Would it be possible to implement a better system to handle afkers when the other team ignores the !afk timer?
Some ideas:
- Perhaps only 2 votes (the rest of the afker's team) would be enough to kick a person for whom the !afk comes back with a timer over 5mins or so.
- If the !afk command returns a clear afk, say over 5mins or so, the bot may be able to automatically kick the afker if !Afk shows he/she has been afk, or to freeze their slot completely (units remain at their area but no creeps come, they cant use wood/gold etc)
- As per wTc[JediMaster]'s suggestion on Discord
for ex -afk teal
Teal will get a popup with 1 option "I am not AFK"
If he click hes safe, if not (with in the time limit) hes kicked from the game.
I think a new system is very much needed, because more and more people refuse to !vk when it comes to afkers, and having a whole lane spawn leaking straight to Guard before you finish your own lane is pretty game ruining.
Thank you for your consideration.