Slight Modifications to Angel Arena rules

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Slight Modifications to Angel Arena rules

Postby NerdGamerGirl » Mon Dec 31, 2012 9:34 pm

1) Killing chaos with fists with any hero instead of just melee.
Reason: ANY HERO CAN KILL CHAOS WITH FISTS. The range of a fist is ~600. Any hero with less range can use the hold command at max range and not auto-attack chaos while the fists do the work. A hero with 600 or more can keep moving, thus not attacking while the fists slowly kill him. While impractical, it can be done.

2) Allowing the destruction/stealing of any "drop on death" item.
Reason: It says drop on death for a reason. By working towards those items you are taking a risk, power in exchange for the time it took to get those items. Looking at the stats for all those items, it should be a no debate that having those items would give you an advantage. There should be 0 reason unless your 1 shot that you can't send the items back to the barrel before your own death. And if you are 1 shot WITH ALL THOSE ITEMS the game is pretty much over anyway and it doesn't matter what happens to the items.

I would love a discussion over these changes with you all. The second one particular, as the first one should be a given and more an over site then anything. ;)

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Re: Slight Modifications to Angel Arena rules

Postby Hentic » Wed Jan 02, 2013 7:41 am

1) Totally agreeing with this one. The rule should cover all characters. As stated even rangers could use that technique by moving.

2) If someone is strong enough to acquire them, he should be strong enough to re-acquire them upon death. Other players should not be forced to leave it on the ground and wait for the owner of the item to come and fetch it. The owner would then regain it's advantage and become hard to kill. Creating a disorder in the game.



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Re: Slight Modifications to Angel Arena rules

Postby cyberpunk » Wed Jan 09, 2013 5:21 pm

Thank you for the suggestion. Karasu. has agreed as well.
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