@IMJUSTAGIRLCan you please validate the account to your forum account to ensure proof of ownership on the Humanoid-Freak2 account?
Details regarding this can be found on our wiki
http://wiki.entgaming.net/index.php?title=WC3ConnectOnce you've validated, we can proceed with a stat restoration.
Do note, these are the stats we had on file for your account.
Code: Select all
Deleted stats Deleted stats on humanoid-freak2@entconnect (legionmega): {1118.89, 53, 33, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}. inactive-stats-strip 28 Jul 2019 01:03:07 PDT
The first stat restoration request is free of charge while subsequent requests will require a donation. As this is your first request, this will be free of charge.