Beginner games
Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 1:03 pm
Hello ENT community, first i would like to say that i really enjoy your games, but after playing certain number of LTD games, i realized a huge problem. As you know there are normal and 1200+ LTD games, but there isn't a game for complete beginners. Honestly i can't say that i'm experienced player, but 70% of my losses are duo to having 1 or 2 complete beginners that have no idea what towers do, don't know anything about game basics, nor do they read the chat so you can explain it to them. How much of an effort would be required to make another LTD Mega Beginner games for people that have less than 1050 ELO and less than 20 games?
I would really like to hear your oponion on this matter.
Best regards, Susanoooo
I would really like to hear your oponion on this matter.
Best regards, Susanoooo