for a probation time or whatever, I don't mind at all. Most of the BRQ's I do anyway are for DotA/LTD. This application is turning into a joke and NWU isn't the only thing that matters. I don't know how to prove you that (once again) I don't hold grudges. If you feel I should wait, then so be it.
Re: HazarDous@USEast.battle.net
@Haunt @matdas If I can post this, I believe I have a right to defend myself here. If not, can you please edit the parts you don't like because it is relevant here.
But they aren't jumping to conclusions? They obviously see you want this for power. What I have said is just the tip of the iceberg. Haunt, World + Matdas finished it off perfectly. Idk why you are trying so hard to deny it when it's right in front of them. Yes, you have been active. Yes, you have done work. But it doesn't excuse that you did this for the wrong reasons. 100% agreed with what Rocky said. Isn't it funny how you made a application a week after my complaint/resignation? You talk about the quality of games when you yourself just admitted that you wanted avoid playing vs alts. You were obviously trying to get Mod afterward. Prior to that, you have had 0 activity. The evidence is right there. Your vendetta/grudge is clear. I love how you attempt to deny it when literally everyone sees it in your "burst of activity". I have never said that I hate you.
You are putting words in my mouth. No one hates you. Here's the reason why you are a kid. You are just another kid who takes NWU seriously; you even more than others. I call you a kid because you are a kid. Just like the rest of us who play NWU. I love how you say I have one goal in my life yet you are the one trying to pick a fight now. Grow up.
Btw, I love how you say I broke a rule. You break way more rules than I did just now and you were recently banned in an LTD game. What third party program? FCD in NWU lol. A third party program that everyone uses to detect MH. No one cares about NWU ELO other than you; why do you think people make alts? To troll. It's fun to see people rage in chat when they lose. Even my own rage is humorous because its NWU. My humor is odd. People get angry, yes, but it subsides. Yours clearly does not and its evident in your reply to Mat and Haunt. You can see it in the multiple games I have posted just now to prove my point. FCD.. everyone uses it in NWU because many people cheat and make it obvious. It's not like DotA. It's a community of literally 50 people. You obviously have no clue what you're talking about. I only play NWU, not DotA or LTD.
Since when has this app turned about me? We are talking about your application here. Intensive trashtalk? If you want, I can post chatlogs of me flaming people other than you. You really are paranoid. Even @Homicide @Aroundthaworld , @Profe @Pizza AND EVEN @matdas can vouch for my in-game flame and they know I don't mean it. I don't even flame outside of game other than people who provoke me like you. You have no idea what you're talking about HazarD. I have swapped for ONLY one game - the one where you kept joining my team and leaving games after you vs me/Profe/etc. Isn't that funny? I have never swapped anyone else other than you. And you leave the games you play against me like always because you are afraid of "losing elo". Again, you have no idea what you are talking about. I think you're the only one taking this story too far in this thread. It's starting to become "pitiful" and "laughable" as you said to all here. Do continue on putting words in my mouth when you have clearly perjured yourself here. I don't even play NWU sober anymore which is why most of the time I just rage. In my app in 2013, I have made it clear I have a history of flaming. That's why I never played on Masamune. Mind you, I'm completely sober now when I am posting this.
Also, I'd advise you to look up the definition of abuse. I have done it once, not repeatedly or regularly. Hence, the single instance reported.
Rocky is a known troll in NWU but the guy is intelligent when he wants to be. Pretty sure people can troll in a child's game when they want to. That's why they alt. As for matters regarding that "game-ruin", Rocky helped in those teamfights but you lost before he came. You actually play more NWU than you do LTD. That's a straight up lie lol. Also, the complaint was obviously directed toward me. Otherwise, you would have never taken the time to report that single instance of me using !swap abuse. It was your very intention from the start and you really shouldn't blatantly lie. The other admins see it too. Are you trying to convince yourself you don't have grudges because its clearly evident that you do in your own posts regarding people associated with me. You can keep trying to deny that you won't abuse but you yourself stated "alting people are sniping my elo atm". It completely proves that you're doing this application for the wrong reasons.
PS: From what I saw on your stats for ENT, you have barely played because you want to avoid these "elo snipers". Idk why you deny that you care about ELO because your actions clearly show the opposite. Thus, proving my point that you want Mod just to alias your "elo snipers". Once again, another fact that you are doing this for the wrong reasons.
Have a nice day. Thanks for reading, guys and gals.
But they aren't jumping to conclusions? They obviously see you want this for power. What I have said is just the tip of the iceberg. Haunt, World + Matdas finished it off perfectly. Idk why you are trying so hard to deny it when it's right in front of them. Yes, you have been active. Yes, you have done work. But it doesn't excuse that you did this for the wrong reasons. 100% agreed with what Rocky said. Isn't it funny how you made a application a week after my complaint/resignation? You talk about the quality of games when you yourself just admitted that you wanted avoid playing vs alts. You were obviously trying to get Mod afterward. Prior to that, you have had 0 activity. The evidence is right there. Your vendetta/grudge is clear. I love how you attempt to deny it when literally everyone sees it in your "burst of activity". I have never said that I hate you.

Btw, I love how you say I broke a rule. You break way more rules than I did just now and you were recently banned in an LTD game. What third party program? FCD in NWU lol. A third party program that everyone uses to detect MH. No one cares about NWU ELO other than you; why do you think people make alts? To troll. It's fun to see people rage in chat when they lose. Even my own rage is humorous because its NWU. My humor is odd. People get angry, yes, but it subsides. Yours clearly does not and its evident in your reply to Mat and Haunt. You can see it in the multiple games I have posted just now to prove my point. FCD.. everyone uses it in NWU because many people cheat and make it obvious. It's not like DotA. It's a community of literally 50 people. You obviously have no clue what you're talking about. I only play NWU, not DotA or LTD.
Since when has this app turned about me? We are talking about your application here. Intensive trashtalk? If you want, I can post chatlogs of me flaming people other than you. You really are paranoid. Even @Homicide @Aroundthaworld , @Profe @Pizza AND EVEN @matdas can vouch for my in-game flame and they know I don't mean it. I don't even flame outside of game other than people who provoke me like you. You have no idea what you're talking about HazarD. I have swapped for ONLY one game - the one where you kept joining my team and leaving games after you vs me/Profe/etc. Isn't that funny? I have never swapped anyone else other than you. And you leave the games you play against me like always because you are afraid of "losing elo". Again, you have no idea what you are talking about. I think you're the only one taking this story too far in this thread. It's starting to become "pitiful" and "laughable" as you said to all here. Do continue on putting words in my mouth when you have clearly perjured yourself here. I don't even play NWU sober anymore which is why most of the time I just rage. In my app in 2013, I have made it clear I have a history of flaming. That's why I never played on Masamune. Mind you, I'm completely sober now when I am posting this.
Also, I'd advise you to look up the definition of abuse. I have done it once, not repeatedly or regularly. Hence, the single instance reported.
Rocky is a known troll in NWU but the guy is intelligent when he wants to be. Pretty sure people can troll in a child's game when they want to. That's why they alt. As for matters regarding that "game-ruin", Rocky helped in those teamfights but you lost before he came. You actually play more NWU than you do LTD. That's a straight up lie lol. Also, the complaint was obviously directed toward me. Otherwise, you would have never taken the time to report that single instance of me using !swap abuse. It was your very intention from the start and you really shouldn't blatantly lie. The other admins see it too. Are you trying to convince yourself you don't have grudges because its clearly evident that you do in your own posts regarding people associated with me. You can keep trying to deny that you won't abuse but you yourself stated "alting people are sniping my elo atm". It completely proves that you're doing this application for the wrong reasons.
PS: From what I saw on your stats for ENT, you have barely played because you want to avoid these "elo snipers". Idk why you deny that you care about ELO because your actions clearly show the opposite. Thus, proving my point that you want Mod just to alias your "elo snipers". Once again, another fact that you are doing this for the wrong reasons.
Have a nice day. Thanks for reading, guys and gals.
Re: HazarDous@USEast.battle.net
Its clear that this guy wants to abuse his power if he gets admin rights, i agree with nuts that we don't need a new admin for nwu right now. Let matdas handle the litle nwu ban request we have, he is neutral and can judge better then some player that Flame in game and cry for his elo.
-1 for HazarDous
-1 for HazarDous
Re: HazarDous@USEast.battle.net
We can give Hazard a trial. His activity has been really great and as far as I can tell, he has agreed to proceed on a new chapter of gaming and to act as a mod would with no personal issues involved.
I support 100%, perhaps start w/o ingame and proceed after that with a final decision for this period of time. He is knowledgeable, he is active, and intends to work on ingame behavior, etc.
I support 100%, perhaps start w/o ingame and proceed after that with a final decision for this period of time. He is knowledgeable, he is active, and intends to work on ingame behavior, etc.
- Treant Protector
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