3 Items: Votekick , Question and Section for NWU

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3 Items: Votekick , Question and Section for NWU

Postby FrankieTheFan » Tue Oct 20, 2015 5:11 am

I am the people's most hated: Frankie. I am here on a triple feature. See sum up in the end for the main points or read the whole thing for the arguments,
First of all I would like to request that Votekicked be REVISED AND/OR REMOVED. The reason? ABUSE. Specially of so called "pros". Since there is not other way to play NWU but to compete in PUBS then there will be obviously noobs in the game. The duty of the pros is to TEACH not to votekick, specially after the rules of votekicking are against kicking noobs. What do these alledged "pros" do? they Flame or/AND votekick.
Let me show you some proof of this:
https://entgaming.net/replay/view_repla ... 316074.w3g
https://entgaming.net/replay/view_repla ... 316167.w3g
https://entgaming.net/replay/view_repla ... 316250.w3g
Now for the flaming is obvious the solution but I'll get to that in part 2, but for the votekicking there is not other option than to face it and join the next game. You may say why do I not post this in the "correct" forum. Because it will be denied. Basically these "pros" have the support of SOME of the MODS who claim and I quote here "Diying more than 10 times is feeding and it ruins games, dos not matter if it's on purpouse". Well OF COURSE we are going to die more than 10 times we do not have a single clue what we are doing and I bet that they DIED MORE THAN 10 TIMES WHEN THEY WERE NOOBS. There is no background experience than can teach you as the items are similar to DOTA but the skills are not so there is a learning process and if you are like me who's been away from the game and DOTA for more than 5 years the learning curve is muuch steeper plus I been playing Heroes Of The Storm which is itemless and much different.
This is why I suggest strongly that Votekick be removed as there alternatives to removing AFK by using the -afk command but if you try to fight back on the VoteKick you will be banned for "votekicking to get out of being votekicked" or for "flaming". Now you all are going to say that votekicng is neccesary because there are players who ruin games on purpose but that's a small price to pay to be able to play. The number of people who use tactics to ruin games such as breaking items or buying couriers are few while the number of player who, like me, get icked just for being noob is huge. I never broke an item or bought excessive couriers in my life. So they kick me for being a noob something that shey shouldn't do, NO MATTER HOW NOOB.
Like I said there is no OTHER WAY TO PLAY. Dota as the AI map but I asked the creator of this map, MUZK, to create one but he said it was too much trouble. So I ask please to revisit the Votekick as it's being abused and there other examples of it on this forum.
Now on to the flaming that these "pros" do. Not only are they homophobic and xenohpobic(racist) but also insult for one reason: FOR BEING NOOB, something they were a long time ago. In a way they are insulting their old selfs. I know I said this a milion times but they want to create a sect where a few play and no one else can join. That's why I ask IS THERE A PERMANENT IGNORE?. I am tired of having to type their names game after game after game because they are reset. So the question remains can something be done by the mods and the authorities of this bot to keep this toxic atmosphere to a minimmum?. I played other MOBAS such as League of Legends and Heroes Of The Storm and none of them were toxic. This has to stop the NWU community is the most toxic community I know. That's for all who say that MOBAS are toxic, IT DON'T THOU and MOST AREN'T. Additionally as there are no other ways to communicate with your team mates the ignore option seems unpractical mainly because to communicate SS or OMW or OOM there is no other channel as pins are not explicit enough. Heroes of the storm has stopped it's moba from being toxic by allowing better pins with more information ,the option to mute the team chat AND the no interteam chat. I know that this game does not have that option because it's bound by the Warcraft 3 laws, a game which came out in early 2000s but there has to be a way. Thats why in addition to the question I suggest: A 0 TOLERANCE POLICY ON FLAMING SHOULD BE IMPOSSED AND BAN REQUEST REGARDING FLAMING BE CONSIDERED.
Finally I have a third request to ask which is to place a section of the forum dedicated to NWU like there is one for DOTA, LEGION TD and Island Defense, because I think we have enough players to deserve a forum dedicated to US.
Anyway to recap cause i know this is a long post: review and/or removal of Votekick, is there a way to permanently ignore someone? plus a 0 tolerance policy to flaming and a NWU section to the forum.
Thank you
Frankie, the number 1 most hated in the bot.
PS: sorry for the long post.
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Re: 3 Items: Votekick , Question and Section for NWU

Postby Mercy » Tue Oct 20, 2015 7:26 am

I am new to DotA, but i dont die 10x in 10 minutes. (I mean new. I never played it in the past 10 years.) If anything i ask for help, let them know i am new. If they try to votekick if i ask for help and they dont? Good chance they will be banned, if i played on our bot. Your bans are the result of you not communicating and ruining by being new and simply not learning. No one here hates you, however, your attitude is something that should be adjusted because you feel we owe something to you for you being new when that just is not the case. If you seek to learn a game, and all you do is charge your hero recklessly and not pull back when it looks like you might die, or if you charge into a group of enemies alone, then it will be viewed as feeding.

Perma ignore could be squelch, and just use the ignore function in game- however, there is no way to check for game related input if you ignore someone.

As for a zero tolerance? If you are being flamed, it is, as always recommended to use the ignore function. If it continues, a ban could be issued. But as i said, if you arent doing your part to try to learn and there is constructive information in the flame, it could be denied. It is not hard to read chat logs after a game is over to check if flame continued, but be aware of what i said above- if there is constructive input and you are also not doing your part by trying to learn, then it could be denied.

The only valid suggestion here is the subforum suggestion. I am not saying this because i hate you, because i do not. I am saying this due to this is an ONLINE game- it is an old and very competitive game. If you cant handle trashtalking, it is advised you take a breather because there is going to be trashtalking in almost any other game you play, the exceptions being survivor tower defense.

If you dont make a conscious effort to play well, and not be reckless (which there is a difference between a risk and being reckless), then its up to you to work on getting better. Watch replays, see how the pros play, what their item builds are, what skills they focus on. That is the other way people learn. I dont learn from AI, I learn from experience as well. I play DotA, i know how vicious they are, but if you arent trying to learn and only join and take reckless moves, then it can and will be considered feeding.

Removing votekick is not an option, it has been revised already. It is not your duty to be a vigilante and start a votekick because someone tried to votekick you due to reckless, and careless plays- that is an abuse of the system while a votekick against you based on how you are playing and failing to learn is legitimate. If you are having this much trouble, perhaps take a different approach to learning NWU- take the time to work on your ingame playstyle by watching replays or teaming with someone who is willing to teach.

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Accepting the insults and finding constructive comments

Postby FrankieTheFan » Tue Oct 20, 2015 8:32 am

I am going to anwser point for point.
So to you this is "normal"?. I mean you explain it like it is normal but it ain't and it don't have to. Trashtalking is not normal trashtalking is someone who can not feel good with himself and tries to take down others to feel as aweful as he/she does. And this is not even about that it's about, it's about flaming which is OWN TEAM MATES triying to diss you because of your condition as noob. Again I feel the admins are protectings this because they are flamers and if we started having a 0 tolerance policy it would get ugly fast for them.
Beisdes that I am suppoused NOT to ignore?. I mean if you are crashed on by somone on the street and they insult you (like saying you are bad driver), would you try to find somenthing "constructive" in all of that?. Plus most of them are just saying "he is S****" or he is an idiot or soemthing like that and they do not offer constructive criticism. Have you watched the replays? did you find something constructive in that?
The only thing that I have is reputation, because I make comments like these on this forums and becaue of my infamous fight with Aroundthaworld (fight that HE apologized for and that I aprieciate a lot, can not get tired of saying this) but much like aroundthaworld did BEFORE, now you @owl are doing exactly the same protecting people that insult just because they are good players, that's not fair so we are suppoused to take it just because we can not play as good as the "pros". If that's what you think then is community will die out, and quicker than what you think.
Additionally i must avoid saying I am new because they will votekickme or if I die just once or twice they will start votekicking me for just dying a couple of times saying: "ahh he is noob he is a feeder".
To the no communication bans I say that's far fetched if I do not ignore i'll get insulted but if I do then I am "not comunicating" and they can just kick me. Then what is the !ignore command for?. Pros only?
To your trashtalk theory, I said in my orignial post, there is no trashtalking in Heroes of the storm and none at LOL so....it's null and void your argument. So to sum up basicly what your propose is that I read in between lines and try to find in piles and piles of garbage "constructive stuff" and take in all else just so I do not get banned for "not cooperating" and "not learning" so it's all on me and NOTHING I mean NOTHING on the alledged "pros" (who have only 1 skill which is flaming), that is UNFAIR and as pros they have the DUTY to teach others (like AroundThaWorld and Dave are teaching me thing I do not get tired of thanking) and not flame when someone tries to learn the game. I can improve but you have to have PATIENCE. IF you don't do not play. What now are you going to add a ELO restriction to the bot so that only good players can play?, that is basicly what you are doing but instead of putting a restriction you are simply creating a very very toxic and frustrating atmosphere for the new players. And I mean YOU @owl as admin that does not listen to the flaming requests and allowing people to be votekicked. I mean that even breaks your own rules thus becoming "anti constitution" because the contitution of this bot says no kicking noobs.
To finish this I would like to state that these flaming comments are done with ANGER and ANGER is irrational so there is no constructive material in any of that.
Waiting for your "comeback" @owl

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Re: 3 Items: Votekick , Question and Section for NWU

Postby aRt)Y » Tue Oct 20, 2015 9:11 am

I. Votekick will not be removed. Using it is each player's own responsibility. If you think someone violated our votekick rules, you can report them. If you are not satisfied by the moderator's judgement, you can re-post your case and request a second moderator to review it if you fear bias. If that's still not what you wanted, you can post a complaint. However, there's a difference between users wanting what they want and what ENT actually enforces.

II. There will always be flaming and insults. It's the internet. DotA 2 didn't manage it and LoL did neither. We dont have the manpower, neither are there smart algorithmes to enforce fair punishments. Learn to filter out flames and/or report players. We seldom ban players unless it's really exessive. After all, there's the option to temporarily ignore players.

III. NWU is barely active on the forum except for its dev topic which has ups and downs, too. LTD, DotA and ID have their sections because they are among the main game genres on ENT (plus, all three have leagues). If you manage to get more activity in general, I might rethink it.

A tip of mine, please format your post properly. It's a pain reading a wall of text.

Edit: Furthermore, NWU always had the most toxic players at ENT; worse than LIHL. That was one of the main reasons we got rid of ELO.
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