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The Fall of ENT

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 11:55 pm
by bobblack
The Fall of ENT
Postby bobblack ยป Sat Apr 14, 2018 7:27 pm
(post was removed wrong forum, reposted in Suggestons Forum)

With recent patch 1.29 ENT has been decreasing rapidly and may never recover from this.
There are just too many bugs and glitches , that WC3 community can no longer handle.

IF these main bugs are eventually fixed which hopefully will not be too late,
Then ENT must consider wiping all player stats. Everything that is being recorded
is just destroying the competitive environment. As a community we must move forward, not backwards.
and must have a fresh reboot.

If were able to successfully complete this, There might be still a chance for competitive growth.
All we can do is wait to see if these bots will be fixed. And we are running out of time.
Every day wasted is a handful of players Gone.

Re: The Fall of ENT

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2018 12:09 am
by FalenGa
Your post is not a suggestion. You are just being overdramatic and ignorant, while pointing out nothing new and providing no solution to the known issues.

ENT did not bring the new patch and all its bugs with it. ENT is not responsible for fixing those bugs. You are confusing ENT with Blizzard. ENT provides free hosting services on Warcraft 3.

Blizzard has announced they are working on those bugs. Feel free to contact them for further questions.