[DOTA] Allowable and Unallowable Dota Strategies
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 12:41 am
I recently found out that the Syllabear "Bear Only" strategy is not allowed on Ent. It was not covered in the Ent Wiki Rules page and I'm wondering what other strategies are also not allowed. But more so after a discussion with one of the moderators on the reason behind why "Bear Only" strategy was not allowed, I think it would be great to have a topic discussion on why certain strategies are allowed or not.
I'll start by discussing a few I know of that are .... "controversial." Feel absolutely free to give your point of view and also add more strategies you are aware of that should or shouldn't be allowed.
Syllabear "Bear Only" Strategy:
So I was informed that this strategy is not allowed because some claim that pro players can easily counter the bear and in lategame it becomes ineffective. So this is considered game ruining b/c your hero is actually low leveled. However, I strongly disagree with this "being the reason." Don't misunderstand me. I'm not agreeing or disagreeing whether this strategy should be banned, I was just surprised this was the reason. I tend to think the reason this is banned is because people don't like playing "against" this strategy since it is nontraditional and can be frustrating. However, I have never really had any issue with this strategy being "obsolete" in lategame. I think it really is depending on the person playing the bear.
First of all, any hero can be countered if you know how. So saying that this bear strategy can be countered itself is not a strong argument. Secondly, any hero can become obsolete lategame if you do not build him with the right items. So if the bear becomes ineffective lategame at 40 mins, that is not really a good reason. I've mentioned in a discussion that most "Axe" heroes become obsolete in 30 mins b/c of the common build. In fact, most Int support heroes become obsolete mid to lategame, leaving the "carries" to do their job... which is carrying. Bear Only strategy is not a "carry" strategy, it is a support / pusher strategy, not that different than furion or broodmother. It will run out of steam lategame, but item knowledge makes up for it, just like any other support hero.
You have 6 slots and the most obvious is BoT, radiance, and dagon for the kill. The other 3 slots are up for grabs depending on the game. If there are invisibles or AOE heroes, then the Book of Necro is the best 4th item. If the bear is facing harassment, blademail is a good 4th item. But finally the last item... you can go guinsoo or shiva, both are support items that can benefit the bear greatly and help support in combat. So put that in perspective with other Int support heroes at 40 mins, this bear is still a semi tank, a pusher, and a full support. He is definitely not obsolete.
However, I am not disagreeing this build shouldn't be banned. I can understand he can be frustrating for the "opposing" team and people are not really use to dealing with him. However at the same time, thinking outside the box is how we evolve the game. Dealing with frustrating tactics forces us to adapt and come up with new strategies. For any annoying strategy in this game, there is always a counter.
What about other annoying nontraditional strategies? And where do we draw the line?
Arc Warden
I've seen it a couple of times, where Arc Warden gets 2-3 rapiers and then sits at fountain and using his clone to push and kill. This is really annoying. What do you think?
I love watching a pro Geo dominate and win, but I hate the ones that get BoT and they just spam push the lanes and never engage. If you end up on the opposing team without a real good counter, you're just chasing ghosts. Even if you have SB and/or Spectre, it is hard to keep up with him. Finally when you do kill him, he's so loaded with money he can just buy back. Should this strategy be banned?
Tinker / Furion
Tinker and Furion also uses the TP lane push strategies. Furion not so much lategame, but he can tp in and get lots of trees + Book of Necro, push and tp way. The real frustrating one is actually Tinker. A pro Tinker with linken sphere, guinsoo, BoT... and blink or forcestaff... he can own all the lanes and evade the enemy with ease. It is very frustrating to play against.
I've only seen this strategy once by a pro Invoker. We've seen Invokers get radiance and then becomes invisible all game, but this guy got the strategy down. With Linkens, Euls, radiance alone... he was staying invisible all game, lowering enemies down and them destroy them with his spells. Our stunners can't do anything b/c of his linkens and euls, he just harass and escapes until we're weak and then take us out. It is a brilliant strategy, but should it be banned?
But of course if we are going to ban one unconventional strategy b/c it annoys us.... then where is the line drawn? What are allowed and what shouldn't? It becomes a slippery slope. Axe and LC cutting lanes? One of the most common annoying strategies.... Should we allow it?
What do you think?
I'll start by discussing a few I know of that are .... "controversial." Feel absolutely free to give your point of view and also add more strategies you are aware of that should or shouldn't be allowed.
Syllabear "Bear Only" Strategy:
So I was informed that this strategy is not allowed because some claim that pro players can easily counter the bear and in lategame it becomes ineffective. So this is considered game ruining b/c your hero is actually low leveled. However, I strongly disagree with this "being the reason." Don't misunderstand me. I'm not agreeing or disagreeing whether this strategy should be banned, I was just surprised this was the reason. I tend to think the reason this is banned is because people don't like playing "against" this strategy since it is nontraditional and can be frustrating. However, I have never really had any issue with this strategy being "obsolete" in lategame. I think it really is depending on the person playing the bear.
First of all, any hero can be countered if you know how. So saying that this bear strategy can be countered itself is not a strong argument. Secondly, any hero can become obsolete lategame if you do not build him with the right items. So if the bear becomes ineffective lategame at 40 mins, that is not really a good reason. I've mentioned in a discussion that most "Axe" heroes become obsolete in 30 mins b/c of the common build. In fact, most Int support heroes become obsolete mid to lategame, leaving the "carries" to do their job... which is carrying. Bear Only strategy is not a "carry" strategy, it is a support / pusher strategy, not that different than furion or broodmother. It will run out of steam lategame, but item knowledge makes up for it, just like any other support hero.
You have 6 slots and the most obvious is BoT, radiance, and dagon for the kill. The other 3 slots are up for grabs depending on the game. If there are invisibles or AOE heroes, then the Book of Necro is the best 4th item. If the bear is facing harassment, blademail is a good 4th item. But finally the last item... you can go guinsoo or shiva, both are support items that can benefit the bear greatly and help support in combat. So put that in perspective with other Int support heroes at 40 mins, this bear is still a semi tank, a pusher, and a full support. He is definitely not obsolete.
However, I am not disagreeing this build shouldn't be banned. I can understand he can be frustrating for the "opposing" team and people are not really use to dealing with him. However at the same time, thinking outside the box is how we evolve the game. Dealing with frustrating tactics forces us to adapt and come up with new strategies. For any annoying strategy in this game, there is always a counter.
What about other annoying nontraditional strategies? And where do we draw the line?
Arc Warden
I've seen it a couple of times, where Arc Warden gets 2-3 rapiers and then sits at fountain and using his clone to push and kill. This is really annoying. What do you think?
I love watching a pro Geo dominate and win, but I hate the ones that get BoT and they just spam push the lanes and never engage. If you end up on the opposing team without a real good counter, you're just chasing ghosts. Even if you have SB and/or Spectre, it is hard to keep up with him. Finally when you do kill him, he's so loaded with money he can just buy back. Should this strategy be banned?
Tinker / Furion
Tinker and Furion also uses the TP lane push strategies. Furion not so much lategame, but he can tp in and get lots of trees + Book of Necro, push and tp way. The real frustrating one is actually Tinker. A pro Tinker with linken sphere, guinsoo, BoT... and blink or forcestaff... he can own all the lanes and evade the enemy with ease. It is very frustrating to play against.
I've only seen this strategy once by a pro Invoker. We've seen Invokers get radiance and then becomes invisible all game, but this guy got the strategy down. With Linkens, Euls, radiance alone... he was staying invisible all game, lowering enemies down and them destroy them with his spells. Our stunners can't do anything b/c of his linkens and euls, he just harass and escapes until we're weak and then take us out. It is a brilliant strategy, but should it be banned?
But of course if we are going to ban one unconventional strategy b/c it annoys us.... then where is the line drawn? What are allowed and what shouldn't? It becomes a slippery slope. Axe and LC cutting lanes? One of the most common annoying strategies.... Should we allow it?
What do you think?