Gaias Retaliation

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Gaias Retaliation

Postby DarXyde » Mon Sep 25, 2017 7:18 pm

Gaias Retaliation ORPG v1.2D(5)

Years have passed since the poison of Gaia sprung forth from the lands. Corrupted forests, inhospitable to all, have spread across the face of Kurodan, and borders have faded as all fled before the encroachment of the toxic spores. Ankhmaron, the last haven protected by the Grand River, has sent out messengers to gather volunteers for the task of finding a cure to the plague.
In a tavern close to the village Riversdale, a small group of adventurers have gathered, unknowing, that their search will turn out not to be just a race against time ...

Shapy: Terraining
muzzel: Jass
teh.fellow aka Playmo: Terraining, project leading
Zwiebelchen aka Todeszwiebel: Jass, object data, terraining, project leading


Link to map (or load code if it's on the public hosting bot): b39xm
Slot layout if applicable (for example, if some slots need to be closed): 6/6 for normal games, possible 5/6 for BlackFireDeep runs (special dungeon)
Number of players until autostart: 6 (is maximum)
Problems with map (like cheats and such), if any: Players should restart the game before joining, or risk desync
Why the map should be autohosted: Map is one of the few hosted projects on Hiveworkshop, has achieved a "Director`s Cut", has long term development that is still active, and a fairly large community with 2 dedicated discord channels.
Special notes: If you need more info about the map, read here... or even better, play the map and you will understand why it needs more coverage.

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Re: Gaias Retaliation

Postby ckooii » Mon Sep 25, 2017 7:26 pm

definitely needs to be autohosted, huge map that keepts being updated, and an active community

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Re: Gaias Retaliation

Postby aRt)Y » Wed Oct 11, 2017 5:50 pm

No public input, rejected.
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