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Bot can't be connected to

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 9:11 am
by Draghimf
When I host via ent, it shows in game list that the game exists, but i can't connect to the game. I tryed it several times and still nothing.

Re: Bot can't be connected to

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 2:21 pm
by Unitil
What realm are you connecting from?

If you're using ENTConnect, is your client up to date with the current 1.29.2 patch?

Have your checked our bot status page to ensure the bot is connected to your realm?


Re: Bot can't be connected to

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2018 6:33 pm
by Unitil
Seems you're using Eurobattle to try and play on our bots.
Until they update their server to patch 1.29.2, you'll be unable to play on our bots.

If you require the 1.29.2 patch, for ENTConnect, please download the following and install.

If you plan to continue using Eurobattle for anything, please make a backup of your current installation. You'll be unable to connect to the eurobattle server once you update your client.

Due to no additional communication, I hope the above can help resolve your problems.

