Droped after joining a game I hosted with ou guys

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Droped after joining a game I hosted with ou guys

Postby Orimis » Thu Nov 28, 2013 11:50 pm

game name: orimis56
map name: Custom Hero Arena 3d Final
User Name: Orimis

I hosted the map and went to join then got a message that bnet connection was lost and I couldnt log in under us east. So I joined in on uswest but the same thing happened and I can no longer log into battle net on uswest.

Ok after a few minutes ow I am able to log bac in but still cant join the game.

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Re: Droped after joining a game I hosted with ou guys

Postby DreathKnight » Fri Nov 29, 2013 5:06 am

I think you may have added an unintended space after your game name which resulted in you being unable to enter the game and/or you tried to enter too many times which resulted in battle.net kicking you due to flooding.

To solve your problem you must try the following.
  • Make sure there is no unintended space after your game name. This is a very common mistake people make.
  • If you receive an error stating that the game cannot be found after 3 tries, don't keep trying. Instead, wait another 20 seconds before trying again. This will help you avoid being disconnected for flooding.

If all else fails, try typing a /whois on the bot that your map is hosted on. If the bot is in the void, then there is most likely something wrong with the map configuration.

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