ELO system would be better if ......

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ELO system would be better if ......

Postby Ultimate_aMaYa » Mon May 13, 2013 4:38 pm

.... everyone had only 1 account.

How many people pooled their buddy in order to get high ELO ?
How many people have smurf to pool their friend ?

Now when I join Ent bot I almost know noone lol but I see many 30/0 accounts, all stacking with another friend with +1500 elo ---> they win 99% because they are friends and pros, but that is not the problem.
The problem is that nowaday I think ELO system is completly fucked because of that. correct me if I'm wrong, but I think 90% of top players did it :)
Even me when ba_fail came to play with me in Europe he was 0/0 when he was 1800 elo in us east. Now ba_fail is his main account, but I doubt that people who made a smurf name was to switch server, but defenatly to help their friend to have high elo.
I don't blame all of them, but we have to be honest, this is not correct for the elo system. People will keep triing to get an advantage in a game, sharing information/ using map hack/etc ... and now this is the sytem which is corrupted.


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Re: ELO system would be better if ......

Postby supersexyy » Mon May 13, 2013 4:58 pm

I completely agree.

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Re: ELO system would be better if ......

Postby teller55 » Mon May 13, 2013 5:03 pm

I have no idea what you are suggesting.

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Re: ELO system would be better if ......

Postby Ultimate_aMaYa » Mon May 13, 2013 5:34 pm

teller55 wrote:I have no idea what you are suggesting.

Suggestion will come with discussion :D but yea my post look like more a complain ;)

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Re: ELO system would be better if ......

Postby HateLose » Mon May 13, 2013 6:01 pm

I agree and hear what you're saying, but this just isn't possible. The simple fact is, you can create multiple accounts on b.net. Unless b.net prevents you from creating multiple accounts, this suggestion (more or less a complaint) is futile. Unless you want to go by the "honor system" which again is hopeless (with all the hackers still around).

It's a good idea, but not possible. There is LIHL because of this reason.

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Re: ELO system would be better if ......

Postby Palsgraf » Mon May 13, 2013 6:15 pm

HateLose wrote:I agree and hear what you're saying, but this just isn't possible. The simple fact is, you can create multiple accounts on b.net. Unless b.net prevents you from creating multiple accounts, this suggestion (more or less a complaint) is futile. Unless you want to go by the "honor system" which again is hopeless (with all the hackers still around).

It's a good idea, but not possible. There is LIHL because of this reason.

Wrong. We could make users link their bnet account to their forum accounts - and only allow them to link a single bnet account.

This would also make it more difficult to ban dodge.
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Re: ELO system would be better if ......

Postby teller55 » Mon May 13, 2013 6:21 pm

This would also not allow anyone to play on a shared internet system and only 1 username per household (assuming you are talking about only allowing 1 forum account per IP as well, and if that isn't what you are suggesting, then it makes no sense whatsoever anyways since they can make a second forum account the same way they can make a new b.net account.)

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Re: ELO system would be better if ......

Postby HateLose » Mon May 13, 2013 6:24 pm

teller55 wrote:it makes no sense whatsoever anyways since they can make a second forum account the same way they can make a new b.net account.)

Exactly what I was about to say.


Re: ELO system would be better if ......

Postby Chantry_nV » Mon May 13, 2013 10:44 pm

Frankly, I don't see the issue... It is almost like complaining about a strategy, yes 'strategy', that every single person has available to them however so many people just choose not to utilize it? It isn't like these players have an unfair advantage... what stops you getting 5 friends (which i'm sure most people could muster) and all making 1k's except one guy... then go use [https://clanent.net/forum/games.php] after you join a game and you can easily see if anyone is better than you based purely on k/d instead of games played and then dodge accordingly... my point is that what people do with smurf acc 1k's in order to boost their friends is not unfair rather it is an innate part of the game and all those people who say it is 'unfair' or 'cheating' are simply too low a skill level to utilize five man stacks as they will still lose to a decent 3 man stack... the issue is not smurfing at all, it is rather a MASSIVE MASSIVE skill gap that is present within the community today; it is also present in every MOBA. the reason is that the players at the top now have been playing 6/7 years or whatever and will literally stomp on any new or even a medium ground player.

Well that's my opinion!

And i mean, having one account is useless when the accounts themselves mean nothing... the skill within the player that creates said accounts is the masterwork behind it all... as far as I see it, BNET doesn't restrict accounts and frankly if the accounts are there and not deleted then the players must be active on them anyway...

I mean sure they gain more elo but all those players who are doing that are fully capable of doing it regardless.. its not as if they're at the top solely due to smurfing, I think you are inflating the issue beyond its bounds. the top players are top players not only because they a few times gained 1 elo instead of 0.4 due to smurf friends on their team, they're good fucking players who would have beat you regardless... the elo system isn't broken as the whole idea of it is that it balances out... if a player smurfs the entire time and gets to (2.2k) which I know of no one who has in a significant amount... then eventually he is gonna play alone and when the top players lose, they lose big, in terms of 27/28 elo and it really does hurt... it takes 15 games to gain it back... so don't think they're only up their because of their friends... i've played with players with ridiculous elos and we just take the 0.3 gain tbh most people dont care...


Re: ELO system would be better if ......

Postby EdgeOfChaos » Mon May 13, 2013 11:05 pm

I disagree! I like smurfing. I don't do it to help any friend, I do it because I don't like playing on a 1600 elo account in public games. Some people think a high elo on your team is a license to mess around and do crappy builds, play stupidly, etc. I also don't want new players on my team to contribute to losses on my main. I only really play on my main with a team, but I play on lots of aliases in public games.

Also, if a player is at 1900 elo, most likely they deserve to be there no matter how much friends helped them. DotA is a team game, and if there is a totally noob 1900 elo, they will lose some games, and those losses will result in 10x the elo loss that the wins do.

I also like seeing how many wins I can get before I get 1 loss, and trying to improve that. There are many reasons for smurf accounts other than 'leveling up' someone else's account.


Re: ELO system would be better if ......

Postby Chantry_nV » Mon May 13, 2013 11:48 pm

EdgeOfChaos wrote:I disagree! I like smurfing. I don't do it to help any friend, I do it because I don't like playing on a 1600 elo account in public games. Some people think a high elo on your team is a license to mess around and do crappy builds, play stupidly, etc. I also don't want new players on my team to contribute to losses on my main. I only really play on my main with a team, but I play on lots of aliases in public games.

Also, if a player is at 1900 elo, most likely they deserve to be there no matter how much friends helped them. DotA is a team game, and if there is a totally noob 1900 elo, they will lose some games, and those losses will result in 10x the elo loss that the wins do.

I also like seeing how many wins I can get before I get 1 loss, and trying to improve that. There are many reasons for smurf accounts other than 'leveling up' someone else's account.

^ couldn't agree more.

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Re: ELO system would be better if ......

Postby iightfyre » Tue May 14, 2013 12:11 am

From an LTD perspective:

ELO would be better if.... public games had the same rules and regulations as the LIHL!!!

(PS - I'm not suggesting we do this. Only adding to the conversation. It would make the ELO more accurate though! :D )

And no need to worry about the ELO in pubs in LTD anymore - That's what LIHL and HR bots are for. Power to the players!

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Re: ELO system would be better if ......

Postby teller55 » Tue Jun 04, 2013 12:37 am

No response from OP. Thanks for the suggestion, but I think at this time, this idea wouldn't really be what we're looking for.

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