@JibberJabber and
@Juraviel,Hosting bots are currently only active for Atlanta, and New York.
ENT.Hosting#'s 2, 3, 8, 9, 11, 12, and 19 are primarily only available on Asia and/or Eurobattle. All other bots under this name prefix are available on all servers (18 not available on Europe, and 1/4/15 not available on Asia).
New York:
Only 3 bots are available, and all are online for USEast, Asia, and Eurobattle only.
When you're trying to host, make sure you try joining on a different realm as the bots are not all currently logged onto every server available. Alternatively, you can wait out the two minute unhost timer, and see if you can get one of the bots that are logged into your server.
Hopefully that helps, i'm sure having the bots logged into every server is on their lists of things to do, but with recent battle.net/eurobattle patches there is a lot to do at the moment. As you've seen with recent posts they are attempting to get more CD-keys to bring online a lot of the bots that are currently offline.
Keep us posted if you're still having issues with hosting on either Atlanta/New York.