Battleships votestart suggestion

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Battleships votestart suggestion

Postby pizza_yayyy » Tue Jun 09, 2015 7:15 pm

English is not my native language, so please, bear with me.

I've been playing BS for two years or so, and have been an avid shipper ever since. When I was just starting, It usually takes only 20 minutes to fill open slots with players. And at least 2 or 3 ongoing games. But now, it takes 1 to 3 hours for the lobby to fill up, depending on the time of day. I am waiting in the lobby as I'm writing this and I've been waiting for 2 hours and 30 mins, the game has yet to start. We tried to votestart, but it went unsuccessful, only two players did not vote. I recon they do not speak English or they do not know how to cast their votes.

So I would like to suggest Ent to change the number of votes needed to complete the !votestart command on Battleships Pro. As it is in my opinion the only way to help players like me to avoid waiting longer hours for the game to start. And votestart also autobalance players based on their ELO score (does it?) this will encourage newbies and noobs like me :) to play the game even more. even if there are stackers on-board.

and another thing. why is ENT bot nowhere to be found in Garena?

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Re: Battleships votestart suggestion

Postby nabo. » Tue Jun 09, 2015 7:34 pm


Garena probably kicked our bots.

I suggest you use entconnect (no cd key is required):

What would you like the !votestart to be?
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Re: Battleships votestart suggestion

Postby pizza_yayyy » Tue Jun 09, 2015 8:05 pm

@nabo. yah im using entconnect now.

for 8 players waiting in the lobby it needs 7 votes to complete the votestart. reduce the votes needed to maybe 5 or less if thats possible. because the success rate of the votestart is really low.

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Re: Battleships votestart suggestion

Postby nabo. » Tue Jun 09, 2015 8:12 pm

Ok, so votestart with 4 players.

Current map version is ok?
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Re: Battleships votestart suggestion

Postby pizza_yayyy » Tue Jun 09, 2015 8:30 pm

@nabo. im sorry but what do you mean by votestart with 4 players? it is possible to votestart with 4 players, it needs 3 votes to pass. what i want to change is the number of votes needed to pass the votestart. cuz it currently needs the x number of players minus 1 votes for the votestart to pass. like awhile ago we started to votestart with 8 players in the lobby. only 6 player voted. the votestart did not pass as it needed 7 votes to pass.

instead of the x number of players minus 1 votes. change it to x number of players minus 3 votes. then it be like 8 players in the lobby only need 5 votes to pass the VS instead of 7 votes. does that make sense?

current map version is okay

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Re: Battleships votestart suggestion

Postby nabo. » Tue Jun 09, 2015 8:46 pm

If majority does not want to votestart, the game should not start. So no, votestart requirement will not be reduced.
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Re: Battleships votestart suggestion

Postby pizza_yayyy » Tue Jun 09, 2015 8:50 pm

but 6 out of 8 people is majority. but ok

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Re: Battleships votestart suggestion

Postby khspww94 » Tue Jun 09, 2015 10:29 pm

So obvious they don't want votestart, they want to stack the game nowdays. Its either this or they really afk. Can I suggest that autokick will be on player if afk from the votestart or votekick even before the game start. In which failure to votestart where the majority is 6 out of 8 or perhaps put a percentage, of 75 percent and above voted for it then it will make that non voter be kicked out of the game. How is that sound?

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Re: Battleships votestart suggestion

Postby pizza_yayyy » Tue Jun 09, 2015 11:20 pm

@khspww94 apparently 6/8 is not majority. kappa

no mods or admins play ships nowadays so they dont know the struggle. let's just all move on and quit playing BS. 2 hours of waiting just for 1 game ain't worth it if u ask me.

i wonder what other mods think about this.

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Re: Battleships votestart suggestion

Postby nabo. » Wed Jun 10, 2015 3:37 am

Interesting how your tone changes once you thought I rejected you.

If the lobby waits are long, why people refuse to votestart? If the teams are uneven, 2 vs 4, should it be autobal votestart?
If they are afk, why should you start the game? So, they can afk in the game?
If they refuse to votestart, why should you start the game when they want a fullhouse game perhaps?

Cant make it -3 vote for any x number of players.
If the vote is over 70%, should be ok probably.

We disabled votekick in lobby because people abused it too much.
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Re: Battleships votestart suggestion

Postby khspww94 » Wed Jun 10, 2015 4:07 am

Lolz nabo, it not me right that anger you... Anyways, I have seen this way being implemented in other types of games platform... just that its not ENT... so yeah, is it possible nabo?> over 70 percent of votestart will start the game?

How about the autokick for those afk during votestart or failure to answer anything towards the period of 60 sec? Or perhaps make the period of 60 sec be extended to 120 sec to allow other players to convince the non voters?

As for votekick, yes I do agree it is being abused... I don't invoke that... What I'm suggesting is that can't we have autokick like high ping autokick impose on failure to vote or reply to the votestart?

If I was the one who make you feel angry, sorry... Be frosty aite...

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Re: Battleships votestart suggestion

Postby nabo. » Wed Jun 10, 2015 4:52 am

Im not mad. I said its interesting. I was referring to OP.

Anyway, I dont think there is a way for the bot to know if someone is actually afk in lobby.

In-game, it is possible since if you dont click or move something = afk. Just because someone doesnt type in lobby, doesnt mean he is afk.
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Re: Battleships votestart suggestion

Postby khspww94 » Wed Jun 10, 2015 6:40 am

True I agree on that no bots capable of doing so... but if failure to vote can render to a autokick won't it be just a good thing to implement? I mean if who fails to answer yes or no to votestart would get autokick and is still allow to rejoin the game. Won't this be a good way to curb game that lacked votes to start the game?

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Re: Battleships votestart suggestion

Postby nabo. » Wed Jun 10, 2015 9:22 pm

Why should we kick someone for not wanting to start a game that is not full?

Votestart is a vote. All players have their say and rights to decide whether they want to start the game early with less players or with a fullhouse.

We are not going to force anyone or punish for not voting = idea itself is stupid.

If you see players refusing to votestart, communicate and convince them that the lobby wait time is getting too long or 2v2 3v3 4v4 or w/e is still fun.
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Re: Battleships votestart suggestion

Postby khspww94 » Wed Jun 10, 2015 9:38 pm

We did try... the problem is they don't seems to be bother about it and start afk... here is one example of it...
Below is an example of game that need roughly 5 hours to start the game...

On a side note, I personally enter the game via entconnect and it really lags out and disconnected me. Really got me frustrated.... Waited for so long and ended up disconnected... Not that I'm lashing out to you but please do clarify the issue of ENT bots with Garena... All the effort done by your part and ENT team is greatly appreciated by me...

And nabo, if it really can't be implement that on the punishment of the votestart its okay... I understand the unfairness on them...

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