Av1oN wrote:Enough with the drama. I'm not going to have this suggestion de-rail from it's initial purpose.
Speaking of which, I'm curious to know what the actual point of this thread was. Are you suggesting something or are you discussing something?
If I need to say it for you - No. The syllabear strategy is not ban-able on ENT nor do we punish anyone who uses it. The moderator in question who stated such was not speaking the truth and the ENT administration/management will deal with that area.
So unless there is an actual suggestion here, I am going to archive or move this topic.
Sorry, I apologize.
The point is kind of gone now you stated it is not bannable to play bear only build. Originally I was informed it was bannable and suggested to start a debate on "which" strategies are bannable and why, as to updating the wiki rules page, so it would be clear to other players. To be honest, I was kind of concerned that some other strategies and styles are somehow "unspokenly" banned. I didn't want to accidentally break any rules not on the wiki.
But your new information changed a lot of things. I like the moderator who addressed the topic, he seems like a very nice and reasonable person, so I hope I didn't get him in trouble or anything. It was his suggestion to start this debate even if he was mistaken about the bear build.
However, since the bear only build is allowed, then may I ask you to examine this ban request again? These 3 people were abusing the votekick and pause system. If my build is legit, then their votekick abuse was not justified.
viewtopic.php?f=24&t=103754Thank you.