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Please implement votekick reservation for Gproxy user
Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 5:46 pm
by Letbell
I would say gives user who had gproxy 30-45 seconds reservation before votekick can be use against them. I had games where my team has the advantage against the opposing team, but get votekick by both team even if gproxy was used.
Re: Please implement votekick reservation for Gproxy user
Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 7:12 pm
by HazarDous
There is no way for us to determine for how long someone has been lagging, so implementing such a rule would not be enforceable.
Re: Please implement votekick reservation for Gproxy user
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 12:54 am
by Letbell
I thought it's possible to implement a command something like...some sort of coding like this...
Code: Select all
char reserve;
char time;
time = 30;
{if users =! connect
then cout << 'reserve' << 'time' << '30 | 45' << endl;
There was a bot in RU where they does this kind of thing...but I'm not quite sure if you guys can implement it here.
It would be like having a automatic !reserved command in the game where if...
Code: Select all
char reserve;
char username;
char admin;
{if Burnt =! lobby
then cout << 'reserve' << username << admin << endl;
reserve = 1;
username == Burnt | BURNT;
admin = 1;
return 0;
PS: Maybe I phrase the suggestion in a weird way that it "required" a command to reserve someone.
What i meant is a automatic timer that automatically reserve G-proxy user approximately 30-45 sec before votekick can be used against them.
Re: Please implement votekick reservation for Gproxy user
Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 6:00 am
by HazarDous
For a votekick to be enforced, it would require >50% of votes, and therefore lagger's own team.
Given it is generally in the players' best interest not to kick players from the game, we must assume that cases wherein laggers are prematurely kicked are very rare. From experience, that is also the case. For that reason, we will not be implementing such a feature.
Thanks for the suggestion.