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About team balance (can work on another maps)

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 6:21 pm
by ekzekuciya
Take note of these messages too - viewtopic.php?f=64&t=123634
I have bad English, I translated this text via google translater
My idea is this:
- Make team balance (TB) in the games and put the command !votehold, if 3 players accepted then the game becomes without TB mode. (1p start another 3players agreed)
- Allow donators some commands: !swap, !hold. (if donator typed !hold 1, !hold 2, then red and blue gonna stay and another players change positions (TB)
1. Players who play with friends can play with friends via command !votehold, or buy premium acc for commands
2. Games will start faster
3. Elo hunters gonna hate and show how really they good. They will match their stats. (or buy premium and abuse ELO with strong players)
4. More donater for ENT
5. More balanced games, and its really interesting

Re: About team balance (can work on another maps)

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 6:40 pm
by Jabba41
Presse Check the suggestion archive.

and beside that we will never ever give in-game powers to donators. what you suggest would end in a horrible mess of abuse.

moved to suggestion archive