[Fill out with your username and realm]

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[Fill out with your username and realm]

Postby TheFallenone » Sun Sep 06, 2015 12:23 am

Name: Nii-San
Age: 20
Game moderator specialty (see below for choices): Custom games or Island Defense
Brief introduction: I'm a know Island Defense and Anime custom game player and moderator on another forum game.
What are your current hours of playing time (approximate): like 5h a week minimal 1h a day depending on schedule.
What is your current time zone: EST. America
Describe any relevant experience, both in moderating and in Warcraft III: I've played quite a few games before in Island defense and know the most of the community. I've been known as one of the most advanced player in BattleShips and ID.Well to say the least in my moderation experience is that I have handled a group of kids and worked at a campus before. The key point is that I had to stressful time but It's hard enough to pay the bill. I also work in technology engineering at least 10h a day in my group and have enough comprehension on how Bnet should be moderated. I have also been moderator on another game called YGOPRO.
Why do you want to become a game moderator: as much as you guys want the Bnet to be
What will you bring to the ENT/Warcraft III community: Well I'd like to bring a community with fair-use of the adminship that has been given to me. Unlike some people I've knew.
Closing Statement: None.

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Re: [Fill out with your username and realm]

Postby nabo. » Sun Sep 06, 2015 12:26 am


You do not meet the minimum application requirement.

Looking at your post history, you dont seem to be active on the forum. We cannot assess your game knowledge and experience with mod tools at this moment. I recommend you spend more time with ban requests and appeals before reapplying.
Clan High@useast

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