I am one of the map editors of official M.Z.I maps & manager on our Official M.Z.I discord (link here https://discord.gg/jDABbku) and I'm posting this on behalf of ORIGINAL map creator ShinyPants (aka nicolas97p), and all of us from our community.
Some of our maps (M.Z.I Riverlands to be exact) has been stolen by an user that goes by Lions_Blood (has other accounts also, jibberjabber is one of them I believe) and when we confronted him about it, he denied all of it. ShinyPants tried to be cool about it, telling him if he wants to do work on his version of the map, at least use a different name but he just responded, something in lines of: "fuck you, I will take it over. Give up or I will crush you".
Here is part of the e-mail ShinyPants (aka nicolas97p) sent to LionsBlood:
Here is response from LionsBlood:
This is one of his earliest versions, where he clearly states that he himself is the map creator and that ShinyPants only helped (which he didn't, and he never shared the map with him):
In one of the latest versions. He's mocking map creator by referring him as "ShinyPanties" , when he clearly called him ShinyPants in his eariler releases (so he didn't misspell that), after we confronted him again:
Nowdays we can't even speak to him directly because he banned both me and Shiny. He's toxic,spreading false stories about the map origins and trashtalking the original maps, stating that his map is superior (on a side note, it's not, it's hugely unbalanced, confirmed by many players ^^).
He uploaded his maps on both ENT and MMH. While people who host on ENT, can see who is the original map uploader, so they know which versions are official and which they should host, this option is not visible on MMH. His maps usually have "Final" phrase in them, but ocasionally he leaves it out (MMH only), so we can't tell the original version from the hacked one.
I am asking you all of ENT staff, to remove all unofficial mapps from both ENT and MMH (if you can do it on MMH) and to IP ban the user from posting any maps in the future on both of these sites. We tried asking him nicely to use a different name and give proper credits, but he refused, acted rude & continued to trashtalk.
Here is a list of his known HACKED maps
If you want any further evidence I'll ask shinypants to give me entire mail conversatons (i'm talking via phone with him right now) and we can also provide unprotected map versions for evidence of our triggers, spells, terrain etc..
Please resolve this in a short matter, as he's becoming more toxic and has lately been spreading his maps even more.