Autohost [Lordaeron The Aftermath]

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Autohost [Lordaeron The Aftermath]

Postby SvnmS » Sat Mar 10, 2018 6:46 am

Load code: f5oap
Slot layout No specific slot layout, all open.
Number of players until autostart: 12
Problems with map (like cheats and such), if any: None that I know of.
Why the map should be autohosted: It popular enough, hosted mostly on MMH currently, it should fill tens of times a day. And the work on the next version will take time, so the version to be hosted will not need to be changed.
Special notes: Autoban should be disabled as players leave before the game ends when they are defeated.

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Re: Autohost [Lordaeron The Aftermath]

Postby HazarDous » Fri Apr 20, 2018 6:11 am

Denied due to lack of public support on this topic.

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