It doesn't show stats true. Still when you're searching a game. It place you with people with the same average game played, win/lose ratio. YOU don't see STATS, still it balance the entire game, checking all player searching a game, and matching the stats that look simmilar in one game.. Meaning this is impossible if you're 900 elo to play with or against a 2000 elo in league.. I like the system, seriously

You're rank 1, NEVER, but NEVER you will be against a rank 100. Impossible. Even if you don't see his stats in lobby, you can know, he's not overpowered and experienced.
[spoiler=Off topic a bit]League of Legend is popular cause it's free and new. Wc3 is old and you have to pay. Dota2 Is free. So people liking dota or want to try it, will go on Dota2 instead of the old dota 1. For the minus player we have, less then a thounsand! Can you let them have the pleasure of watching stats and stack if they want, dodge if they want. If they are not happy, they can go on your so great league of legend or dota2. Dota1 will die in less then 3 years. Let people be proud of their stats for the last stand of this epic game. Do you undertsand. Heroes Of newerth is the same as league and dota2... And All these three are base on the game we're playing : Dota.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=other reason off topic]The problem, is this : in league, dota2 etc You can custom your hotkey. In dota, it's more complicated. The way graphics are disturb some player and they go play on the new one. Window 95 could run wc3, such Dota. So people having huge computer to play big game, don't to get to this graphics qualities (that is poor). They will play league or whatever before Dota on wc3 I promise. They never heard of stats in lobby. Maybe if it was there, they would like it? Maybe they e-mailed steve to add it? You don't know. When you, here, is trying to take it off.[/spoiler]
EnT run this pretty well from a long time having this system up. We put A-bal game. Yes, we should implant it in other custom game that are popular. Or that are asked by users. Just pm uak and said. A-bal should be great for : [gamemapname] Reason : [statement]
Still, we need to keep, normal game for friend play