Dota suggestion

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Dota suggestion

Postby Dota-Reaper » Tue Oct 18, 2016 7:20 pm

I've had two suggestions about possible 1200+ bot for dota, my first topic was close by @art)y the response i got from arty was "That would mean another bot for 1000 elo. At the moment, we arent in favor of that due to the player base." so i came up with the possibilities of turning the dota apem euro bot into the 1200+ elo bot since it has a very low traffic of players playing. @HazarDous response was, "We're only going to give a try to suggestion which we believe have a high chance to succeed.If you want higher Elo requirements, post a suggestion asking for it. If you want auto-balanced games, post a suggestion asking for it.In any case, you'll have to find arguments to convince us as to why it would work now as opposed to our previous attempts, alongside community support."

I'm trying to come up with way's in response to both of your cases and trying everything. and i haven't got not one good answer all i see is one response that doesn't really indicate anything and topic close. I am hoping you guys are on the same page and hold meetings with each other on daily, and can you guys at least put out a poll for us to vote for this or what ever. or pay attention to the discussion the dota community is having on the seriously give us some type of solution..i'm not trying to spam but i really enjoy the game and i can't enjoy it if this continues. its very frustrating. I'm not trying to be rude or anything but i am trying to fight for something that is frustrating a lot of players who have forum account or don't. give us options let us vote at least please. @uakf.b

Fyi the community can't support nothing if you guys close topic after one response.

Thank you.


Re: Dota suggestion

Postby Hatedmaru » Tue Oct 18, 2016 7:35 pm

Well, you can start by initiating the discussion on the DotA section, and after having a few replies (which you will surely get from the active DotA players on the forum), you can see where it stands (Im pretty sure you could even ask the Administration/Management later on to get an announcement for DotA bots, asking players to join the forum and see the topic and voice their opinion, im sure they wont mind helping you as long as you ask politely :P )

So what exactly do you need at the moment (in my opinion):

[*] Start a new topic on the DotA section, clearly explaining what is it that you really want (may it be an autobalance bot, or an higher elo bot), and presenting good arguments to it (Just using the low traffic as an argument, wont be enough ^^ Dont forget that by adding a new bot (or changing the current one, w/e), with the current playerbase, you will be splitting the current playerbase, so you gotta have enough arguments and support from the community to justify it -> Take a look at the recent -6.83d vs 6.85 bot results: Although it was a great idea, sadly it dind't work due to people preferring the old map (and -em most likely))

[*] Await for a response by the DotA community, and contact the players ingame when you play (you can always tell them to check the forum, and voice their opinion on the topic).

[*] Depending on the community response, ENT Administration/Management might help you with the ingame announcement to get the community attention, and furthermore see if its worth and if it will suceed or not.

PS: The autobalance bot doens't seem it will work, due to the amount of smurfs, and friends who like to play together, so these are 2 arguments that i see that can stop it from happening :P However the higher elo bot could be a possibility, which would be good imo: Friends can still play together, people will be able to prolly enjoy "more" balanced games (Smurfs will always happen, whether they are 1000 elo or 1500 elo, but at least you wont have total new players, and mb the game can end up being a bit more balanced ^^)

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Re: Dota suggestion

Postby Dota-Reaper » Tue Oct 18, 2016 8:33 pm

@hyo there are already topics and ideas in the dota sections about all of this higher elo, lower elo requirement, auto balance, and many more and nothing is being said by the admins. and i have commented on a couple of them and thank you for reading this and replying btw.


Re: Dota suggestion

Postby Hatedmaru » Tue Oct 18, 2016 10:35 pm

@Dota-Reaper In all of the topics (or most of them, i dind't go through all of them ^^), there was a response by either an Administrator or a Manager (and even when you dont have an answer, it doens't mean they are not aware - They might be waiting for more input or to see where it goes, before commenting - I was an ex-administrator here on ENT and you can be sure that most of us usually surf the various forum sections, and are aware of whats being written, even if we don't write as soon as the topic is posted ^^).

And with the amount of topics there ... well you get the idea: Too many topics, too many ideas, too much "shit-chat": So if you really want this to be considered and see where it goes, i would advise you to start a new topic, clearly explaining what the topic is about, presenting arguments, asking for the community input, etc - That way the Management can see what is the current dota playerbase is, what they want, what they think currently (Most of the topics are old, or with a huge gap between post dates)

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Re: Dota suggestion

Postby aRt)Y » Wed Oct 19, 2016 6:10 am

We are on the same page. We just used different words rejecting yout suggestions.

If there are enough players to support multiple bots, then yes. Are there? No.

Posting more suggestions doesnt solve the actual issue at least I have: that's the player base.

Plus, too few players vote on forum to justify an ELO limit on an already autohosting bot.
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Re: Dota suggestion

Postby HazarDous » Thu Oct 20, 2016 5:00 pm

Yet again, you're not suggestion anything concrete. You merely suggest that we stop denying your suggestions...?

Do as Hyo stated. If we see community are united around an idea, we might think again.

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