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New rule about LTD

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2017 9:33 am
by KiwiLeKiller
I think LTD needs a new explicit rule. I know it can fall under the refusing to cooperate rule, but it seems people do not understand it, it should go like this :

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Do not ignore a teammate, if you feel the need to do so, just report the said player after the game.

I think this rule is necessary for many obvious reasons.

I also think we should not even allow to ignore one teammate since it can already hinder gameplay and some people might just ignore someone from the start, without any real reason as we saw recently.

Furthermore, I think if you are to simply ignore someone from the start, you should either change team or go next game.

I am not sure if we should let some exception though, for instance if someone is spamming hardcore, etc. Since it might get abused. What you think?

Re: New rule about LTD

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2017 10:53 am
by Jabba41
This doesnt make any sense. If you ignore for no reason which leads to missing sends/solo sending etc. He can get reported for it.
There is flaming/spam/trash talk in many games, thats why we have ignore... even for people on the same team.

We wont forbit ignoring in general. Report if ignoring (for no reason) leads to rule violations.
