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GProxy auto spoof check issue

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 1:14 pm
by 3nemy_
Hello, I'm not sure if I should be asking this here or contacting h3rmit directly but I've been experiencing quite an annoying problem for a while now.
When I'm using GProxy as a gateway and joining ent games I often get autokicked from lobby upon downloading the map or when game starts.
I thought at first it might've been map corruption so I deleted my map download folder and let the game create a new one, later I decided to uninstall entire game but the problem still persists.

Yesterday I tried connecting to Northrend without GProxy and without spoof checking in ent lobby and I didn't get autokicked so I figured there may be some issue with GProxy automatically spoof checking you when you join a lobby.
The same problem applies to when I'm hosting a game, if I'm on GProxy ent won't recognize me as the owner even though I'm auto spoof checked so it kicks me so I have to again connect without GProxy and manually spoof check in order to prevent this.

The reason I'm writing a post here is I'm not sure if this is an issue on your side or GProxy's or I'm the only one who has this problem.
Any help would be very much appreciated, I've been looking for solution for days.

edit: I should've probably mentioned that I'm not banned on ENT.

Re: GProxy auto spoof check issue

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2018 4:16 pm
by Unitil
Hello @3nemy_

Looking over your recent games, you've either been kicked due to someone opening a slot (only one occurrence), or you've simply lost connection with the bot in general.

Code: Select all

[System]: *** player [3nemy_] has joined the game
[System]: Spoof check accepted for [3nemy_] on server [].
[System]: Trying to rehost as public game [Metastasis!]. Please wait, this will take several seconds.
[System]: Player [3nemy_] downloaded the map in 6.8 seconds (1009.6 KB/sec).
[System]: Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
[System]: *** player [3nemy_] has left the game (has lost the connection (connection closed by remote host))
[System]: *** player [3nemy_] has joined the game
[System]: Spoof check accepted for [3nemy_] on server [].

The above shows that spoofcheck is working/being accepted so this is not the issue. However, gproxy only kicks in when the game has been started, and not while you're in the lobby.

If you've been disconnected from the bot, it's likely a connection issue where a sudden loss in connection to the host causes you to be removed from the lobby. If you believe there may be further issues, you can try contacting h3rmit, however, have not run into any other individuals with the issue you're currently experiencing.

Re: GProxy auto spoof check issue

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2018 7:32 pm
by 3nemy_
Thanks for the reply. As I stated in OP I do not get kicked if I'm not spoof checked, I haven't been using gproxy recently and everything has been fine but If I do I get kicked no matter what.
Btw, can you define what exactly is spoof check in Wc3 terms? Does it mean it identifies the player as the real user and not a bot or someone impersonating the said player?
GProxy works as a "middle-man" between user and the host (in this case ent bot) right? Now, I'm not sure if Gproxy is capable of forwarding and routing IP and packets from client to server because it's just a proxy not a router obviously. I guess this is a question for a network admin so my apologizes, It's just that If there was a connection problem on my side then I wouldn't be able to join and play at all with or without gproxy which is not the case here.

I'd like to keep this thread open until and If I manage to find a solution if possible, thank you.

Re: GProxy auto spoof check issue

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2018 9:03 pm
by 3nemy_
You may close this thread, I didn't manage to find solution but as long as I don't spoof check or wait for bot to auto spoof check me when hosting it's fine. Thanks for the help.

Re: GProxy auto spoof check issue

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2018 9:12 pm
by Unitil