Reason: ANY HERO CAN KILL CHAOS WITH FISTS. The range of a fist is ~600. Any hero with less range can use the hold command at max range and not auto-attack chaos while the fists do the work. A hero with 600 or more can keep moving, thus not attacking while the fists slowly kill him. While impractical, it can be done.
2) Allowing the destruction/stealing of any "drop on death" item.
Reason: It says drop on death for a reason. By working towards those items you are taking a risk, power in exchange for the time it took to get those items. Looking at the stats for all those items, it should be a no debate that having those items would give you an advantage. There should be 0 reason unless your 1 shot that you can't send the items back to the barrel before your own death. And if you are 1 shot WITH ALL THOSE ITEMS the game is pretty much over anyway and it doesn't matter what happens to the items.
I would love a discussion over these changes with you all. The second one particular, as the first one should be a given and more an over site then anything.