Sappy-Chan wrote:We've already made a thread about that. I linked it in my first post :
viewtopic.php?f=43&t=83977&p=339069&hilit=risk+rules#p336510. I think we showed that preteamers ruin ffa games and should be banned. But entgaming won't ban them because it takes too much time to review replays
and because you need to know the game well to determine if 2 players are teaming or preteaming.
nabo. wrote:Since Risk is a ffa, we were fine banning "obvious" cases of pre-teaming. However, we have also seen gray areas when looking at replays and due to the nature of the game's design and being an open online versus game, it is not so easy for the "ffa" concept to be clear cut.
If the ban requester were to specifically provide enough timestamps and specific examples on their ban request, it would make things easier, however we have seen requests that are too general and thus becoming too time consuming for us to check most of the replays.
Basically sums up the discussion in the link you've provided. ENT cannot properly moderate pre-teaming due to the nature of the game design. It would take too much time for us to prove solid hard preteaming on a case-by-case basis.
Also if I may provide some personal insight into the way I see it - It's FFA and green + red decide to attack me (blue), then yellow and perhaps orange before breaking this unspoken alliance and just attacking eachother so would this prove preteaming really? I mean it's just the nature of the game in which ENT moderation can't ban for. It can happen in every game and I'm honestly sure it does in some form or another.
Now speaking on a moderating type of view - We would have to..
1. See how frequently red + green play. This involves watching the
entire replay which sometimes go up to 2h+
2. Find any evidence via the chatlogs also including if they talk to each-other or to others for each-other etc.
3. Actually see if what they do hurts the over-all flow of gameplay. (Ex: red + green consistently attack everyone side by side over the course of the entire game and just going undefeated as a duo) which can easily be mistaken for just mere FFA gameplay styles and so forth.
4. Even if by completing the 3 steps above - can we really ban if people retaliate on the same action? What if triple alliances are formed just for the sake against them then it just turns into a mess and it'll just cause chain reactions leading to unnecessary messes in an already low-populated game.
Basically, too many steps and too many gray areas to actually prove solid hard pre-teaming and honestly - I've only ever seen maybe 5 of these reported in my 2 years of moderating so is that big of an issue to begin with? Are there others in the community of Risk Devo who holds the exact same view and necessity for this rule as you do?
The management has summed this up to be perfectly honest. As stated in the beginning.
Sappy-Chan wrote:Well I don't have any statistics but I really doubt risk is the lowest populated game. I see a lot of ent games that never start. There are tens of risk games everyday. Of course risk is less popular than legion td or dota, but I think making a proper ranking makes sense. All players I know like ranking systems and find it fun.
Following the idea that Risk Devo can actually hold a stable ELO formula considering it's basically a 12 person brawl should the game fill to that length - Can you provide more insight into this? Also, the link in which you pasted in the response to aRt)Y did not work.
Also to follow up on something aRt)Y himself said in the ''Risk Rules'' topic - It is currently the lowest autohosted game as of now and hasn't changed from that response.