Autoban and Autobanex FAQ

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Autoban and Autobanex FAQ

Postby Palsgraf » Wed Mar 20, 2013 9:22 pm

Can you create a topic under "Information" describing how the autoban system works. I am under the impression that leaving once or twice will not get you banned, but I have no idea how many times I would have to leave before autoban kicks in.

Autobanex is a little less mysterious. However, even some admins do not know how many autobans you need to have in your record before autobanex kicks in.

It would be great if all this information were easily available in a single post under "Information." Demystifying the process would make the system seem less arbitrary and people feel less bitter about being temporarily banned for leaving. In addition, it would help us to avoid pre-emptive ban appeals such as this one:
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Re: Autoban and Autobanex FAQ

Postby teller55 » Wed Mar 20, 2013 9:30 pm

I'm 99% sure you get banned for leaving a game no matter what. An autoban takes into account your stay rate and number of games played though. So if you have 900 games and a 98% stay rate, you may only get a very short ban whereas if you have 1 game and you just left it, you get like a 2 day ban.

Autobanex is if you have 3 (I believe) autobans in a 3 or 7 day period (3 day period = a longer ban, 7 day period slightly less)

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Re: Autoban and Autobanex FAQ

Postby Palsgraf » Wed Mar 20, 2013 9:35 pm

Great. Let's put that in a locked post under information so people can actually find this post.
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Re: Autoban and Autobanex FAQ

Postby EdgeOfChaos » Fri Mar 22, 2013 4:36 pm

I believe Autoban bans for a couple hours whenever you leave, and if you leave three times, Autobanex bans you for a few days with reason "too many autobans recorded in the last few days."

Autobanex also bans for very low stay rate, like one of the recent bans off the list
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Re: Autoban and Autobanex FAQ

Postby uakf.b » Fri Mar 22, 2013 4:43 pm

By default you are autobanned for anywhere from 30 minutes to three hours. However, if you have a high stay percentage, there is a chance that the autoban will be dropped. On the other hand, if you have a low stay percentage and have left certain games, there is a chance that the autoban will be extended (autobanEX for extended autoban).

Another thing is that new players (less than ten games) also get extended bans, because the accounts are probably aliases.
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Re: Autoban and Autobanex FAQ

Postby uakf.b » Sat Mar 23, 2013 9:56 pm

We have information on what will trigger autoban, I don't think other information needs to be so public.
dWFrZi5i -- 'cause I'm cool like Agreements

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