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Mass Lagout Awards Losing Team Victory?

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 7:52 am
by bansheex
So, I'm playing my first game of the night (yourkrobproblem). At 30 minutes, we've got every rax down but one. Just before we're able to finish and get megas to end, everyone mysteriously lags out, but scourge has players that lag out later than us and we are given a LOSS. Can you guys explain this for me?

Here's the game:

I can also upload a replay if it helps.

Re: Mass Lagout Awards Losing Team Victory?

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 10:41 am
by Poppa
Happends to me aswell. Always 1-3 players that get dc on ent bots while playing dota. Sometimes it might be pp sometimes it's oviously not. Freakishly annoying and very frequent lag issues not only for me but always for 1-2 guys.

Last game ruined for me by lag drops:
Replay: ... 124173.w3g

(not exactly the same as bansheex's incident but still.)

Re: Mass Lagout Awards Losing Team Victory?

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 2:24 pm
by nabo.
Probably due to ddos attack we had been having = packet loss = lag. Unfortunately, gotta move on.
