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Warrior Souls 2 - Autohost for Feedback

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 9:02 pm
by HeartCard
Jabba41 requested link to original suggestion :

Trying to get this map autohosted for a bit to build a community around it. I am the mapmaker, and I'm hoping a little exposure will help the map develop far faster.

Load Code : qbvzu
Slot layout : No slots need altering.
Number of players until autostart: 2
Problems with map any: No known exploits in VS. Single Player Practice mode can be buggy(shouldn't be an issue).
Why the map should be autohosted: With only two players it should be very easy to get games going even if nobody has heard of the map before. If people like it, then joining a new game that's autohosted only requires waiting on one other person to join.
Special notes:
This map is a 3D Fighter in the style of Soul Calibur/Tekken. It includes gravity&velocity physics for jumping&knockback,functional health bars&ring outs&wallhits, attacks that change based on the direction held, arrow key movement, guarding&crouching and functional hitboxes that change based on the character's current state.
It's a 1v1 fighter and the first to win 3 rounds will win the match.

There is only one playable character in VS, two outfits(change weight=change jump&knockback), and four weapons(change hurtboxes&damage&knockback). However there are already a total of 24 different moves, all custom-animated on a custom model.
If people like the map, I'd love to add more content to it. But since my internet is terrible, I'm not even sure how well it plays in VS right now.

There are two youtube videos showing off the game:
v0.8 Showcase for controls&basics
v1.0 Showing stages/Wall Hits/full hitboxes

Re: Warrior Souls 2 - Autohost for Feedback

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 9:13 pm
by Jabba41
Approved for a test period.

Re: Warrior Souls 2 - Autohost for Feedback

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2018 11:03 pm
by Jabba41
Denied, no ressources