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Island Defense Rules Update

Posted: Wed May 09, 2018 6:26 pm
by Merex
Rule updates for Island Defense. ... ng:IDRules

-Titan/Builder Stalling-
Current entry:
  • Intentionally stalling a lost game as titan and wasting everyone's time for more than 10 mins.
    • The titan can be kicked if he does not kill a builder in 20 minutes time upon the condition that 60% of the builders alive agree to having the titan kicked.
    • Stalling is defined as titan and minions not being able to win or having no chance of killing any builders.

New entry/rule proposal:
  • Intentionally stalling the game as either titan or builder in order to frustrate and waste time of the other players is prohibited. What constitutes legitimate stalling with gameplay purpose will be decided on a case by case basis with moderator discretion.

After discussing with some of the staff, we feel this is a better interpretation for both builder and titan stalling alike.

-Builder Leaving-
New rule proposal:
  • Builders which have not yet died may not leave within the first 20 minutes, unless it has been explicitly stated by an observer that they are willing to take over your builder.

Builder leaving has been an increasing issue over the past months in ID.

-Titan Leaving-
Current entry:
  • Titan may leave the game once he picked, asked in all chat if a builder wants to take over (via -titan) and received a response.
    • Leaving as titan late in the countdown causing the game to glitch and start without a titan is bannable.
    • Trolling to take over via fake -titan or lying will result in a ban for the builder and not the titan.
  • Titan may leave after 10 minutes of game (time must be noted from when titan spawns (GP timer starts)).

New entry proposal:
  • Titan may not leave within the first 20 minutes of spawning, unless Titan has picked and it has been explicitly stated by a builder that they are willing to take over titan, or at least 3 builders have already left or become observer.

More clear interpretation of the rule, also included an extra 10 minutes of gameplay to sync with builder leaving.

-Item Stealing-
Current entry:
  • Item stealing.
    • If the player gave no contribution (Trapper = Damage dealer > unit blocker > slow/stunner > unit revealer (vision + eye of ocean)) to killing the chicken and/or minion, then he should not deserve the item and can be banned
    • If they take it and doesn't return the item to the player upon request of the item owner.
    • Does not apply to the titan who can -kick <colour> the minions.
    • The titan must ask the builders if anyone wants to take over and wait 20 seconds before committing suicide.

New entry proposal:
  • Item stealing.
    • If the player gave no contribution (Trapper = Damage dealer > unit blocker > slow/stunner > unit revealer (vision + eye of ocean)) to killing the chicken and/or minion, then he should not deserve the item and can be banned
    • If they take it and doesn't return the item to the player upon request of the item owner.
    • Does not apply to the titan who can -kick <colour> the minions.

Simple edit, just remove option 4 listed on the wiki. It's irrelevant to item stealing.

Feel free to Discuss any of the proposals mentioned. Most of them were discussed with various staff members before this was posted.

Special thanks to @Civiliznations for the phrasing behind the rule/entry proposals.

Re: Island Defense Rules Update

Posted: Wed May 09, 2018 6:33 pm
by h3_3
Hopefully this will stop leave trains when someone dies early. +1 from me!

Re: Island Defense Rules Update

Posted: Wed May 09, 2018 6:38 pm
by Kappa
As I helped create these suggestions, I definitely support them. The above changes were a response to problems heard/observed throughout the community, and I believe they will improve the quality of games.

Summary of Suggestions:
Builder leaving is now bannable before 20 minutes
Builder stalling is now bannable
Leaving requirements for Titan changed from 10 minutes to 20 minutes

Re: Island Defense Rules Update

Posted: Wed May 09, 2018 6:45 pm
by Ben_T
I support all of these changes. I have been pushing for these rules for a while and I helped with forming them with other staff members. I believe these changes will help increase the quality of games.

Re: Island Defense Rules Update

Posted: Wed May 09, 2018 7:24 pm
by e0e0e0e0
Reduce leave times to 15 min and it's all good :)

Re: Island Defense Rules Update

Posted: Wed May 09, 2018 8:04 pm
by Haunt
I agree with above. 20mins sounds excessive. 15 is better, we can always increase the timer more if needed.

Re: Island Defense Rules Update

Posted: Wed May 09, 2018 8:15 pm
by Panopticon
For Titan stalling, I believe it would be better to leave the votekick clauses in, or there'll be those players that'll argue that it's vk abuse when they get kicked specifically for stalling.

As for everything else, I wholeheartedly support.

We're finally getting somewhere with updating ID rules!

Re: Island Defense Rules Update

Posted: Wed May 09, 2018 8:18 pm
by chloebennet
20 minutes before Titan can leave is too long; in games where lobbies are good, some lesser experienced Titans may be tempted to 'stall' until they can legally leave. As others have said, 15 is much better suited as it won't feel such a chore to play through lobbies where Titan may not be able to do anything.

Other than that, good rules/changes.

Re: Island Defense Rules Update

Posted: Wed May 09, 2018 8:33 pm
by Panopticon
The other chief concern that a few other players have is what about those players that choose to go observer as an attempt to prevent the titan from potentially winning, especially over the course of multiple games in a row?

Re: Island Defense Rules Update

Posted: Wed May 09, 2018 8:59 pm
by Merex
Apoth wrote:The other chief concern that a few other players have is what about those players that choose to go observer as an attempt to prevent the titan from potentially winning, especially over the course of multiple games in a row?

Covered in our general rules.
EntGaming:Rules wrote:[...]2. Do not go away from keyboard for an excessive amount of time, especially without telling other players beforehand, and/or refuse to play the game in an attempt to ruin it. Neither are you allowed to grief by resetting the afk timer.

Re: Island Defense Rules Update

Posted: Wed May 09, 2018 9:02 pm
by Schnuts
Agree with all the changes and also !support for apoth's suggestion. I did foresee a possible issue with this rule however:
-Builder Leaving-
New rule proposal:
Builders which have not yet died may not leave within the first 20 minutes, unless it has been explicitly stated by an observer that they are willing to take over your builder.

Perhaps it is a good idea to add a bit of leniency to this? i.e 2+ games left in a row/multiple in a short time frame
Reason being is the strictness of this rule might prohibit the growth of ID if certain players (could name a few) were to abuse this a report on every instance of leaving..
Agree something needs to be done with the multiple builders leaving after an early kill etc. Changing it to 2 or 3 games i feel would eliminate this and still get the message of 'leaving as builder = not okay' across

Re: Island Defense Rules Update

Posted: Wed May 09, 2018 9:40 pm
by confirm-okt
I'm okay with these changes as long as there's some leniency (warning system) like Schnuts has mentioned. I would also like to see certain rules change or be removed entirely (stalling) as they get addressed through in game design, but these should do fine for now imo

Re: Island Defense Rules Update

Posted: Wed May 09, 2018 9:47 pm
by Jabba41
I'm highly against your idea @schnuts I don't like to implement a rule which can only be enforced having multiple games/replays. It's not clear.

Re: Island Defense Rules Update

Posted: Wed May 09, 2018 9:53 pm
by Schnuts
then expect to see problems if (and more likely) when people start to abuse it

edit: I should add i understand this and how it would create more work for mods
I'm highly against your idea @schnuts I don't like to implement a rule which can only be enforced having multiple games/replays

regardless i have to stand by my original point.

Re: Island Defense Rules Update

Posted: Wed May 09, 2018 9:57 pm
by Remixer
Seems pretty solid changes to me. Got my approval. Addition to the builder leaving rule could be made to make it more clear. For example in a scenario where there is marginal chance for the builders to survive (for example at 10.00 minute mark the Titan has 4 minions and is way ahead), all remaining builders (in my opinion) could "surrender" by leaving - as just running around supposedly even trying to survive is quite close to stalling in such scenarios. Such scenarios and the permit to leave in such scenarios should be also included (mentioned) in the Builder leave rule just to clarify. Note this also applies to Titan leaving when he has no chance to win (or extremely minor chance) as in such scenarios the Titan is just adding more length to a game that has a clear outcome.

I'm pretty much on the same line with Schnuts about the severity. Every one has to leave a game suddenly from time to time and they shouldn't be banned right away for a single time, but then again I understand the struggle to keep track of the times every individual leaves a game.