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Votekick sugestion

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 9:21 am
Hello my dear friends, i have a ideea
I was in a lobby with some players and one man have no game played on ENT bot and nobody want to play with him in team
so leave and enter and leave and enter and leave again lobby i mean, so hard to start a game with a player who don't speak english and have 0 Legion games played.
So my ideea is to implement a command like !open so only red can !Open a slot if he want
Like !open 2 (blue color) or a better is !votekick and people can vote if want to kick a player even in lobby.
There is a command
In game lobby

!kick [name] kick a player (it tries to do a partial match)
I don't think it's working
It's a good ideea if people don't want someone in his team or it's low ELO you can do that :D

My compliments to you gentlemans

Re: Votekick sugestion

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 9:58 am
by FalenGa
Everyone is welcome on ENT's games. If you do not want to play with a particular user, you are free to leave the game and join the next one. However, you do not have the right to kick him. Which is why there is no such option in the lobby.

If a player is violating one of ENT's rules, like delaying the lobby by joining and leaving several times, you should report him. A moderator will review the report, and will act accordingly.

The !kick command doesn't work on public, autohosted games. It only works on private games, and only the host can use it.

Finally, ENT will not give such power to any individual simply because he joined the game first and got the Red color. Such power will be heavily abused. ENT's staff is an exception, as we go through a form of training, and have to prove ourselves before we receive said powers.

Plus, every action moderator take is recorded, and any form of abusive will not be tolerated or go unnoticed.

For the reasons mentioned above, this suggestion is denied. Thank you sharing your ideas with us, @CRONySHOR25 .