Admin rights for ENT bots

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Admin rights for ENT bots

Postby HorstRabe » Thu Jan 17, 2013 3:05 pm

I played some games with your bots with my friends now, and I often seen people that leave, because their friends are not coming in time when the game autostarts because there are already 5/8 peeps.
I mostly play Troll and Elves and Dawn of the Dead 6.0, for DotD it's pretty hard to start a game at all.
I am very good in that game and got some friends that play it and are one of the few remaining active members of the dotd-stars clans.
It'd be really nice if I got admin rights (or at least the !abort and !start command) for at least ENT23 and 31 for those game. I know how to handle bots properly, and I'm not grieving or trying to abuse my power.
I read your rules etc and posted an Introduction also with a question like that, and the only two answers to that were to put a suggestion here, or to apply for Mod, which is only possible with at least 25 points and after two weeks. Since I not yet aquired those requirements I went for the first way. So here I am, what do you think about it?

Here the small conversation I had with teller55:
teller55 wrote:
HorstRabe wrote:I also wondered how to get bot rights, because for Dawn of the Dead for example it's hard to find 5 peeps, and I'd like to start it with my 2 buddies. I scanned the forums for it, because I don't ask stupid questions when answers are easy to come by, but I didn't find I neither in the FAQ, nor in the Search function or any other topics regarding bots that I found. I even found out how to validate myself to the Clan bot to upload a map (which is not what I wanted). So if there's a possibility of getting the !start command or any others for some bots I'd be most pleased.

That's pretty much it!
Best regards,

In order to get admin rights on the bot you would have to apply for staff. If you would just like a vote start command added to that game, post it in the suggestions section of the forum.

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Re: Admin rights for ENT bots

Postby uakf.b » Thu Jan 17, 2013 3:47 pm

teller55 said that you could either post a suggestion for the votestart, or wait until applying for admin. Not apply for admin by posting a suggestion. From your post I can't really see any suggestion to add votestart, can you please clarify?
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Re: Admin rights for ENT bots

Postby HorstRabe » Fri Jan 18, 2013 11:00 am

Ah well, obviously I misunderstood teller55!! English is not my first language.
So hereby I now suggest to add a !vote start command to the game's Dawn of the Dead 6.0 and Troll and Elves (and possibly the other version of it, one of your mods talked about so happily; vx or something like that.) for the sake of the few remaining DotD players, that'll most likely be some of the only players that will use that bot.

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Re: Admin rights for ENT bots

Postby uakf.b » Sat Jan 19, 2013 3:35 am

Ok, added votestart to 3 for dawn of the dead and 4 for trolls and elves.
dWFrZi5i -- 'cause I'm cool like Agreements

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