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Metastasis bot 2

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 11:53 pm
by Thorlar

Re: Metastasis bot 2

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 2:04 am
by HazarDous

Upload it on ent and give me the load code, thanks.

Re: Metastasis bot 2

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 5:21 pm
by Thorlar
Well,I must truly say I'm sorry for the trouble I put you through :( , but after I hosted a bunch of games I realized that an ENT autohost bot isn't the best when the playerbase isn't Huge... Furthermore,it will in no way be able to judge the ban-able stuff like a host would and act accordingly.

Even if I had submitted the latest version days ago,the bot would fill slowly and people would go afk while there

So, let me bother you no more with the bot, shut it down and let it focus on other maps :mrgreen:

The private hosting bots(and would like to give you a Huge thank you for that ability) are enough for metastasis since with steamgroup the host always announces,when a metastasis game is hosted :D

P.S. In many months from now I might request an ent authostbot when the community is doubled/tripled

Re: Metastasis bot 2

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 5:47 pm
by aRt)Y