please for the love of dota1, do something about meepo. it could be anything..., even a 2 hour ban for using a specific meepo build would help. ive attempted countless strategies for countering, but unless you are with friends who are also picking counters and playing in complete synchronization, its futile. the fact is, 99% of ent dota apems are ruined and end within 20 minutes when someone with an hour of practice picks meepo. anyone on ent that actually plays pub apem without stacking 3 or 4 friends every game knows this.
i'll argue that every other hero pick, slark/lc/axe/etc. can be effectively countered and stopped by one good player,
but the meepo imbalance is out of hand:
-no cd BoT
-20% faster respawn time (wtf was the rationale for this even??? it just seems like an out of place arbitrary boost)
-skill sharing
-by level 4, poofing 400 magic damage to instantly wipe out creep waves for only 80 mana (lc and axe do not compete against this level of farm)
...the list goes on.
i'm sure a wise dota player will start lecturing about ways to counter meepo thru ember/sven/es/wyvern etc. but its all nonsense in games where the team coordination isn't top shape. as you stack with friends and boast about how easy it is to beat meepo, pub apems with lower level players are still being ruined left and right by one person picking meepo.
meepo ruin
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