Stats proposal

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Re: Stats proposal

Postby NutzSucksHard » Thu Feb 21, 2013 4:51 pm

Jeez. You don't know how to read.

It doesn't show stats true. Still when you're searching a game. It place you with people with the same average game played, win/lose ratio. YOU don't see STATS, still it balance the entire game, checking all player searching a game, and matching the stats that look simmilar in one game.. Meaning this is impossible if you're 900 elo to play with or against a 2000 elo in league.. I like the system, seriously :) They put you in a lobby with the average rate : 900~1000 elo. You said it, 1 million. Is enough said, 1 million, ofc it's easy to auto balance like they doing, there's much much muhc player that are good, and same that are new/bad. It filter it before you join lobby. Read my post before answering. You like read what you want and forgot the rest.

You're rank 1, NEVER, but NEVER you will be against a rank 100. Impossible. Even if you don't see his stats in lobby, you can know, he's not overpowered and experienced.
[spoiler=Off topic a bit]League of Legend is popular cause it's free and new. Wc3 is old and you have to pay. Dota2 Is free. So people liking dota or want to try it, will go on Dota2 instead of the old dota 1. For the minus player we have, less then a thounsand! Can you let them have the pleasure of watching stats and stack if they want, dodge if they want. If they are not happy, they can go on your so great league of legend or dota2. Dota1 will die in less then 3 years. Let people be proud of their stats for the last stand of this epic game. Do you undertsand. Heroes Of newerth is the same as league and dota2... And All these three are base on the game we're playing : Dota.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=other reason off topic]The problem, is this : in league, dota2 etc You can custom your hotkey. In dota, it's more complicated. The way graphics are disturb some player and they go play on the new one. Window 95 could run wc3, such Dota. So people having huge computer to play big game, don't to get to this graphics qualities (that is poor). They will play league or whatever before Dota on wc3 I promise. They never heard of stats in lobby. Maybe if it was there, they would like it? Maybe they e-mailed steve to add it? You don't know. When you, here, is trying to take it off.[/spoiler]

EnT run this pretty well from a long time having this system up. We put A-bal game. Yes, we should implant it in other custom game that are popular. Or that are asked by users. Just pm uak and said. A-bal should be great for : [gamemapname] Reason : [statement]

Still, we need to keep, normal game for friend play :). Hide stats when you join lobby is cool. !sd in lobby should show stats. People don't sd to much. Depend on what kind of player you fall on. It's 10% maybe 15% you're talking of. Oh and I'm that much high that with whoever I play, if he's acting like a ''moron'' I loose lot of elo. I never win over 14 elo. Even a-bal game (tryed once, not worth it for me, being high bring all the 800 elo and they didn't speak english XD)

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Re: Stats proposal

Postby Kaisereo » Fri Feb 22, 2013 4:32 am

Okay, so let's get back on the topic of ENT stats proposal rather than "who knows more about League of Legends".

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Re: Stats proposal

Postby NutzSucksHard » Fri Feb 22, 2013 4:52 am

Kaisereo wrote:Okay, so let's get back on the topic of ENT stats proposal rather than "who knows more about League of Legends".
Just that I deblaterate a long ago for it, and they making me repeating again and again. What about you gave your opinion instead of a sentences.

Still, this is going to far for nothing imo. There's nothing better then the ''stack'' argue? Like what else it does wrong to show stats?

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Re: Stats proposal

Postby Kaisereo » Fri Feb 22, 2013 5:05 am

NutzSucksHard wrote:
Kaisereo wrote:Okay, so let's get back on the topic of ENT stats proposal rather than "who knows more about League of Legends".
Just that I deblaterate a long ago for it, and they making me repeating again and again. What about you gave your opinion instead of a sentences.

Still, this is going to far for nothing imo. There's nothing better then the ''stack'' argue? Like what else it does wrong to show stats?

I can't really comprehend what you're trying to say but I have given my opinion.
Kaisereo wrote:I personally would prefer if that stats system stayed, I know many players that actually try in DoTA and other ranked games for the stat recognition they get afterwards. I also acknowledge that many players (even I'm guilty of this) constantly use the stats system to unbalance the game. On the same note, the stats system can be a skills accommodation as it tells you if your teammates are good or not (losing games constantly isn't really fun). Personally this is just my input, but players who just want to play games without actually playing stacked games should just go to A-BAL games.

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Re: Stats proposal

Postby matdas » Sun Feb 24, 2013 7:55 pm

A-bal games are only for dota? Or is there for all custom games? If it is for only dota, then your A-bal games argument is null, for I do not play dota.

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Re: Stats proposal

Postby NutzSucksHard » Sun Feb 24, 2013 8:06 pm

That's why, in the suggestion place we are, you should do this

I request to add A-Bal Game in these games : [name the game or map]

Reason/why : [Statement]

Once uak will see it and approve it's a need. It will prob be updated. A-Bal is new and it was a ''beta'' test with dota to see how it is used by player and if it was working fine (like does it balance well). Now that it work fine. You should ask to add it in the custom game you think it is need. Like for you, I guess it's legion td. But be free to tell in wich custom you think player should have it.


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Re: Stats proposal

Postby WoDota » Mon Feb 25, 2013 9:12 pm

I think elo needs to be removed from stats.... Like dotavoid has the stats based on how you did in the game not the team.

The [void] Scoring System
What the score actually measures
The overall score attempts to quantify how much, on average, a player contributes to the outcome of his or her games. Unfortunately, DotA is a complex game, and there are innumerable ways for a player to contribute that can't be measured based on hero and creep stats alone. However, this method of scoring does attempt to reasonably judge player performance as a whole based on stats that can be measured. DotA is a team game, and because of this it's only logical to calculate a score that reflects team contribution.

How the [void] system differs from the ELO system
The [void] system differs from the ELO system in two main respects. First, the ELO system is based on wins and losses; the [void] system doesn't consider wins and losses. In a single player game (Chess, for example), wins and losses accurately describe a player's performance; however, wins and losses only vaguely describe a player's contribution to a team. Consider the player who has a weak team and yet still does well; he or she shouldn't be penalized by the performance of the rest of the team. And in a similar manner, the player who does poorly on a good team shouldn't be rewarded simply for having a good team.

The second major difference between the ELO system and the [void] system is the units used to measure the score. The ELO system uses an arbitrary base score (1000, for example), and players will either move up or down - and arbitrary amount - from this score. On the other hand, the [void] system is based on zero, and players will move up or down based on standard deviations. In fact, if you were to sum every single player's overall score on this server, you would get zero (by definition, the average player). For every strong (positive) player, there is an equally weak (negative) set of players - and vice versa.

Why the [void] system is better suited for DotA
One major drawback to having an arbitrary scoring system, like the ELO system, is score inflation. As more scores are added to the system, the average score will change; the base score will no longer be an accurate indication of average skill. With the [void] system though, the average player will always have a score of zero.

Another drawback of the ELO system is the difficulty of comparing two scores relative to one another. As an example, a player with a score of 1500 is not necessarily the opposite of a player with a score of 500. But in the [void] system, a player at +1, for example, is exactly opposite in skill level of a player at -1.

Because the [void] system has these strengths, it is a better method of quantifying a player's skill level than a system like ELO.

How the score is calculated
The first step in calculating a player's score is to calculate a raw score for each player at the end of every game. Kills, deaths, and assists are the main contributing factors to the raw score, but creep stats are also accounted for. At the end of a game, each player is assigned a raw score based on the aforementioned stats. Next, both the average and standard deviation are calculated with all ten raw scores. Once this is done, each player is assigned a game-specific score which is the number of standard deviations he or she deviated from the mean. Finally, a player's overall score is simply the average of all his or her game scores.

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Re: Stats proposal

Postby uakf.b » Mon Feb 25, 2013 9:26 pm

The second major difference between the ELO system and the [void] system is the units used to measure the score.

Zero and 1000 are both arbitrary bases. The base doesn't matter. ELO gain/loss is also determined based on standard deviations; the formulas can be found at

One major drawback to having an arbitrary scoring system, like the ELO system, is score inflation. As more scores are added to the system, the average score will change; the base score will no longer be an accurate indication of average skill. With the [void] system though, the average player will always have a score of zero.

Um, the average ELO score is always 1000.

Another drawback of the ELO system is the difficulty of comparing two scores relative to one another. As an example, a player with a score of 1500 is not necessarily the opposite of a player with a score of 500. But in the [void] system, a player at +1, for example, is exactly opposite in skill level of a player at -1.

For every player who gains 500 ELO from the base (i.e., to 1500 ELO), there is another player or an average of players who have lost 500 ELO (i.e., to 500 ELO).

Because the [void] system has these strengths, it is a better method of quantifying a player's skill level than a system like ELO.

The important thing in a team game is to get the team to win. It doesn't matter how you contribute to the team. So any stats system should only consider wins and losses.
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Re: Stats proposal

Postby WoDota » Tue Feb 26, 2013 2:09 am

I disagree with that. If you have a great game and go 11-0 or something and you have 4 total noobs and you get crushed should fuck up your stats... I just think people shouldn't have shitty scores cuz they have bad people or people that leave or just mess it up. Thats why i like DV cuz the stats are based on how you play and everything matters kills death assist creep kills denys towers rax everything. Yes dota is w/l but if you could add this in some way i think it be nice.

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Re: Stats proposal

Postby uakf.b » Tue Feb 26, 2013 3:09 am

Getting kills doesn't necessarily mean you're helping the team.
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Re: Stats proposal

Postby Tascar » Fri Mar 01, 2013 6:05 pm

Want to really fix the stats abuse problem? There's one really simple solution (Dota):

Similar to how the bot kicks people under 1150 elo out of those types of games, make it so that the bot will kick players out of normal games (AP, RD, SD etc) unless they have at least a 1 to 1 ratio of K/D after 10 games.

Then have 1 mode (AP, not EM) designated for new players and those without 10 games.

I think the majority of players would not mind a low elo player who has a 2 to 1 K/D ratio. The problem in Dota is the huge amount of feeders who don't care about getting better and run around with a grossly negative ratio.

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Re: Stats proposal

Postby FTHGN » Sun Mar 03, 2013 1:26 pm

Ur proposal doesnt work cause of fountain farmers ;) whats with players that play support heros and have like 1:3:20?

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Re: Stats proposal

Postby uakf.b » Sat Mar 23, 2013 9:58 pm

Well, based on the discussion, we're gradually going to be adding autohost bots, and we're also going to be experimenting with matchmaking (so that high ELO players play with other high ELO). We will also look into the proposal of detecting stacked games and see what to do about it.
dWFrZi5i -- 'cause I'm cool like Agreements

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