Stats proposal

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Re: Stats proposal

Postby matdas » Mon Feb 11, 2013 10:40 pm

But also, if you don't like stats, you can just host a game with our public-use bots which don't record stats or ELO as far as I know. That way you can get the experience you desire and the people that like getting stats for others to see can play the way they desire.

I like stats, but the way they are used now is out of control. They dictate what teams people change to, cause rage/flame wars.

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Re: Stats proposal

Postby Nz.Death » Mon Feb 11, 2013 11:02 pm

Ok say if you play dota, And your stats are something like 1300elo 7kills per game 3 deaths and a 87% win rate. Here is an example why stats my be good for everyone to see.

Your the 1st person in the game, Then 4 people join and stay on your team , But they are all 400-500 elo 1 kill per game and 9 deaths and a 15% win rate.

Then 5 join the other team and they are all 1900 elo 10 kills per game and 1 death and a 95% win rate.

1st of all would you say bot had stacked? (no they just joined and managed to be on the same team).
would you still play knowing that you have no chance to win? (no. because you can see all stats and you no that u have about a 0.4% chance of winning.
and as for this
NutzSucksHard wrote:If we start making it not visible. I will troll all day and not f*ckin care about not doing it serious. Cause I've got nothing to lose. NoBody will see my bad game and stuff. Nutz-

You took this the wrong way, Nutz meant that if stats werent visible then people could just troll all day because no one can see their stats and see if the feed every game 0-20 kind of thing.

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Re: Stats proposal

Postby matdas » Mon Feb 11, 2013 11:06 pm

Nz.Death wrote:Ok say if you play dota, And your stats are something like 1300elo 7kills per game 3 deaths and a 87% win rate. Here is an example why stats my be good for everyone to see.

Your the 1st person in the game, Then 4 people join and stay on your team , But they are all 400-500 elo 1 kill per game and 9 deaths and a 15% win rate.

Then 5 join the other team and they are all 1900 elo 10 kills per game and 1 death and a 95% win rate.

1st of all would you say bot had stacked? (no they just joined and managed to be on the same team).
would you still play knowing that you have no chance to win? (no. because you can see all stats and you no that u have about a 0.4% chance of winning.
and as for this

That's the hole point. The only time !stats should work are in-game or look it up on the forums. In lobby, the stats should not be allowed. Stat's can still be seen in-game, just not lobby.

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Re: Stats proposal

Postby Nz.Death » Mon Feb 11, 2013 11:17 pm

The comment i made before about 400 elo players and no chance to win, If you couldnt see the stats in the lobby but start the game and see that, Youll have people that just leave.

And hiding stats isnt the best thing either, I play with 4 other people sometimes and it wouldnt be fair to other players if the had to wait till the got into the game to see that our avg is around 1400 elo. People leave of !ff within 5 minutes and it ruins the game for the other players on their team.

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Re: Stats proposal

Postby cyberpunk » Mon Feb 11, 2013 11:27 pm

teller55 wrote:others they like stats to show to other people, not just personal achievement.
Always there's another way to check.

I think the bot should show only your stats because ppl are using the !stats nickname command to check if they got are a good team otherwise they leave.

Just want to remember I had to remove an admin cuz he was using !sd + !kick to players with a bad elo/stats.

I think uak could change it just to do a test.
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Re: Stats proposal

Postby NutzSucksHard » Tue Feb 12, 2013 12:20 am

Thats an isolate case (admin abusing). We're talking about all time. If people wanna leave game, they just gotta do, there's an anti-rejoin builded. And I tested it. Till the Ent7 bot ban me for a day for joining none-stop. Yes I tested :). But, I got banned only on the ent7. All other was ok to join. So, these people will not be able to rejoin often. Plus, sometime people leave ''stacked'' and then better people join, and the ''stacked team'' start to leave. This is funny. So, like uak said, play a-bal, they are made for this, balancing game. Techinically, this is what you want, none stacked team. There you go. You're telling ''stats'' is the reason of stack. True. Still, in A-bal, whatever are your stats, team will be the most possible balanced. ''counter the stack'' even if you swap team, in the end, they shuffle player to balance the Elo.


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Re: Stats proposal

Postby uakf.b » Tue Feb 12, 2013 12:24 am

Yeah this doesn't solve the problem where a bunch of friends stack the game in their favor.
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Re: Stats proposal

Postby NutzSucksHard » Tue Feb 12, 2013 12:28 am

Friend stack noob team too. Most of the time, it's clan and tournement team stack that are hard to play against Just leave and wait for the next. :)

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Re: Stats proposal

Postby teller55 » Tue Feb 12, 2013 1:21 am

If people feel they are "too good" to play newer players, who cares if they leave the game? If higher ranked players don't play with lower ranked ones, they will never get better and always have low stats. The mindset of players need to change, disabling this command isn't going help, they will just leave in game if their team is acting like new players.

If higher ranked players didn't take me in and teach me in Swat, I wouldn't be ranked 5th in the game.

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Re: Stats proposal

Postby matdas » Tue Feb 12, 2013 1:52 am

Figured everyone and their grandmother would be against this.

I feel that ent has really fallen below par. I guess every one of you like to play "stomped" games. Guess there goes all the fun in ent. Have fun with less fun games.

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Re: Stats proposal

Postby NutzSucksHard » Tue Feb 12, 2013 2:26 am

matdas wrote:Figured everyone and their grandmother would be against this.

I feel that ent has really fallen below par. I guess every one of you like to play "stomped" games. Guess there goes all the fun in ent. Have fun with less fun games.
If you don't like our mind, way to show stats, why do you still play on EnT? Why do you still play to game? Cause in any, there's stats. BattleField 3/NHL/NFL/NBA/Wc3 etc etc. In WoW it's level, yes, it's a part of stats. There's stats everywhere in video games. Only thing as stats that his personal, his campaign mode. Carrer mode etc. Once you get online, there's ranking, stats, and everyone saw them.

Personnaly, I'm loving ent for more then only the stack/stats part? The communities, tourney, players, variety of games. If stats is the thing that destroy your pleasure, it take not much to do. As teller said, you need to defeat better player to become better. :)


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Re: Stats proposal

Postby uakf.b » Tue Feb 12, 2013 2:41 am

That's the hole point. The only time !stats should work are in-game or look it up on the forums. In lobby, the stats should not be allowed. Stat's can still be seen in-game, just not lobby.

This doesn't accomplish anything, it just makes it a tad bit harder for people to check each other's stats. It's not like alt-tabbing and searching up usernames on the stats website is that difficult anyway.

Even if public stats was taken away completely, players still remember others that they played with (especially if they were really good or really bad).

I feel that stats were only meant for personal stats, not for every player in the world to see it and move to the "better" team

Stats weren't meant for anything in particular. Statistics in general were made to better interpret data and stats on ENT were made to add another cool feature.

ELO rankings give every player a choice: they can ignore them, try to use them to balance out the game, or try to use them to stack the game. If they ignore them, then fine. If they balance the game, that's great! If they stack the game, then it's a boring game for everyone and they wasted an hour playing because of their decision; oh, and they also barely get any ELO in return.

Logically, most players would choose to try to balance out the game (this is assuming most players are logical of course :). (Case in point: if I see a stacked team on Battleships, usually I go to the opposite team.) Auto-balanced games force this balancing. For maps other than DotA, though, the auto-balancing system may have to be rethought (creating another lobby just for auto-balanced games may be excessive if there's not enough players in the community for the map). A channel bot to create balanced games might work (basically taking the same script that was used to run EIHL), although I doubt many players would use it because it'd be more complicated than just joining something on

The whole point of stats was to track PERSONAL records. Not to become a tool in choosing what teams to be on. You forget that. I bet you stack your teams with your powers since you are defending this so hard.

If a player uses stats to choose their team based on trying to balance out ELO, then that's good. And there was not any "whole point of stats".

Above all, stats give players (and the bot itself in the case of auto-balancing) the opportunity to make smart judgements. If a bunch of friends stack their team, then others can see that they're stacking and leave the game. The real problem is people sometimes are forgetting or missing that fun games happen when both teams are balanced, not when you win against relatively inexperienced players. Many others don't forget/miss this though. And if you remind others and also always try to balance out the game, then everything will be better even without auto-balanced games.

Just want to remember I had to remove an admin cuz he was using !sd + !kick to players with a bad elo/stats.

That only shows he was one of the irrational type of players who wants to make the game worse for not only the other team but also themselves. But if you're in lobby with such a player and you say that the game will be more fun if balanced then I think they will be okay with trying to balance it...

I guess every one of you like to play "stomped" games. Guess there goes all the fun in ent. Have fun with less fun games.

This suggestion has been open for less than 24 hours. Not sure why you're getting upset, did you think your posting a suggestion would instantly remove stats? Any big change needs discussion. I mean obviously you should continue to argue whatever you think after reading the replies, everyone's mind here can be changed. Just that so far I am unconvinced that removing stats will be good.
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Re: Stats proposal

Postby teller55 » Tue Feb 12, 2013 3:01 am

matdas wrote:Figured everyone and their grandmother would be against this.

I feel that ent has really fallen below par. I guess every one of you like to play "stomped" games. Guess there goes all the fun in ent. Have fun with less fun games.
Just as an FYI, I've never played DotA and never intend to, so...all this hate is really unwarrented. Also like uakf.b said, this really hasn't been open long enough for discussion to enact a major change that changes everything ENT hosting is about...

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Re: Stats proposal

Postby uakf.b » Tue Feb 12, 2013 3:03 am

Just as an FYI, I've never played DotA and never intend to, so...all this hate is really unwarrented.

This is about every game that has stats tracking, not just about DotA (I didn't think it was about DotA at all actually, since we do have auto-balanced games for DotA that work well already).
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Re: Stats proposal

Postby teller55 » Tue Feb 12, 2013 3:08 am

uakf.b wrote:
Just as an FYI, I've never played DotA and never intend to, so...all this hate is really unwarrented.

This is about every game that has stats tracking, not just about DotA (I didn't think it was about DotA at all actually, since we do have auto-balanced games for DotA that work well already).
Okay then I don't play DotA, Legion, CF, treetag, civwars and bships. :P

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