Hellhalt AFK System Suggestion

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Hellhalt AFK System Suggestion

Postby Esile » Mon Sep 18, 2017 7:39 am


Would it be possible to implement a better system to handle afkers when the other team ignores the !afk timer?

Some ideas:

- Perhaps only 2 votes (the rest of the afker's team) would be enough to kick a person for whom the !afk comes back with a timer over 5mins or so.
- If the !afk command returns a clear afk, say over 5mins or so, the bot may be able to automatically kick the afker if !Afk shows he/she has been afk, or to freeze their slot completely (units remain at their area but no creeps come, they cant use wood/gold etc)
- As per wTc[JediMaster]'s suggestion on Discord
for ex -afk teal
Teal will get a popup with 1 option "I am not AFK"
If he click hes safe, if not (with in the time limit) hes kicked from the game.

I think a new system is very much needed, because more and more people refuse to !vk when it comes to afkers, and having a whole lane spawn leaking straight to Guard before you finish your own lane is pretty game ruining.

Thank you for your consideration.

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Re: Hellhalt AFK System Suggestion

Postby FalenGa » Mon Sep 18, 2017 11:03 am

Reducing the votes from the current number to 2 is not an option. For that to happen, all votekicks have to be reduced to that amount, which will definitely be abused, and it's not even fair ( since 2 out of 6 is 33% ).

Then there are cases of afk with the team's agreement. Let's say someone knows he can hold waves 11 and 12, and goes afk, letting his team know. His team is okay with it, but the system you're suggesting kicks in and drops him. Now the game is 2v3.

The best available option is to report these games. It's the only way to "force" players to familiase with our rules, either by appealing or by keeping them out of our games until they realise what they're doing wrong. Repeat violator are banned for longer periods.

Perhaps the addition of the -kickafk (number) command, like in dota, could work. But that's up for a debate.

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Re: Hellhalt AFK System Suggestion

Postby aRt)Y » Wed Oct 11, 2017 5:52 pm

As suggested, report players who a) afk and b) refuse to votekick afkers.
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