Plz create commands !sign !sign2 !sign3 (!sign being for 4v4) !unsign !unsign2 !unsign3
-Two signs processes can happen (two games can be created), but if !sign is initiated !sign3 cannot be initiated and vice versa, but !sign2 can be initiated (Can make a 3s or 4s and a 2s).
-If already signed to a 4s or 3s, cannot join into a 2s game if created as obs. Instead, the bot will reject you saying that you are already signed to another game and therefore must first !unsign that game (just like no map downloaded msg).
-Can only sign to one game: if someone signs to a 4s or 3s, he cannot sign to a 2s also and vice versa. (get a msg such as "You are already signed to a 3s")
I think this will be better than current system, but who knows. Would be great if you can create a backup of current plugin in case we need to roll back if needed.
Lihl !sign
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