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Lod Banned combos

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2017 3:06 am
by LordOFTheWinds
honestly i think its ridiculous to ban mechanichs that are included in the game such as rearm global tp.. i understand that some combos are basically uncounterables and it does ruin some games and if thats the case why not ban also one hit combos with slight of fist who literally cannot be blocked or blademailed back because of the invulnerable mechanichs of the hero while casting slight of fist. also why not ban ball relocate, or rearm mc def blast? why not just ban rearm altogether? i mean they did with glaives, why not just ban combining hero skills an just picking regular dota heroes? honestly i think you should just allow all builds including manabreak and rearm with flameguard (which btw its supposed to stack) anyways there are always games that are gonna be ruined by combos that have no counter on the other team's draft, but thats no reason to completely ban a combo entirely.. and its nobody's fault that nobody picks xmark to counter relocate builds and rearm x builds i mean you literally just use x back on them when they go back to fountain and they're stranded its not like the game has no counters. or just straight up bring back mirror mode and know when you have to counter a build or no

anyways this little rant was just to vent out my thoughts on the matter and hopefully consider some of the rule changes which to my opinion are ridiculous

Re: Lod Banned combos

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2017 3:28 am
by Panopticon

Re: Lod Banned combos

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2017 3:29 am
by Zeratul
Well ... Some of the combos you mentioned were banned recently per suggestion, viewtopic.php?f=43&t=117363 (rearm global tp, rearm phantasm, rearm X mark, etc.) - In the new patch, these combos no longer work, ergo why they were added to the bannable combo picks.

Rearm flameguard was added back then due to the stacking of spells -> can be revised (considering rearm razor ulti is not bannable - Imo both should be bannable as them stacking shoulnd't happen, it should refresh the spell, not stack it, but if the community deems it should be allowed, and ENT wants to follow it, it can be changed i guess)

Manabreak melee -> bannable due to burning twice the mana (and dealing twice the damage as well) - Not much you will accomplish here, this skill is bugged on melee and unless it changes, it won't become pick-able (at least for melee)

One hit combos and some others are counter-able: Requires strategy/teamwork, but not impossible to counter (same goes for rearm sanity eclipse for example); Relocate ball is counter-able as well (orchids, guinsoo, etc. - anything that silences it is more than enough for you to kill him once he relocates; if it's hard to stop? depending on drafts, it can be; If its impossible? Nope)

ENT only followed what the community suggested (and with what is currently not pick-able/bannable in the new version), same goes for the mirror mode (too much people complained of the new mode, so it ended up being reverted - personally i liked it, cause it allowed you to know what everyone had, and somehow "balanced" the game, cause you had a real chance of countering some builds, in case you noticed them)

Re: Lod Banned combos

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2017 3:44 am
by Sylvanas
unknownwarrior wrote:Rearm flameguard was added back then due to the stacking of spells -> can be revised (considering rearm razor ulti is not bannable - Imo both should be bannable as them stacking shoulnd't happen, it should refresh the spell, not stack it, but if the community deems it should be allowed, and ENT wants to follow it, it can be changed i guess)

Rearmed razor ult is supposed to stack. You can have a double ult up with refresher in regular dota.

Re: Lod Banned combos

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2017 4:02 am
by CheW

Flame guard was glitched because it stacked + refreshed timers for all stacks. If it was 20 seconds instead of adding another layer that would be 20 seconds long it would add another layer and reset all stacks to 20 seconds. IIRC it isn't glitched anymore, but I haven't tested it in a while.


The skill combos with rearm that were banned in the new map, by the mapmaker, were banned in our current map because we cannot host the new map. I don't think all the skills that were banned were op (Ball relocate or relocate nova is stronger than rearm sanity or rearm telport). Maybe in the future they can implement a voted mode that has rearm combos and we can bring back all the fun stuff.

Re: Lod Banned combos

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2017 6:27 am
by LordOFTheWinds
yeah i think they actually overbalanced the game, i get it shit like rearm mass wards and rearm roc were gamebreakers and moonglaives was just broken with some illusion builds (thank god i never got the pain of rearm phantasm moonglaives) but i think its a mechanic thats there and it should be there,

Re: Lod Banned combos

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2017 3:59 pm
by Panopticon
@CheW Maybe have arty add in an addendum to allow them in -rc mode (if such mode exists in the hosted map) as noted in the patch notes for the recent updated maps?

Re: Lod Banned combos

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2017 4:34 pm
by Burnt
Adding lobby votemode option is awaiting implementation. Maybe we can add a few modes there, including 1-skill mode where a certain skill can't be picked twice in 1 team - to avoid 5 mc wrath or 5 wolves :lol: .


Re: Lod Banned combos

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2017 2:12 am
by whiteicefire
wait so rearm eye of storm isnt banned? huh i thought it was

Re: Lod Banned combos

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2017 11:51 am
by aRt)Y
While ENT listens to the community, we dont ban spell combinations by popularity but rather evaluate each one whether it fits in a bug/glitch category or has been fixed by the devs.

Afaik, every glitch we banned just fall under either of these criteria.

In case you have more questions, @CheW seems competent enough to answer them.