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Cant host some maps?

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 1:05 am
by Magepowers
Hi, I've been trying to host a map called Hero Defense God on ENT. I uploaded a lot of versions and most of them don't seem to work. I only managed to host one of the versions so far. The version that works for hosting is Hero Defense God 2.5. Most of the other versions i tried don't work. Here is a list of all the versions i uploaded and versions uploaded from others that I tried. Please help, thanks in advance, my friends and i want to play this map together with ENT real badly.

Map Name Uploader Load Code
    Hero Defense God 2.5.w3x w3gamer fml1l
      Hero Defense God 3.0f.w3x bmelens 00lmh
        Hero Defense God 3.2.w3x kjfdm qhrwc
          Hero Defense God 3.3.w3x Magepowers 9e2th
            Hero Defense God 3.4 (1).w3x Gansblaidx swetz
              Hero Defense God 3.4.w3x Magepowers vpym6
                Hero Defense God 3.5.w3x bmelens n2vwq
                  Hero Defense God 3.6.w3x Magepowers 55r5x
                    Hero Defense God 3.7Alpha.w3x Magepowers sdogd
                      Hero Defense God 3.7Beta.w3x Magepowers o61tb
                        Hero Defense God 4.0.w3x brazilian_pk ybifv
                          Hero Defense God New.w3x Magepowers d8tv1
                            Hero Defense GodNEW.w3x Magepowers ivbd8

                            Re: Cant host some maps?

                            Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 5:11 am
                            by Stealer
                            Are you able to play those maps in lan?

                            Re: Cant host some maps?

                            Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 7:28 pm
                            by Magepowers
                            We don't use LAN that often since we have to be in the same area, but yes it worked in LAN. And to clarify what I mean is that I get into the hosting queue and then when I'm out of queue and it's supposed to host, it doesn't host and nothing happens, if that helps you.

                            Re: Cant host some maps?

                            Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 3:21 am
                            by Stealer
                            And after you tell the website what map to host it never appears on the games list?

                            What location are you using?

                            Re: Cant host some maps?

                            Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 6:41 am
                            by Magepowers
                            I usually host on Atlanta. I tried all of all of the hosting places and none of them work. Yes, the map never appears on the games list.

                            Re: Cant host some maps?

                            Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 7:57 am
                            by uakf.b
                            The host bot is not able to read the maps. It could be that the map has special protection blocking host bot from accessing.

                            Re: Cant host some maps?

                            Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 7:03 pm
                            by Magepowers
                            Version 2.5 and lesser than that works just fine tough. Is there anything that can be done about these maps?

                            Re: Cant host some maps?

                            Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 7:59 pm
                            by aRt)Y
                            Nothing on our side at least.

                            Re: Cant host some maps?

                            Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 8:12 pm
                            by Magepowers
                            Alright, so I guess I'll have to stick with the versions that work. Thanks for replies.