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Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 5:21 am
by ForMaDawgS
Name: ForMaDawgs
Game moderator position (see below for choices): position #1
Brief introduction: my name is formadawgs i play dota (only) i am fair i dont discriminate and i hate hackers
What are your current hours of playing time (approximate)?1-8 hours aday
What is your current time zone? central
Describe any relevant experience, both in moderating and in Warcraft III: I was moderator of cash i use to run 3 different dota clans, i have scripting skills, and other computer related skills.
Why should we accept you? i have played with ent for little over 4 months now and im a trust worthy person.
Why do you want to become a game moderator? im tired of hackers and game ruiners and i will help those that need help.
What will you bring to the ENT/Warcraft III community?
Fair jugdement good attidud great opinions
Closing Statement: no to hackers game ruiners and above all fair judge ment


Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 6:27 pm
by uakf.b
Eh, since he's been registered for two months and is active on Warcraft III (for example, helped make the second USWest ENT clan), I'll let him apply.
Edit: although he has no posts in ban requests, so that hurts your application..


Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 9:56 pm
by JackSwift
Uh, 17 posts, no ban appeals and no real activity on forums? What's point of being admin >.>


Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 3:19 pm
by DA-01
-1 for bad manners and bad attitude. He's been spaming to (All) and insulting us as my team too. I can't vouch for him my hero was (Barathrum) Spiritibreaker and while Iam dying three,four times he tells me die NIGGERS DIE NOOBS I told him stfu stop spam and stop trolling.

Please check this replays if problems persist just let me know.

Best Regards


Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 3:53 pm
by uakf.b
Denied: I've looked through logs and confirmed that he flames during games and shouldn't be game moderator.