LTD leave rule

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LTD leave rule

Postby nabo. » Fri Jan 02, 2015 10:07 pm

For Dota, we have a rule stating, "You may not leave on a 5v5, 5v4, 4v5 or 4v4 game".

As a mod, I have dealt quite a few people complaining about people not drawing or being forced to play an imbalanced game after 1 or 2 person(s) disconnected or left.

It is more difficult to win an unbalanced LTD game compared to Dota where a player can get item advantage due to higher income per second.
I am not saying 2v4 is impossible to win. I have won 2v4 3v4 games. However, I also think people should have the choice to choose wheter to continue an unfair game.

So, how about a rule stating:

"You may not leave on a 4v4, 3v3, or 2v2 game" for LTD, giving players the option to leave 4v3 4v2 3v2 games?
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Re: LTD leave rule

Postby Diablo_ » Fri Jan 02, 2015 10:42 pm

I don't agree, leaving should never be ok imo.
But .. isn't it already kinda the way you want it to be? As far as I rememberI've heard that only the first two leavers in a game get (maybe) banned by autoban and after that the others are free to leave?
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Re: LTD leave rule

Postby Hutzu » Fri Jan 02, 2015 11:28 pm

As far as I know (by experience), only the first two leavers get banned by autoban anyway. So at a 4vs2 situation, you can leave anyway without getting banned. Maybe uakf.b fixed that issue, maybe not. I remember that I encountered it, when I first became mod in July. Around August I think I noticed that issue.

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Re: LTD leave rule

Postby kinggore » Sun Jan 04, 2015 12:32 am

I think it should be penalized. Just had a game with 2 from my team leaking out (probably discon).
one thing is when you think your gonna loose lvl 20 another thing is that your certain the team looses because you leave.

I think that a rule should be after lvl 5 if you leave you will get an elo penalty. that is unless dropped by vk in which case other rules apply.
would this be possible to implement?

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Re: LTD leave rule

Postby aRt)Y » Sun Jan 04, 2015 10:54 am

^ elo is not gonna be used as punishment.
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Re: LTD leave rule

Postby aRt)Y » Tue Jan 06, 2015 6:58 pm

@nabo. why would you consider 3vs4 unfair and ok to leave?

My suggestion:
"You may not leave on a 4v4, 4v3, 3v3, 3v2, 2v1, 1v1 game for LTD, giving players the option to leave on 4v2, 3v1, 2v0 games."

Or is it really _that_ unfair to leave a 4v3 or 3v2 game which - compared to dota (5v4) is acceptable? Leaving should be allowed if one of the teams is affected by a player drop of >25% (8 players, each of them 12.5%). If two players left (causing 4v2), a drop of >=25% exists.

I agree with 4v2 but 4v3 is to be argued.
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Re: LTD leave rule

Postby nabo. » Tue Jan 06, 2015 7:20 pm


It is playable, but harder to win than in dota imo.

I was also hesitant about 3v4 and 3v2, but peeps told me it should be leavable. Ppl can decide to play on if they wish and win.

But arguably, it is also true that people still have the option to draw, so keeping autoban for 3v4 and 3v2 still does make sense.

Forgot to include Xv1 cases. Peeps can !ff for such cases.
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Re: LTD leave rule

Postby SLSGuennter » Tue Jan 06, 2015 7:23 pm

in dota its not rly a problem if 1 guy is out, on ltd u kinda got no chance if just close to same skill-lvl players
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Re: LTD leave rule

Postby aRt)Y » Tue Jan 06, 2015 7:24 pm

sounds like a typical dota fountain farm rule.

cant win but dont wanna leave. why arent ff and draw enough for ltd cases?
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Re: LTD leave rule

Postby nabo. » Tue Jan 06, 2015 7:49 pm

This suggestion is in consideration of people who want to leave a too unfair game, but r forced to play on due to autoban.

The impact of a leaver is greater than in dota. There are less things a team can do to make up for the leaver in ltd than in dota.

This discussion may seem bit similar to ff discussion, but the difference is tat excessive fountain farming is an occurance when a team has absoluty no chance and cannot do nothing, yet the game goes on = ppl should !ff. It also usually happens at end of game.

If it is possible, making this suggestion for pre-lvl10 is another option.
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Re: LTD leave rule

Postby aRt)Y » Wed Jan 07, 2015 6:50 am

So why not just change the autoban Settings for the bot(s) instead of adding a rule.
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Re: LTD leave rule

Postby nabo. » Wed Jan 07, 2015 10:43 am

I have little idea what autoban options uakf.b has and what is possible.
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Re: LTD leave rule

Postby aRt)Y » Wed Jan 07, 2015 11:54 am

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Re: LTD leave rule

Postby uakf.b » Fri Jan 09, 2015 12:36 pm

It is possible to adjust things to autoban for leaver on autodraw.
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Re: LTD leave rule

Postby Krumme » Fri Jan 09, 2015 2:16 pm

as an experienced LTD player I've won my fair share of 3v4 games - and by the amount of leaves on the public bots I think it would ruin the activity if we let people leave when games become 4v3. Way too many games would just end pre lvl 10 because 1 guy dc's, leaks alot and leaves and the rest just follows.
Assuming the game ends up being 3v2 I think it's fair to say the idea of a 4v4 game is ruined and I think leaving should be acceptable.
Same goes for 4v2 as this is simply too unbalanced. 3v3 is fair and in the odd scenario of a game ending 2v2 it should be played out (could argue that a rule would be easier to make if it just made it legal to leave when less than 6 players in the game OR the game is 4v2).

EDIT: btw. I highly recommend harder punishments for leavers - whatever fitting you can think of. Leavers have it way too easy on ENT but mods hate to unban people who leave too much but have good intentions and I get that, but as I've said before, I still think that I value the players of ENT's time more than I value the moderators time - we can always take in more mods that specifies in dealing with autobans or simple ban requests/appeals if you feel short of staff.

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