FollowingPath wrote:e0e0e0e0 wrote:Your statement implies that players care about stats such as W/L, or win rate percentage. I would suggest visiting this Island Defense Lobby Status site,
On this site you can quickly view the win rate percentage of players in the current waiting lobby. What you will notice is the win rate % of these players are quite low, especially in a game thats 10v1. It can only imply that these players do not care for their stats.e0e0e0e0 wrote:If people want a competitive game they can go play a ENT map that has ELO, such as DOTA or LTD.
In the Island Defense discord you can see daily posts about titans, including yourself, complaining about builders triple/quad/penta basing so Titan can't win. We even have builders complaining about feeling "forced" to teambase in order to - you guessed it - win. Claiming that Island Defense isn't competitive just because there's no ELO is deliberately bending facts to fit your argument.e0e0e0e0 wrote:Ultimately, what you're suggesting is that the needs of the few, in your case 1 person, outweighs the needs of the many, in terms of stats recording. Yet, I think otherwise, and if 3 people leaving is enough to ruin a game, as implied by the ENT rules of ID, then that many people, and the Titan as well, should have the privilege to end a bad game quickly. That is why I think only 40% participation is needed to !draw.
You keep pushing on this point that you're in favor of fulfilling "the needs of the many instead of the needs of the one," and yet you still argue for a 40% participation rate. I'm going to go as far as actually helping you out and assume that when you say "40%" you're thinking of games that have 3 or more leavers, in which case 40% of the original lobby would be the majority of the current lobby. But what about games where only 1 or 2 people leave? Those games are still playable, and yet I wouldn't put it past some of the "regulars" who group and have 1 person from the group play Titan, to force the game into a !draw and go next, even though they would be a minority in that scenario.e0e0e0e0 wrote:You say leaver rules are in place to stop 1 person from potentially ruining game for those that play for stats?
This only affects Titan in terms of feed. I have yet to see a game where 7 people leaving in the first minute has an adverse affect on the ability of the remaining BUILDERS to win.
Then you need more stomp practice. A Titan with good game sense is guaranteed a win against the last few builders that remain after a mass leave (which most often happen because people ragequit over early minions.) Because I'm such a good guy I'll even give you a step-by-step guide, completely free of charge:
Step 1: Sell all your shit and buy MSoTG.
You're welcome.
In the Island Defense discord most of us barely play at this point, hell I've played only 1 or 2 lobbies in the last few days, and that was because we were all playing. We definitely don't daily post about any of this teambasing to win against titan, because ID has been off trending. If you see daily posts about this, feel free to screenshot and show me here, but we've all been playing other custom games over ID because of things such as the lack of a !draw system, and being trapped by the new leaver rules. Pub games are full of more noobs than ever because we don't play this game much anymore. This will be my last post on this matter as I can't care enough about this game, which I know you barely play, to push for this more.
You can even look at the stats of Ben_T, one of our ID mods: ... yer/ben_t/
You will notice he's playing a ton of more custom games now than ever, and playing ID with less frequency, because people don't want to play a game with bad rules and bad players. When even the mods of the game barely play this, you know it's dead.
Addressing your statement concerning games where only 1 or 2 people leave, yet people may !draw to end, I can only think it's up to the discretion of the players to decide whether to do so, not you to decide whether it's playable or not. If 1 or 2 people leave and the 40% of builders and Titan agree to !draw to end, that's up to THEM, not you. Following that game, if people are upset that this has occurred, they can post a ban request on the leaving players, removing them from the player pool and reducing games that end in a !draw. Through this, bad players and bad games can be weeded out with more efficiency, and the ID lobbies will be better, or at the least filled with people who don't leave. Your statement regarding the "regulars" who group and have 1 person titan and !draw, in this case, are made irrelevant.
I used to see 3-5 lobbies playing at the same time, now it's 0-2, these current rules and consistent ban requests against these NON-COMPETITIVE players have cut the amount of players by a large margin, there needs to be a change.
We don't know until we try and test things out, but I strongly feel implementing a !draw command would help to better lobbies, these lobbies that have been pretty bad for quite awhile.