LTD HR elo requirement

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Re: LTD HR elo requirement

Postby uakf.b » Sat Apr 20, 2013 3:15 pm

Ok, I'm going to go ahead and set it up. Probably will be called something like LIHL. Come to web chat to make clan later. Probably will be on USEast though...
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Re: LTD HR elo requirement

Postby BeepBoopBeep » Sat Apr 20, 2013 7:18 pm

uakf.b wrote:Ok, I'm going to go ahead and set it up. Probably will be called something like LIHL. Come to web chat to make clan later. Probably will be on USEast though...

This will be a USEast only thing? not global? i have no problem with this as i already play on east, but many people that make HR active today, are from europe, asia and west also. How can we combat this if they are not wanting to move to useast from there original realm?

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Re: LTD HR elo requirement

Postby uakf.b » Sat Apr 20, 2013 9:09 pm

Idea of being on same realm is so that users can talk to each other and see who's online and stuff, if they're on different realms then everything becomes harder, especially when you're trying to get a game going in a small in-house league.
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Re: LTD HR elo requirement

Postby iightfyre » Sun Apr 21, 2013 1:30 am

So.. can we maybe revisit the ELO requirement being upped to 1300 for HR ? This way we can have the HR bot operating at a better level as we try to play around with the in house league and start the buzz going on that!

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Re: LTD HR elo requirement

Postby xMilena » Sun Apr 21, 2013 2:38 am

!support !support !support this.
The majority of players who use the HR bot (from my experience) are all 1700+ ELO. Honestly I even think 1300 is still too low for something that is supposed to be high ranked (considering the average player seems to be around 1250 ELO these days), but I won't get greedy with the suggestions. Though an in house league sounds cool, as Beep mentioned, most of the HR games played compromise of East and Europe players. Having already switched from West to Euro once I really wouldn't want to do it AGAIN just to play IHL. The HR bot has been quite easy for Europe and East players to get in contact and to play on together because we will just bump into eachother in public games and say "Go HR?" and it's done. The only this that makes HR annoying at times is when we are short a player and someone with the bare minimum ELO joins, as someone else mentioned, which gives whichever teams get them the automatic disadvantage (in most cases) :(

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Re: LTD HR elo requirement

Postby eldryan » Sun Apr 21, 2013 2:31 pm

I don't support this change. A lot of players are better with lower ELOs then some of the smurfed up 2ks lol. obviously, there are good higher ELOs, but ELO is inaccurate measure after a certain point.

For IN-House, IMO it'd be better to admit all who fulfill certain criteria. It's kind of annoying to see less skilled and less high ELO players get into leagues while better + higher ELO less-liked players don't.

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Re: LTD HR elo requirement

Postby HateLose » Mon Apr 22, 2013 9:35 pm


I support this 100%. Please raise the elo requirements for the HR bot. I've had a few games in HR where I got the 1100-1200 elo player and would suffer due to their lack of knowledge in tower builds. In-house would be sweet if you can somehow come up with that. It's always fun playing vs all skilled players.

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Re: LTD HR elo requirement

Postby soshka » Mon Apr 22, 2013 10:38 pm

HateLose wrote:!support

I support this 100%. Please raise the elo requirements for the HR bot. I've had a few games in HR where I got the 1100-1200 elo player and would suffer due to their lack of knowledge in tower builds. In-house would be sweet if you can somehow come up with that. It's always fun playing vs all skilled players.

I do not.
I could maybe go up 100 ELO in a win streak. But it is so much easier too loose ur ELO.
I have climbed up too 1200 ELO in DoTA and LTDM with effort. But now, after this effort. I would want to start playing casual with noobs & in unbalanced games und such. But even though im winning games and such, Im steadily loosing ELO and I even drop under 1000 ELO several times. I read that there is extra ELO in games with noobs to compensate for the chaotic leave ratio of noobs. This has surely helped my ELO rating. I think the ELO rating is too chaotic, if there is any1 with high ELO he did not get that ELO by himself.

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Re: LTD HR elo requirement

Postby supersexyy » Tue Apr 23, 2013 6:34 am

I agree. Playing with players under 1300 is a real challenge.

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Re: LTD HR elo requirement

Postby uakf.b » Tue Apr 23, 2013 4:32 pm

Should be updated to 1300 now.
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Re: LTD HR elo requirement

Postby iightfyre » Sun Apr 28, 2013 7:12 am

ty :D

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Re: LTD HR elo requirement

Postby teller55 » Tue Apr 30, 2013 3:31 am

Was updated and Ent's Legion TD In-House League was started. Get Vouched Today! viewforum.php?f=73

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