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Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 7:02 am
by Hash
Name: Elliot
Age: 23
Game moderator specialty (see below for choices): My specialty would be Island Defense and DOTA, but I can also review LTD, Battleships, NWU and a few other games as well.
Brief introduction: I have two dogs that I love, I have quite the green-thumb, I am self-employed and work from home, so I have plenty of time.
What are your current hours of playing time (approximate): Before I started doing reviews about 4-6 hours a day, since I started doing reviews, probably 2-3 hours a day.
What is your current time zone: PST
Describe any relevant experience, both in moderating and in Warcraft III: I have never been a moderator, but I have been chief of the largest Island Defense clan for quite a while now.
Why do you want to become a game moderator: I have much love for Warcraft 3 as well as ENT, so I would like to keep the community as active and running smoothly as possible. Also my good friend Av1oN has played a big role in influencing me to apply for mod.
What will you bring to the ENT/Warcraft III community: I will continue to bring my utmost effort in trying to help ENT as best that I can, by trying to clear up ban requests and appeals.
Closing Statement: DOTA
Island Defense
I have also assisted Av1oN in catching a few notorious ban-dodgers in the Island Defense community.
Re: Hash@useast
Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 1:16 pm
by LTDNorb
He seems to be contributing since 10 days (8th October), seems to have done only 1 mistake (on first day) which he hasn't repeated since.
Over 60 posts since he started contributing => 6+ posts per day.
Definitely qualified, I'd say.
Keep it up until the weekend, and I'm sure you will be accepted if not earlier.
Re: Hash@useast
Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 12:49 am
by Fate-
He is huge nerd who works at home, this guy is 100% mod material. In all seriousness he is a good guy with a love for wc3 and knows the rules. Can't count how many times I've seen him listing the rules to people breaking them. I could defiantly see him making a good mod. Also seems like he can notice mhers ingame so that's always a plus.
Re: Hash@useast
Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 1:28 am
by Sat
At a glance Hash seems forum savvy enough, but in this case I'm better off as a character witness. Every time I leave wc3 for a few months and come back I'm always surprised to see how much he has matured, either as a result of interaction with the community or just personal growth. Not sure which it is, but either way it can only be good. If he can balance forum activity with his job and personal life gaming, he deserves a shot.
Re: Hash@useast
Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 3:25 am
by Day
Re: Hash@useast
Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 11:59 am
by Nat
With hash as a mod, we can legalize weed!
On a serious note.
Hash has been very active and helped a lot in the ban request and ban appeals forums. Generally a friendly guy with a good attitude when he wants to. I would say Hash is definitely cut for mod and would be a great addition to staff. He says he has a lot of time and it's true, most of the time when I jump on, he's either on bnet or forums writing up some reviews, which are 99.99% of the time spot on. Barely makes a mistake, and when he does it's minor and easily corrected. You can tell he invests a lot of time and effort into ENT, as he stated he's put half his playing hours into reviewing. My support all the way.
Re: Hash@useast
Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 3:24 pm
by aRt)Y
@Hash Hi,
have you got any other alias accounts? May I ask if you've got any siblings?
In which clans and communities (website-wise) have you been so far?
Re: Hash@useast
Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 4:16 pm
by JonnyIsBack
Dont think my opinion means anything special,
Just wanted to throw in the classic !Support for this guy.
Met him in a game couple days back. Really nice guy and actually got me to check up the new forum.
Hope you do well.
Re: Hash@useast
Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 6:14 pm
by 1337hamburger
In the past ~14 months since I came back to wc3, there has been one player that everyone in the island defense community expects to see when they log on; that player being Hash. I would say he has become the "rock" of the island defense community over the last year.
When I had no intention of becoming part of a "community" there were two people that asked me every day to give up the solo act of hiding on USwest, and as you may have guessed Hash was one of them. Hash cares about building and maintaining the Warcraft 3 community (more specifically the island defense community) as much as anyone I know. He is known by some as a slight troll, but as sat said; those days are now behind him. Hash is one of the rare friendly Warcraft players and now he does a job no one wants: keeping the childish island defense community in some sort of order.
In recent weeks it can be easily observed that Hash started to put considerable effort into reviewing ban requests and appeals. His work here is undeniably well done, he puts ample time into both reviewing the offenses and explaining why the offender was in the wrong.
Hash is not universally liked, but he is arguably liked more than anyone else that is currently active within the island defense community, and I think it would be fair to say that the players that do not like him are the players that have a track record for being difficult. In conclusion I think it would boarder on foolish to deny this application, sure he isn't 100% clean, but he is as close as it gets from a Warcraft 3 player.
Off topic:
C4 put a shirt on pls
Re: Hash@useast
Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 7:46 pm
by lordmillt
I do not support because reasons that I do not like to share I'll PM any red if u want to know the reasons
@art(y I'll say that hash is not ready because he will not ban his friends over some VK abuse or like wm1 rabbit abuse. He will let his friendship take over the mod that makes him not do his job proply. As I know does ENT want their mods do their job. Hash trolls time to time aswell which he can't do as a mod.
Re: Hash@useast
Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 9:16 pm
by Hash
@art)y Yes, I do have an older brother that got me into playing Warcraft 3 over a decade ago. I have quite a few aliases, most of which I've played like one or two games on then ditched. I was in TRA (West) before I was in BTI (East),
@Burn has entrusted me with chief of BTI for quite a while now. The only website community I've participated in, would be ENT.
Re: Hash@useast
Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 9:28 pm
by Burn
Not many people (if any) agreed with me that Hash would make a good Chieftain for clan BTI. They thought that Hash would ruin BTI. But no-one gave me any legit reasons why I shouldn't give him clan chieftain, so I still went ahead with it.
He is incredibly active and always a team player. I don't think I've ever seen him solo queue as a builder in my life. He's very communicative in his first few weeks of being chief while I gave him tips for chieftain and I see him going far in the ID community. He isn't an abuser and isn't power hungry. He never asked for Shammy/Chief, I gave it to him of my own accord.
I feel like anyone moderating the ID community will know how much of an asset he can be.
Re: Hash@useast
Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 12:45 am
by Larz
+ one here I have review a few of his posts and he is more than fair and on point.
Re: Hash@useast
Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 5:38 am
by kyl
Hash has a huge involvement within the WC3 community as a whole; particularly Island Defense. Hash is a good friend, funny and a down to earth guy! Hash has also taught and got me into a few wc3 custom games that are hosted by ENT like WM1.
I believe Hash would make a great mod, considering his activity, effort and status in the community.
Plus he likes Ba Chang
Re: Hash@useast
Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 8:13 am
by Jabba41
Hes capable of handling Dota and ID requests quite good. Especially a mod that plays/reviews ID will be a nice addition to the team.
His judgement seems fair, if he keeps the activity up he would be a good mod i think.
Worth a try