Lod Banned combos
Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2017 3:06 am
honestly i think its ridiculous to ban mechanichs that are included in the game such as rearm global tp.. i understand that some combos are basically uncounterables and it does ruin some games and if thats the case why not ban also one hit combos with slight of fist who literally cannot be blocked or blademailed back because of the invulnerable mechanichs of the hero while casting slight of fist. also why not ban ball relocate, or rearm mc def blast? why not just ban rearm altogether? i mean they did with glaives, why not just ban combining hero skills an just picking regular dota heroes? honestly i think you should just allow all builds including manabreak and rearm with flameguard (which btw its supposed to stack) anyways there are always games that are gonna be ruined by combos that have no counter on the other team's draft, but thats no reason to completely ban a combo entirely.. and its nobody's fault that nobody picks xmark to counter relocate builds and rearm x builds i mean you literally just use x back on them when they go back to fountain and they're stranded its not like the game has no counters. or just straight up bring back mirror mode and know when you have to counter a build or no
anyways this little rant was just to vent out my thoughts on the matter and hopefully consider some of the rule changes which to my opinion are ridiculous
anyways this little rant was just to vent out my thoughts on the matter and hopefully consider some of the rule changes which to my opinion are ridiculous