Island defense Rule suggestion.

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Island defense Rule suggestion.

Postby lordmillt4 » Wed Aug 15, 2018 6:27 pm

Hi there, the rule i would love to see is this inhouse rule that's been in private games also known as the Two per base rule. I am tired of killing 5 people the first 5mins and everyone goes into 1 base lumberfeeds to full supers 8mins in, most games the titan kills a lot of new players thats not careful enough. If a titan is playing so good and get early kills and plays very well early and moves into mid game fair good he shouldnt lose but 5man basing is too strong in most cases as titan might be low lvl due to less feed or that he's lacking gold or just his minis r stuck lvl 2 due to everyone detos and runs into 1 single base and does nothing except wait for GP to come and the titan have lost, sure theres way to end the game Before the basing happens but when it does its MOST TIMES, impossible to beat. Most titan mains/players knows this and since i am one of them i do run into these bases a lot and its fair hard to win, you either gotta cheese it or you gotta outplay the defenders but mostly the waller and the tower builder often r the good ones in the lobbys who plays rly safe and doesnt die to nuke/Bounces which also makes it even harder for the titan to win.

The only negative thing about this rule would be new players has to be outside a safe base but also it increases the skill cap in Public games because the new guys can't go hide into 1 super base and just afk rest of the game and they have to play more risky and beware where titans and his minis are.

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Re: Island defense Rule suggestion.

Postby CalculuS » Wed Aug 15, 2018 6:55 pm

If you as titan kill 4 builders early (your feed) and force people to cower into bases then you get punished for it by multi-basing.

Anything past 10-15 minutes when titan has 2 or more minions is ridiculous, you can't go anywhere on the map with floating eyes and scouts and you're just feed, so what do you do? You go afk in a base or something.

Putting a cap on how many people can sit in a base is ridiculous.

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Re: Island defense Rule suggestion.

Postby lordmillt4 » Wed Aug 15, 2018 7:04 pm

You can go anywhere you want, just becareful when you're doing it and if ur struggling with 1-2mins at 10mins in, you simple just hunt the minis with hunters/Trappers, i see too often when demos just hides in a base because theyre scared of dying to a mini alone when they can wall them in when they try to take down a lumberbase where u can trap them in easily. Why should I get punished by killing 4 builders early? Should I just let them gold and get ARC and from there lose the game because they base? I don't see the Point of letting them live so u can feed of their 1-2 lumber bases even if they got lumber bases up. Killing early should be a reward and not a punishment.

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Re: Island defense Rule suggestion.

Postby Yarragon » Wed Aug 15, 2018 7:28 pm


Millt can't manage pub games when pubs actually cooperate. If you want inhouse rules play an inhouse game / start your own.

This would seriously decrease the enjoyment of pub games by forcing people to essentially feed you, and overall hurt the higher skill level players because suddenly they aren't allowed to let people sit with them. I can't tell you how many games I've had a 42 tower super base with worker block set up, only to sigh and give up on the game because some goblin or murloc thinks that 6,000 lumber is enough to base against a level 7 titan with 3 minions. Let's not make that a common occurrence please.

Also, if you have 4-5 minions by 5 minutes you should have zero issue with sieging. Take nukes, kill the rewallers, walk inside the now feed base.
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Re: Island defense Rule suggestion.

Postby lordmillt4 » Wed Aug 15, 2018 7:45 pm

I can manage pub games, I've managed harder games in the old ENT inhouses we had few months ago where I had a high winrate as titan, its not that im complaining that im losing games. But you don't understand the fact where minis doesn't help vs people who play carefully and actually gets 1 wall off at the time/barely and since its so early in the game you actually struggle against a full mak super base with mag walls because you lack items and lvls on ur heal which makes it harder. There's Always gonna be feeders in the pub games, people will Always have a under upgraded base vs a high lvl'd titan. This change would change that a bit though, Think it like if new players play builder all the time and all they do is hide in good player's bases they dont know what it actually takes to base on their own / get better at the game. They will just sit there every game doing nothing outside lumber feeding or just afking. That's now how the game is supposed to play. You're supposed to go hunt, have awareness wheres main/minis and where to go and when to do stuff which hiding in a base completely removes this aspect of the game which is the only fun aspect.

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Re: Island defense Rule suggestion.

Postby Ben_T » Wed Aug 15, 2018 8:31 pm

As yarragon said, you’re basically complaining that the builders are cooperating. If you kill a bunch of people early on, most pubs get scared and just hide in someone’s base. The better players are normally the ones who go and make a solid base. So instead of making a rule to surround your playstyle, learn to hold back and not kill people so quickly OR you could just anticipate where the builders will “mega base” and get there before the base is fully constructed. So my recommendation is before proposing a new rule, you should look at your playstyle and say “how can I change this to make it better and to prevent these mega bases from happening”. I’m strongly against this rule. Thanks for your time.

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Re: Island defense Rule suggestion.

Postby lordmillt4 » Wed Aug 15, 2018 9:16 pm

I don't see how its my playstyle, its everyones titans playstyle to early kill and end game ASAP when you get early kills at mound or so. But when that happens the first thing that comes to mind to builders are the penta base instead of working together to kill this one mini and play it safer so he doesnt get two minis or more. It's literally easy to play around one mini. ID's playstyle right now is bad & wrong IMO, you go lumber base > gold > someone dies > base. Which I feel is wrong, it should be like Lumberbase > Gold > someone dies > TRY to kill the mini by trapping it or just rushing it with hunters and if that doesnt work you can try to make more than one base to make the game more fun & enjoyable to play. It's a faster phased game where u just dont afk from minute 5 til GP and GG from there. If people just sit in better players solid bases the new guys who isnt sure what too do because he will just get told to deto or stop basing because builders want people to sit afk in their base to secure the win because how stupid penta/quad bases are early in the game. Sure you can mby get a lucky Pearl and find them but the fact is even if you find them just started walling, they'll upgrade the walls and youll underlvled with no items to siege this base at 5mins when they getting towered & enhanced or super Towers even if u got two minis to nuke it wont be enough to siege a early penta base and since everyone just goes and hides in ur base theres no feed out for the titan and he'll be stuck max lvl 6 with two lvl 3 minis and there its GG.

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Re: Island defense Rule suggestion.

Postby Kappa » Wed Aug 15, 2018 9:31 pm

Regardless if this is the direction ID community decides to go in, we've always discussed 2 builder bases being enforced by the map with Dragon. I think trying to regulate 2 people bases through ENT rules would be a disaster for public lobbies.

Not to mention the impact it would have on actual game play. You're trying to apply in-house rules to public lobbies and I just don't think its a good idea especially for new players. The argument might be more valid if ELO was implemented in ID since stats and competitive/fair play for both sides would be needed.

It's different in in-house/private games where you can be somewhat assured that 4 bad players won't die right away. In public lobbies, the former is often a reality and penta bases are the only way to win the game.

I don't see the need for this rule change at the moment.

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Re: Island defense Rule suggestion.

Postby Haunt » Wed Aug 15, 2018 9:41 pm

What yarragon, ben and kappa said.

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