I've been playing BS for two years or so, and have been an avid shipper ever since. When I was just starting, It usually takes only 20 minutes to fill open slots with players. And at least 2 or 3 ongoing games. But now, it takes 1 to 3 hours for the lobby to fill up, depending on the time of day. I am waiting in the lobby as I'm writing this and I've been waiting for 2 hours and 30 mins, the game has yet to start. We tried to votestart, but it went unsuccessful, only two players did not vote. I recon they do not speak English or they do not know how to cast their votes.
So I would like to suggest Ent to change the number of votes needed to complete the !votestart command on Battleships Pro. As it is in my opinion the only way to help players like me to avoid waiting longer hours for the game to start. And votestart also autobalance players based on their ELO score (does it?) this will encourage newbies and noobs like me

and another thing. why is ENT bot nowhere to be found in Garena?