New Stat for account

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New Stat for account

Postby Hakuna » Sun Mar 11, 2018 5:44 pm

Just got to thinking how so many people who are 0/0 are smurfs and I wondered "is there another thing that could be added to indicate a person is not as new as they seem?"

So what do you think of this: Have a stat that shows how many times they've reset their elo. This could also include how many accounts they own, if that's something you guys track using cd keys or something. So for instance I've got something like 5 accounts (that I can recall) so my accounts would all have a /5 at the end. So would be something along the lines of Immortep w/l/r 191/256/5

What do you think? Has a way to track and display smurfing ever been considered before?
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Re: New Stat for account

Postby Dhamma » Sun Mar 11, 2018 6:45 pm

there is no way for ent to view or see cd keys.

there is a small possibility to be able to do it by ip, but it is not happening.

They won't do it.
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Re: New Stat for account

Postby EdgeOfChaos » Mon Mar 12, 2018 12:55 am

You could easily display how many times the account is reset as long as it's tracked, but most people don't reset their account to smurf, they just make a new one. So it wouldn't really tell you much.

And you can't detect how many accounts a person has.

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Re: New Stat for account

Postby pr0totype » Tue Mar 13, 2018 11:44 pm

The biggest issue with this one would be the privacy measures ENT prides itself on. It is the same reason why, when you ask for an alias from a moderator, they do not release that information. It is for the player to know what other accounts are in their possession. Sometimes they create a new account to Smurf or sometimes to go unknown so they are not harassed- just depends on the person.

I don't see there being an implementation for this suggestion.

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Re: New Stat for account

Postby aRt)Y » Wed Mar 14, 2018 12:38 pm

Suggestion denied (read all the posts as to why).
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