techie glitch

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Re: techie glitch

Postby Sylvanas » Tue Mar 20, 2018 3:49 am

Zeratul wrote:
Connorchaos wrote:@Zeratul no other hero can one shot kill like techies with suicide. So its defiantly unintended.


Techies mines (still same hero i know) can do it
Arc 3rd skill (poison) can do the same
Shadow demon poison stacked can do the same
Huskar fire arrows can do the same
Ursa with swipes and boots of speed/orb of venom can also kill you

Point is: Many heroes got strong lvl1 skills (even if not 1 shot kill) that can easily kill you before spawn timer, repick and do the same - And if you're stupid enough to die to a techies running towards you on lvl1, then thats on you, not him for doing it.

By the rate of these "suggestions", soon people wont be playing Defense of the Ancients (aka DotA), but rather Defense of the Glitches/Bugs

Using any of those skills disables repicking due to spending hp/mana. Explain to me why they've set that restriction and why you believe they intended techies to ignore that restriction by suiciding and reviving.


Re: techie glitch

Postby Zeratul » Tue Mar 20, 2018 3:53 am

Sylvanas wrote:Using any of those skills disables repicking due to spending hp/mana. Explain to me why they've set that restriction and why you believe they intended techies to ignore that restriction by suiciding and reviving.

I'm pretty sure thats not a restriction (at least not one that ive noticed), but i'll try it later and see if that's the case.

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Re: techie glitch

Postby Connorchaos » Tue Mar 20, 2018 4:50 am

Suicide with tech loses gold but also gains gold and since its first blood you should gain more gold than you lose. That alone should make you unable to repick. With this in mind you have lost absolutely nothing to lose by repicking, if any other hero died and respawned you would have lost the gold and unable to repick anyways. This is not intended for just one hero to bypass all the rules the others are set by. Suicide with tech and tell me you gain no experience with the kill, in the older versions you didnt in this version you do.


Re: techie glitch

Postby Zeratul » Tue Mar 20, 2018 4:54 am

Connorchaos wrote:Suicide with tech loses gold but also gains gold and since its first blood you should gain more gold than you lose.

Wrong. Any firstblood (techies suicide or not) you will gain gold lols.

Connorchaos wrote:That alone should make you unable to repick. With this in mind you have lost absolutely nothing to lose by repicking

Again wrong - you lose the experience you gained from the firstblood, once you repick.

Connorchaos wrote:if any other hero died and respawned you would have lost the gold and unable to repick anyways.[quote/]

Again wrong - You need a certain amount of gold to repick (which can be ensured by the firstblood money); This situation comes along the last line mentioned (wondering on the fact you can repick or not after losing hp/mana).

Connorchaos wrote:This is not intended for just one hero to bypass all the rules the others are set by. Suicide with tech and tell me you gain no experience with the kill, in the older versions you didnt in this version you do.

The only thing left to confirm here is if you actually you can repick other heroes after killing someone too or not (before spawn timer that is) - If that is confirmed, then your theory has no grounds to it, meaning:

Any hero (techies or not) can suicide/lose hp/mana and repick - and lose the experience gained after repicking

If this is the case, then this suggestion is useless (I'll try testing it later on and ill post later)

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Re: techie glitch

Postby niwa_kun » Tue Mar 20, 2018 12:09 pm

Suicide with tech loses gold but also gains gold and since its first blood you should gain more gold than you lose. [/quote]

Wrong. Any firstblood (techies suicide or not) you will gain gold lols.

what he means is after u die from suicide squad u lose gold naturally it s still a death yet from FB u also gained money and the balance goes into benefits


Re: techie glitch

Postby Zeratul » Tue Mar 20, 2018 5:28 pm

So as predicted this suggestion has no grounds whatsoever:

Yes you cant repick without full hp/mana, but you can repick after having a kill (and enough gold), as long as you have full hp/mana (which can be recovered via fountain, potions etc.)

Basically i picked arc, bought a tp, and went mid - dropped a few poisons by the river, got a kill

Once i tried to repick it showed on screen "Can't repick without full hp/mana"

I went back to base, healed full and could repick after (after getting a kill) - I had no experience on the repick (as expected)

Tested here:


You can repick a hero after getting a kill, meaning that this suggestion should just be denied (Techies simply can suicide and get a kill, but there's nothing unintended at stake here as claimed)

PS: And before you wanna say "Oh but you had 4k gold cuz no other heroes" it would be the same - with 5 heroes, you start with 603g after picking a hero, buying 1 tp scroll would leave me with 500g, and i could still repick after fb anyways

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Re: techie glitch

Postby Essenze » Tue Mar 20, 2018 6:54 pm

Sir, this is no where a glitch. To repick you gotta have full hp+mp and some gold, you just appear to have enough after suiciding. It's kinda silly strategy and not really worth it.

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Re: techie glitch

Postby Dhamma » Tue Mar 20, 2018 6:58 pm

Perhaps there are two more questions to consider in order to determine if this is really a bug or not.
1- is this possible to do this in the new map (dracolich's)
2- is it possible to do this in the older maps. The last map before the gold increase change or the last map icefrog actually released.

Simply because this map is known to have more bugs than before, when icefrog still had a hand in it. And because some bugs are different with the dracolich's map and it could have been fixed on his.

One example of such a bug is the chicken rune bug. This bug is absent from the newer maps and the older maps.
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Re: techie glitch

Postby Zeratul » Tue Mar 20, 2018 7:02 pm

His question/suggestion was regarding techies being a glitch (claiming you cant repick after getting a kill, etc.) - Point proven, no arguments to sustain the mentioned suggestion, therefore solved.

You can play on previous versions, and do that testing yourself, and suggest that repicking any hero after getting a kill is forbidden since in older versions that wasn't possible (if its the case), but this suggestion wasn't related to that.

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Re: techie glitch

Postby BigBooty69 » Wed Mar 21, 2018 2:27 pm

Sylvanas wrote:I'd say it was an oversight, if technically not a glitch. Repicking was obviously not intended to be used that way.

I totally agree that repicking was not meant to be used this way. If it isn't a glitch, it is either an oversight or it was impossible to do, due to wc3 mechanics.

Maybe the only way they could prevent a hero to be used in such a way, was to make sure he has full HP and mana.

If they wanted a hero to be able to be used and then repicked, why even bother with the hp/mana requirement?

For someone who does not want to
me_leva_nager wrote:have to deal with a hero that just ruins games.
, you and your friends sure play him a lot.

Get 2 heroes with slow/stun and it's easy to get FB with suicide. This helps your team no matter how you look at it. I think it should be a banned practice.

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Re: techie glitch

Postby Astros » Thu Mar 22, 2018 4:45 pm

So the issue is:

Techies is suiciding as his suicide spell does a lot of damage at level 1 and can get first blood. It is then repicked.

Techies is basically using a spell. It just so happens that it is a spell that does a large amount of damage but that's like saying someone can't random a hero, cast a spell, and then repick. There is no glitch because it's a spell.
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Re: techie glitch

Postby Sylvanas » Fri Mar 23, 2018 12:03 am

chineseeagle wrote:that's like saying someone can't random a hero, cast a spell, and then repick.

Funny thing is you can't do that because the map actually prevents you from repicking if you're missing any health or mana. What you can do is tp back and refill your hp/mana to remove that restriction and then repick.

The question is knowing what the intention was behind implementing that. Either they wanted to keep people from using their hero to fight and then repicking the beat up hero for a brand new one (possibly for preventing imminent death or just for a free heal), or they wanted to prevent repicking those already used heroes altogether. Of course, we'll get no answer to that and nothing will happen here. It's not a huge deal anyway.


Re: techie glitch

Postby Zeratul » Fri Mar 23, 2018 12:41 am

Well, if Icefrog really dind't want people to get kills, and then repick (whether it is with techies or anyone else), then that would have been set from the start (True that he might have not expected people would actually do that, but if this was an issue in the past, it would have been solved by now).

And quite frankly, until this topic - i had no idea people even do this ingame (ive thought about it, but to actually do it its silly: If i pick techies, i wanna play it, not suicide to get a kill and repick after), so i dont really see this as a "must be ruled asap, cause its frequent" + as mentioned before, it's not a bug/glitch - at best, it's something the mapmaker could solve if really necessary (which he won't since he abandoned the mapmaking, and ent community doens't want to move on to the new one), so rip

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Re: techie glitch

Postby Astros » Fri Mar 23, 2018 5:06 am

Sylvanas wrote:
chineseeagle wrote:that's like saying someone can't random a hero, cast a spell, and then repick.

Funny thing is you can't do that because the map actually prevents you from repicking if you're missing any health or mana. What you can do is tp back and refill your hp/mana to remove that restriction and then repick.

The question is knowing what the intention was behind implementing that. Either they wanted to keep people from using their hero to fight and then repicking the beat up hero for a brand new one (possibly for preventing imminent death or just for a free heal), or they wanted to prevent repicking those already used heroes altogether. Of course, we'll get no answer to that and nothing will happen here. It's not a huge deal anyway.

The principle is the same regardless. Techies just happen to have a skill that is most convenient in regards to doing what the OP is suggesting.
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Re: techie glitch

Postby HazarDous » Fri Apr 20, 2018 6:20 am

Sylvanas wrote: What you can do is tp back and refill your hp/mana to remove that restriction and then repick.

In other words, it'd be possible for any hero to kill someone [tp back to base, regenerate hp and mana] and repick.

I don't see why we would forbid techie from doing this solely based on the fact that his suicide skill is most convenient for the purpose of accomplishing this "tactic".


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