New Rule

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New Rule

Postby CrushOrange » Wed May 27, 2015 7:31 pm

Can you make it bannable to threaten people that if they dont do something they get banned?

For example, if a player drops and someone sais its bannable not to draw. To newer players this can be very misleading and only lead to further confusion of the actual rule. It would only take a few bans for the point to be made and it is not something that would continue much after the rule is implemented.

Currently you have a rule that states you cannot lie and mislead a player to do something that is bannable. I think it can be expanded. This sort of lieing only hurts the community not helps.

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Re: New Rule

Postby nabo. » Wed May 27, 2015 7:35 pm

Telling you that something is bannable is fine.

If someone tells you they are suppose to draw when another disconnects, that in itself doesnt really harm the game. Yes, he is wrong about the rules or does not know that pubs rules are different from that of lihl. w/e the case may be, it is everyone's responsibility as an ENT user to know the rules and be able to distinguish what is bannable or not or trolling.

Deceiving you to get you banned is bannable by our general rules:
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Re: New Rule

Postby CrushOrange » Wed May 27, 2015 7:38 pm

Why is it fine to tell a player something is bannable when it is not?

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Re: New Rule

Postby nabo. » Wed May 27, 2015 7:40 pm

I am saying in general telling another that some act is bannable is fine.

We will only ban those who deceive others to ruin the game.

As I said, for draw cases, everyone should be aware of our rules and know that !draw is just a vote, not an obligation. Your vote is yours alone. If you decide to !draw for w/e reason, it is fine.
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Re: New Rule

Postby aRt)Y » Thu May 28, 2015 8:19 am

@CrushOrange Because there's no harm in doing so. Do you get hurt if someone tells you arent allowed to do x? Probably not. If he tells you it is allowed to do x and you get banned for it, you got hurt. That's what the rule is for.

Rules about lying would not only be about rules but trolling and mis-information in general which is far too big field.

The only exception I see is someone malicilously tells you to stop doing something so they gain an advantage by doing so (e.g. game ruining). Though, such a case hasn't passed, yet and I wouldn't consider drawing as such either.

That said, you should know your rights as a member of ENT as nabo. mentioned.
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