SeriouslyStrange Moderator Application

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SeriouslyStrange Moderator Application

Postby TheSimpSoNs » Mon Aug 29, 2016 11:49 am

Name: Patrik
Age: 15 soon 16
Game moderator specialty (see below for choices): My main game is dota. I can help there if somebody leave, afk grief, steal acc, throw or feeding on purpose.
Brief introduction: My name is Patrik. I live in Bratislava is in Slovakia. Im high guy :P I love sport like florbal or ice hockey. Already i end elementary school and now going on high school. If im at home i always on forum. I always help to mum or dad if they need some help. When i got free day i play W3 or go out with friends. On forum i will be all the day. I want play Ice hockey but i play now only florbal. Maybe next year i will play Hockey. I have brother he is 21 years old. He play dota too and his acc is L0wer. I play only Dota maybe sometimes Island Defense.
What are your current hours of playing time (approximate): Now so much. Because have holidays. But when school i will be have time too.
What is your current time zone: UTC- 05:00 - 08:00 America/Atitokan
Describe any relevant experience, both in moderating and in Warcraft III: I dont much but have some. I always ban somebody if they mh or leave. Never see if somebody throw or feeding on purpose.
Why do you want to become a game moderator: Because i want help to with that. I see many people when leave or mh. There they can bandodge. Reset wifi router create new acc and he can play. I see many that guys who do this. Bandodge is for 7 days. If they ignore that is perma ban. Same as leave there is only some hours. But ban is for 2 days. So i can help u with that.
What will you bring to the ENT/Warcraft III community: My favorite is LARZ moderator. I admire him. But I'd like to help him with that. I hope that it was happy that I would help him. I would be online day by day. A few hours at a time. By Larz is I still have a lot to learn. He me with this also helps. I believe him! I hope that you put me as a moderator.
Closing Statement: I hope that I have everything and I did not miss anything. L hope to be chosen by the moderators! Moderator in DOTE. If so thank you! Pomozem moderator. I'm sure I'll be there quick.

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Re: Moderator Application

Postby Jabba41 » Mon Aug 29, 2016 11:52 am


as i already told you in chat: You dont meet our minimum requirements.
Come to chat, show us you have knowledge about rules and contribute in banrequests and appeals. ... g:StaffApp Here you find the requirements.

You application is denied.
Send me your best Sloth pictures for instant unban*

*individual results may vary

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